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Mar 20, 7 tweets

Israel is surgically & methodically assassinating anyone that tries to ensure the safe distribution of aid in Gaza & prevent looting & chaos

In 72 hours, Israel killed 3 top police officials, 24 social workers, & a prominent tribal leader who all worked on securing aid convoys🧵

2\ At al-Shifa hospital, Israel executed Brig. Gen Fayeq al-Mabhouh right after he succeeded in securing the entry of 2 aid convoys all the way to the very North of Gaza without looting or chaos for the 1st time in over 160 days (in collaboration with community leaders & the UN)

3\ Israel then bombed & assassinated Colonel Raed Al-Banna & his entire family, the director of the police investigative unit in northern Gaza, right after he managed to ensure the fair & safe distribution of the aid trucks that made it to the north.

4\ Israel also bombed & assassinated LTC Mahmoud Al-Bayoumi, Director of the Nuseirat Police Station, who stopped the looting of aid trucks that passed through Nuseirat.

He was killed in a targeted airstrike on his car.

5\ Yesterday, Israel ambushed & bombed Amjad Hathat, the director of the Emergency Committee in Gaza city, along with 23 social workers & members of the committee as they awaited incoming aid trucks at the Kuwait square (the entry point of aid) to secure its entry & prevent chaos

6\ Israel also assassinated Mukhtar (clan/community leader) Ismail Al-Nono, the head of the Salah al-Din area, along with his wife & family b/c he refused to collaborate with Israel & was part of the efforts to secure the entry of aid & prevent looting.

7\ Today, Israel also assassinated Mukhtar (community leader) Jamal Al-Kahlot, the director of tribal committee in the northern regions of the Gaza Strip, along with his wife & family b/c the tribal leaders refused to collaborate with the IDF & were cooperating with local police

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