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Jul 17 28 tweets 5 min read
🧵 𝐈𝐬𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐃𝐅 𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐩: 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 -> Image An interactive evacuation zone map, touted by the Israeli military as an innovation in humanitarian process, was revealed to rely on a subset of an internal Israeli military intelligence database. The US-based software developer who revealed the careless error has determined ->
Jul 16 4 tweets 4 min read
🧵Major. Mikito Shoshan from the 901 division

Last Oct he sent a message in English to what he called “Pagans of Gaza”:

“Residents of Gaza… your home will be demolished. Anyone left in Gaza when we will get there will die. Gaza is our territory now. Leave or die.” ->>
He also sent a message to residents of Gaza calling them “dogs” and other animals and vowing to k*ll them
Jul 13 4 tweets 1 min read

The Israeli military carpet bombed an area in the alleged designated-Humanitarian zone in Mawasi.

100s btw killed and injured. Bodies are torn to pieces Locals report 120 bodies extracted
Jul 7 5 tweets 3 min read
Colonel Yaron Buganim, a senior commander in the IDF and graduate of Israel’s Command and Staff Military College

Calls to “Erase Gaza”, “Hell on Gaza and Hell on Rafah”, “Gaza = Hiroshima”, “Erase Gaza from the maps”, replying to the ICJ: “Happy Hague.. we decide not them” (1/3)
Image Related to Lebanon.

He also asserts that the IDF's initial action will be to erasing Beirut. He writes that in Hebrew. In another statement, he vows for flattening Lebanon, akin to what was done in Gaza.
Jul 4 5 tweets 2 min read
Israeli soldier Ido Levi, 601st Combat Engineering Battalion currently in Rafah.

December. Blowing up a school. He comments “"Until nothing remains of you" ->

Back in Nov blowing up a mosque.

He comments: “There once was a mosque”
Jul 4 11 tweets 10 min read
🧵Read this thread !

“All people of Gaza..will pay the most painful price on earth”, “Gaza will be wiped out”, “Amalek!”

Major. Ilan Arad was the spox for the Israeli airforce & is currently a military commander who is fighting at the frontlines at the Northern Nahal Brigade ->
Image On a post from his personal facebook account back in 25 of march he writes:

I admit I'm a bit shocked after reading this week that an international initiative is supposed to build a seaport in Gaza with Qatari funding, all while completely ignoring Israel's wishes or consent.

In other words, the hypocritical world thinks it’s going to give the Gazan monsters a kind of "reward" for their sexual crimes, beheadings, and murders by building them a new seaport... truly moving...

So no, dear friends, forget about this perverted nightmare. Some of the leaders of the world’s leading countries have simply lost their direction... And for those who have already forgotten, I’d like to remind you of the reason for Israel and its army’s actions in the Gaza Strip...

On October 7, 2023, the people of the Gaza Strip committed the most horrific crimes against Israel ever carried out against human beings since the dawn of history... In international law, this is defined as a "crime against humanity"...

As of now, Israel's punishment for this unforgivable crime is the killing of a few tens of thousands of the cursed criminals and the expulsion of the people of the strip from their homes, beginning the transformation of the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory.

Anyone who thinks that any Arabic-speaking regime will rule in the Gaza Strip again is completely mistaken. Woe to us if anyone imagines that such a delusion will indeed occur.

To me, building a seaport for the Gazans after the crimes of October 7 is like establishing a martial arts school for Al-Qaeda at "Ground Zero" in Manhattan tomorrow, or setting up a research institute in Hiroshima to improve the efficiency of atomic bombs, or simply opening a German Luftwaffe museum in London with statues of Nazi squadron commanders who dropped napalm bombs on the city during the Battle of Britain...

How wrong, erroneous, and unwise can the human mind act?

How much longer can we endure the insane delusions of various world leaders who still think Israel is a vassal state operated by strings in a puppet theater?

Until when will we continue to nod submissively as if we were a convoy of Jews with yellow Stars of David being led to the crematoria?

And one more small thing for those who don’t quite remember:
The same Qataris who dream of building a seaport in Gaza also helped fund the construction of the "Doha" soccer stadium in the city of Sakhnin (named after the capital of Qatar) a few years ago.

Yes, the same stadium from which boos were hurled at the soccer player Menashe Zalka, and the national anthem was mocked...

If we had a bit of national pride, that stadium would have been closed on the same day after such an event... But in Israel, which tends to coddle its enemies, I realize this is an excessive demand on my part...

It is important for the world to understand:

The crimes of October 7 by the Gazans will be met with a cruel, bloody, deadly, decisive, uncompromising, and merciless Israeli iron fist.

All the people of Gaza, whether they committed the atrocities or cheered for the rapists and murderers in the streets of the strip, will pay the most painful price on earth.

No international seaport funded by foreign aid will be built in Gaza, and no humanitarian aid will be extended to the sons of Satan who initiated, supported, carried out, and cheered the monsters of Satan on the darkest day that has befallen our people to date.

The fate of the Gazan sons of Satan is sealed and will be carried out like the judgment on the Nazis and their aides, and as part of the punishment, the city of Gaza will be destroyed to its foundations, and the Gaza Strip will become forever Israeli.

And if anyone still harbors feelings of compassion for the Gazan monsters, they are welcome to re-watch the horror video produced by the IDF spokesperson, clearly documenting the horrific crimes as they were carried out in real-time.

Am Yisrael Chai (The people of Israel live).Image
Jul 2 7 tweets 11 min read
🧵Meet Assaf Malach, head of the Jewish Statesmanship Center, which, per Haaretz, trains over 30 Israeli military commanders to “cultivate their Zionism in IDF’s discourse & operations”

A genocidal freak. See the Zionism he aims to cultivate in his posts -> Image “Gaza, which has turned itself into Sodom, will not be sown, will not sprout, and no grass will grow there. The ruins of Gaza will testify for generations to the despicable evil that grew in this city, that distorted the name of Allah, and extinguished the humanity in man beyond repair.

In his 31 October post:

Destroying the city of Gaza.
Maybe now it's clearer what that means:
The length of the strip: approximately 40 km.
The northern third includes Gaza, which is the main city of the strip and also the center of Hamas terror, with about 700,000 inhabitants (formerly). Additionally, there are the towns of Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahiya and the Jabalya refugee camp. In total, about one million residents, which is about half of the strip's population.
Most of this population has already migrated south from Gaza city according to the IDF's call to evacuate the area during the fighting. The southern areas contain empty lands where they will settle in temporary or permanent residences. Israel must ensure that the northern third of the strip remains uninhabited and uninhabitable for the foreseeable future.
Why specifically this way?
The calls to return Jewish settlement to the Gaza Strip at this time are far from a consensus among Israelis and members of the security cabinet, and therefore are not a realistic plan for action but rather a kind of dream or expression of a distant vision.
The proposals to transfer populations to Egypt or a third country, particularly the refugee camp populations who have never seen themselves as permanent residents of the strip, are very worthy suggestions. However, their implementation does not depend solely on Israel, and victory in the war we currently need cannot hinge on their acceptance by the U.S., Egypt, and other involved countries.
In contrast, the irreversible destruction of Gaza city is a plan closer to reality, taking just one step further from what has already been done. Therefore, its promotion is relatively simple and fits well with the following three understandings that, unfortunately, have been ingrained in Israeli public consciousness the hard way.
1. Hamas, as the local version of Jihadist Islam, must suffer a decisive defeat in its own terms. Only the loss of territory, which it considers Waqf land that must be under Muslim control, will be considered a real price for the crimes it committed. Only the fear of another such loss allows it, in its distorted religious language, to postpone the next Jihad.
2. All the neighbors are watching now to see the political outcome of the operation. From the West Bank Arabs to Hezbollah and Jihadist groups in Syria, to Iran, they must internalize the high price of initiating a confrontation with Israel. Only an unexpected price in the hard currency of territory, a price with a clear and glaring visual aspect, can restore the deterrence that we so desperately need at this time.
3. The way to prevent the collapse of Israel's rapprochement process with Saudi Arabia is through a response of the proposed type, which is unequivocal and understood in the Middle Eastern language. The willingness of the Saudis for normalization, as a key to Indonesia, Malaysia, and other Muslim countries that were already at the doorstep, lies in their understanding of Israel's strength as a counterweight to Iran. Eliminating Hamas rule and transferring control to the Palestinian Authority will certainly not have this effect.
And beyond all this, poetic justice looms. Gaza, which has turned itself into Sodom, will not be sown, will not sprout, and no grass will grow there. The ruins of Gaza will testify for generations to the despicable evil that grew in this city, that distorted the name of Allah, and extinguished the humanity in man beyond repair.”Image
Jun 29 14 tweets 3 min read
3 months into office, here's a glimpse of the Palestinian Health Ministry's activities in Gaza, as per my interview with health minister Majed Abo Ramdan:

-> A policy change: Previously, under ex-health minister May Kilah, there was an active representative office in Gaza (1/8) Image -> The office, led by Dr. Fathi Aboworda, was tasked with coordinating Gaza's logistical health team needs with the PA in Ramallah and compiling data on casualties and death tolls since the onset of the war (2/8)
Jun 25 4 tweets 1 min read
First Publication:

As part of an Israeli plan for the day after in Gaza, an NGO coordinating with Israel offered to completely take over two main public hospitals: Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis and Aqsa Hospital in Deir Balah. The proposal included transferring (1/4) Image the hospitals' employees to the NGO, administrating the hospital and operate their facilities

In response, Gaza's health authorities counter-offered, expressing no objection to the principle but requesting that the NGO work under their supervision and coordination (2/4)
Jun 22 5 tweets 1 min read
Gaza city |

Two residential blocks were bombed one in Shati Refugee Camp and other in Tuffah Neighborhood.

Tens of casualties. Huge destruction Most of the dead bodies retrieved from Shati RC following the Israeli attack are women and children, updates the civil defense
Jun 21 4 tweets 2 min read
A while ago, I spoke with two families in Farsyya, including Abo Khairi. They reported that the security guard of the terror outpost of Rotem, arrived near their community and began harassing locals. He threatened Abo Khairi, stating he would burn their houses -> Image The JudeoNazi propogandist, creates a fake story with "a Jew was attacked”, displaying his propoganda while in fact the community is visibly in the background and shows the settler, named Didi, aggressively trying to break into it. The event was appropriately handled by locals
Jun 19 14 tweets 7 min read
🧵Dear [@CIJ_ICJ]

Israeli commander Lt. Colonel David Levi, from the Givati Bigade, which is one of the brigades fighting in Gaza is genocidal. He repeatedly called to wipe out Gaza, declare that there are no innocents there, and call Arabs “sons of Satan”. See by yourself ->>
The video above is from October 13.

This one is from 24 may where he calls all Arabs living in Gaza and West Bank “sons of Satan”
Jun 18 6 tweets 2 min read
🚨 The [@zeteo_news] documentary trailer is out, and even the brief clips are shocking. The trailer features interviews with soldiers that reveal some shocking details.

You must watch this! ->> “I walk with a feeling of superiority over Gaza. Who wouldn’t feel superior to them”
Jun 16 10 tweets 2 min read
🧵What is the role of the IDF’s spokesman?

Israel is going through a process of unmasking, and his statements are an attempt to halt this process and put the mask back on. As can be seen from earlier statements by the IDF, the IDF spokesman has no difficulty admitting -> that there have been several cases of what he calls ‘unacceptable conduct’ or ‘inapprop statements.’ Assuming that the spox will ‘deal with’ any war crime or genocidal declaration by a soldier is a naive perception. However, also assuming that he will deny or whitewash it is
Jun 13 7 tweets 5 min read
🧵Exclusive exposure:

Colonel Gur Rosenblat, Israel’s edu ministry deputy director & head of IDF’s northern infantry brigade. Reveals not only extreme genocidal posts & call to randomly bomb Gaza. He also admitts that Israel are targeting “various goals vaguely related to Hamas”
Image “A kind of second or third Nakba, like the previous ones, which bought us a few decades of peace.

In one of Col.Rosenblat posts he described previous Israeli military assaults on Gaza as ineffective in yielding security and proposed, quote, “We need to decide. Only the complete and final erasure of the city of Gaza, and the transfer of its residents to the southern part of the strip, reducing the area of the [Gaza] strip to just the southern part, can bring about some change, at least for several decades.” He added, “A kind of second or third Nakba, like the previous ones, which bought us a few decades of peace.” Rosenblat further explained, “The plan proposed by Knesset members to transfer the residents to other countries is also an important component of this solution, allowing a minority who do not share this ideology to start new lives elsewhere. Just as Sheikh Munis, on whose ruins Tel Aviv was established, and many other Arab settlements that were erased, so too must the city of Gaza be erased.”Image
Jun 12 18 tweets 6 min read
🧵IDF: “Most Moral Army in the World”

- They burned mosques
- They blew up mosques
- They cheered about blowing up mosques
- They took pictures of themselves burning mosques
- They burned Quran books
- They wrote anti-Islamic phrases on walls
- They desecrated mosque speakers -> - Blowing up mosques:
Jun 11 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵"Bc Hamas disguises as civilians"

Actually, it’s the IDF, not Hamas, that is intentionally dressing as civilians as a deliberate policy. For years, they disguised themselves as nurses, women, sheikhs & murdered people

Here they are in Nablus dressed as residents moving in -> The video was in Balata from June 13 and resulted in the murder of a civilian and shooting indiscriminately on other civilians .

Jun 10 6 tweets 2 min read
Some of the findings:

1. Children paraded in their underwear in Shujjaiya Neighborhood, Gaza city.

According to the soldier we interviewed, the children in this picture were kidnapped back to Israel.
Image 2. “[Prophet] Mohammed is Dead” anti-Islamic slogan chanted by extremists captioning a picture of Palestinians stripped to their underwear Image
Jun 9 9 tweets 6 min read
🧵 to [@CIJ_ICJ]

Major Asaf Fred, currently in Rafah & a commander in IDF’s 460 Brigade, admits to the destruction of IUG university in Gaza, a court & Rimal neighborhood without any military objectives. He also called for the destruction of Amalekite cities + “‘no good arabs”
Image On 24 of Nov he writes, while he is in Gaza:

“For those who fear the enemy population returning to the northern
Gaza Strip, don't worry, they have nowhere to return to.”

Full post:

“I've set a rule for myself not to engage in political topics during the war.
I have a very clear opinion on the agreement with Hamas, but I won't express it now.
I'll say just one thing:
The war is not over, and it won't end until Hamas is destroyed and the last hostage is returned.
I say this personally, as an officer (and a gentleman??), and a word to the wise is sufficient.
In the picture, the division forces' activity last night in Jabalia (picture from Arab sources). For those who fear the enemy population returning to the northern
Gaza Strip,
don't worry, they have nowhere to return to.”Image
Jun 9 10 tweets 5 min read
This shocking 🧵 reveals to [@CIJ_ICJ] Colonel Tsachi Fenton, a senior Israeli commander.

“Gaza will be hell”

Tsachi currently holds high-ranking position within special intelligence & combat unit during the war on Gaza & is responsible for central commanding roles in IDF ->
Image On October 9th he wrote a post where he vows to wipe out Gaza. Attaching a picture of a totally destroyed neighborhood in Gaza city and ending with “THIS IS HOW EVERY INCH OF GAZA AND LEBANON WILL LOOK.”

Full post:

When someone is unexpectedly struck with a sharp jab, it hurts them deeply. They may be momentarily disoriented, but then they pivot and deliver a fierce blow that knocks their opponent to the ground. In recent days, the State of Israel received a surprising and painful jab. But after moments of shock, the turning point arrives, and the painful blow lands squarely on the enemy. In the past few days, we've witnessed an amazing and resilient nation that, despite immense pain, organizes itself to assist both on the home front and on the front lines, in coordinated efforts and independently, in a manner that inspires admiration. From providing babysitters for young mothers left alone, distributing supplies to soldiers, arranging transportation across the country, endless food for soldiers everywhere, and many other astonishing initiatives. The IDF has swiftly and effectively mobilized troops and resources, both in regular service and reserves, facing significant challenges and deploying rapidly with tremendous force on all fronts. In every unit, there has been an overwhelming turnout of more than one hundred percent. Commanders are receiving countless requests from soldiers of all ages who simply want to come and fight or assist in any way needed. Many reservists have returned from abroad specifically to join their comrades in fighting the enemy. In times like these, the words of the song "Do not fear, Israel, do not fear, for a lion cub will roar, will you not fear?" ring true! As the prophet Amos says, "A lion has roared, who will not fear?" As the prophet Amos says. Israel, with the help of the Almighty against all the forces of evil and wickedness in all generations, they are a lion that no one can stand against! We have seen with our own eyes the determination, unity, readiness, and fighting spirit, and we know that Hamas and Hezbollah will soon see the gates of hell! We have the courage, the Lord by our side, our wonderful people, and our many faithful friends standing by us, and with the help of the Lord, we will fight until the decisive victory! The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace. - Tsachi Fenton in the photo: This is how every inch of Gaza and Lebanon will lookImage
Jun 7 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵Lt. Colonel Shmuel Yagodaev, a chief commander of an IDF unit:

On 10 Nov he writes : “To imprint notion of NAKBA 2 in their minds… Gaza returns to its state 56 years ago, where they are small, wounded, battered, busy burying their loved ones & above all, very frightened” ->>
Image Full post on 10 Nov:

“Everyone is concerned with the question of 'the day after.'
First of all, the plans for 'the day before' – is to win the war with a total victory, not close, not pretending, a total victory! To imprint the notion of Nakba 2 in their minds.
As for the question of 'the day after'? It should look like this: Gaza returns to its state from 56 years ago, where they are small, wounded, battered, busy burying their loved ones, and above all, very frightened❗️ There is a large and significant Jewish settlement throughout the strip, both lengthwise and across (all the settlements uprooted in the summer of 2005 are reestablished, and more...), and Gaza is annexed with a military administration over the rural areas, allowing each village/clan (what remains of them) to manage their civil lives independently (cantons) and massively encouraging emigration to anywhere they wish in the world. Under no scenario do we allow the Islamo-Nazis from Ramallah to control the strip.


In the pictures:
Gaza 1967,
Gush Katif 2025.”Image