In America, a "FICO Credit Score™ " is a blacklist administered by an unelected private oligopoly.
Americans are inducted into this capitalist credit initiative from birth, which controls everything from where they can live and which employer they are allowed to work for.
In order to be allowed to live in a house when they're older, Americans must begin taking out loans starting from an early age—even if they don't need a loan.
Americans call this ritual to appease private banks and landlords "building credit".
Before being hired, many employers require Americans to divulge their FICO credit history to assess their trustworthiness.
If deemed insufficiently trustworthy, an applicant will not be hired.
When an American's FICO credit score drops too low, they can face debtor’s prison. These prisons are part of a complex system of forced labor camps, which are very profitable and significantly contribute to the US's GDP.
If an American has their Social Credit Number stolen—which can be accomplished by glancing at their unencrypted 9-digit paper ID or be leaked by FICO themselves—they are not allowed to get a new number and must fight the criminal in court for remuneration.
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It’s simple to reconcile once you stop seeing Ukraine as a smol bean fighting Big Bad Russia and start seeing it for what it is — a US-backed proxy used to:
1- destroy Russia and
2- sever Europe from Asia by forcing them into permanent reliance on the US for energy & defence.
The US is using tariffs to force Canada and Mexico into stopping alleged cross border flows of fentanyl.
One view is that this signals the US genuinely wants to protect its population from fentanyl.
But another is that the US wants to become the global supplier of fentanyl. 🧵
After the US invaded Afghanistan in 2001, Afghanistan’s poppy fields went from a minor portion of global opium production to supplying the vast majority of the world’s consumption.
When the US finally left in mid 2021 and the Taliban retook control, opium production plummeted.
But while opium requires copious labor and vast fields of poppies to generate a significant yield, enough synthetic opioids to supply entire countries can be produced in a single lab by a few chemists.
It’d be hard to imagine a better drug for raising dark money.
I’m sorry, but positing that Trump is some rogue agent acting in brash opposition to imperial interests is swallowing the kayfabe almost as hard as his fans.
When faced with the demands of a hostile US, what are “allies” going to do? Say no and join the global south? Be serious.
The rise of Trump and Trumpism cannot be fully explained without first recognizing how, over the last two decades, American politics has been shaped by the rise of China. 🧵
Despite both parties preferring to deemphasize foreign policy in their campaigns, US foreign policy is the engine driving domestic policy. This is because modern US domestic politics is fundamentally a game of dividing up the plunder that foreign policy secures.
This plunder arrives in the form of persistent federal govt budget deficits which are maintained via the exorbitant privilege of the US dollar’s position as global reserve currency, an arrangement forced upon the rest of the globe in the ashes of the world wars of last century.