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Researcher. Video Clipper. Writer. Internet Frog.

Mar 26, 9 tweets

Diddy was "allegedly" running a honeypot blackmail operation just like Epstein and guess who was giving "legitimacy" to his operation. 🚨
Prince Harry.
The lawsuit alleges that Sean Combs has recordings of celebrities, music label executives, politicians, and athletes in compromising positions and he had HIDDEN CAMERAS in every single room.

This is how you know Diddy was working as a Jeffrey Epstein type for the cabal.

The Diddy scandal continues to expand and red-pill the world.

Incoming Thread

Less than one week ago, Trump was telling Nigel Farage that he would consider deporting Prince Harry from America and now, today, Prince Harry is being highlighted in the news for providing A list affiliation to Diddy's blackmail honeypot operation. Trump clearly knows something about Prince Harry that others do not.

If you remember when Melania visited Harry during Trump's first term, the Prince purposely flashed devil horns along with his hand conspicuously halfway into his jacket. Many say this is a Freemason sign. You can tell that Melania is uncomfortable with what he is doing and it sure seems to be him showing where his loyalties lie. It appears like he chose the wrong side.


Dan Scavino, Trump's right-hand man, posted a video on his Instagram highlighting when Trump specifically proclaimed that "Prince Harry is going to need a lot of luck."

"I wish a lot of luck to Prince Harry. Because he's going to need it."

The devious smile he was portraying here tells me Trump knew something was coming even back then for the Prince who displays symbolism.

We know for a fact that Epstein was being propped up by the Royal family. So much so that he and Ghislaine Maxwell were spotted lounging at the Queen's Balmoral residence in 1999.…

When Trump actually went on his world tour during his first term, he walked ahead of the Queen. This seemed like an awkward moment for many, but for those of us watching closely, it seemed to indicate something deeper. Many believe that she complied with his wishes and went out with honor despite the Royal Crown's complicity in crimes against humanity. Notice how Trump talks about the Queen in comparison with Prince Harry. It appears like Harry has chosen his side whereas the Queen went out differently.

The crown was steeped in all of this. If you've ever studied Jimmy Saville, one of the most wicked men to ever live, then you will know that the Royal family considered him a trusted advisor as he was abusing and ra*ing hundreds of children. Not only this, but the Princess Diana rabbit hole goes deep. She was clearly killed and wrote that they would do so in letters.

Diana Thread:

Jimmy Savile Thread:

Leaked photos of Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey seated on the British throne. This was a major power center for these trafficking elites and they knew they had control and were empowered in such a way that they openly displayed their dominance.

"Ghislaine sat on the Queen's throne with Spacey pretending to be the Duke of Edinburgh. No one can recall if Prince Andrew was actually in the throne room at the time but he was in charge of the visit."…

And it just keeps getting better for the awakening. Now 50 Cent, who recently voiced support for Trump, is calling out Jay-Z.
We all know Jay-Z was quite close with the infamous Spirit Cooker, Marina Abramovic. This has the potential to become even more explosive and damning in the near future when more information comes out.
Eyes on, my red pilled friends.
End of Thread

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