In America, a "FICO Credit Score™ " is a blacklist administered by an unelected private oligopoly.
Americans are inducted into this capitalist credit initiative from birth, which controls everything from where they can live and which employer they are allowed to work for.
In order to be allowed to live in a house when they're older, Americans must begin taking out loans starting from an early age—even if they don't need a loan.
Americans call this ritual to appease private banks and landlords "building credit".
Before being hired, many employers require Americans to divulge their FICO credit history to assess their trustworthiness.
If deemed insufficiently trustworthy, an applicant will not be hired.
When an American's FICO credit score drops too low, they can face debtor’s prison. These prisons are part of a complex system of forced labor camps, which are very profitable and significantly contribute to the US's GDP.
If an American has their Social Credit Number stolen—which can be accomplished by glancing at their unencrypted 9-digit paper ID or be leaked by FICO themselves—they are not allowed to get a new number and must fight the criminal in court for remuneration.
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