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Free spirit & cool cat at heart.🌹The truth will always prevail, count on it. Accuracy is my motive, if you ever see something wrong, just tell me. I ❤️‍🔥 @X

Apr 2, 9 tweets

🔥🔥🔥Breaking! Loren Merchan, the daughter of Judge Merchan, worked at an org, Revolution Messaging, that was involved in the Trump Resistance! I even found discussions of a resistance retainer contract! And they had USAID as a client!

Plus I will expose the Democratic Attorneys Generals Association paying for the resistance!

Prior to Authentic Campaigns, she worked at the far left Revolution Messaging where they also considered themselves resistance contributors.

They also partnered with or worked with some of the bonafide resistance orgs as mentioned in the Momentum Resistance guide where those groups pledged:

“We could take back Congress and our state legislatures. We could block Trump's agenda, remove him from office, and ignite a progressive revolution.”

The Momentum resistance founders were trained by the Serbian Otpor trainers. Otpor defined is the Resistance.

Here’s a few of the resistance orgs they worked with:

- Peoples action
-Working families party (Letitia James party)
-Our Revolution (Bernie and the squad)

Revolution Messaging is a full-service agency dedicated to authentic digital storytelling for progressive causes. Founded by key members of Obama 2008 and Bernie 2016

Sophie Lasoff, who led the Bernie Victory Captain program, coauthored the Resistance Guide.

Some of the Revolution Messaging clients:

-Bernie campaign
-Organizing for America (Obama)
-Bill and Melinda Gates Fndn
-Movement for Black Lives
-Color of Change
-National Council of LaRaza
-Planned Parenthood
-Plus tons more!

Mike Nellis, former vice president of campaigns of Revolution Messaging, founded Authentic Campaigns. Whereas Loren Merchen was also at both.

Revolution Messaging (RM) was founded in 2009 by Scott Goodstein. Goodstein founded the firm shortly after acting as the external online director for President Barack Obama's, Obama for America. Obama's Organizing for America was a client of RM.

Scott made history by announcing Joe Biden as running mate via text message with a mobile program he created for Obama.

For Loren Merchans Revolution Messaging’s Bernie Campaign,they raised over $200 million dollars.

Now back to the resistance.

“NGP VAN & RevMsg (Revolution Messaging) Unite to Provide Powerful New Advocacy Calling Tool for the Resistance”

“Revolution Messaging’s Revere Calling tool has already generated over 3 million minutes in protest calls since Trump’s inauguration on January 20 for labor organizations and advocacy groups like MoveOn dot org and the ACLU. Revere Calling powers Daily Action, a new service to make phone call activism easier, which quickly attracted more than 250,000 text message subscribers and connected over 600,000 calls to Congress protesting Trump policies and nominees in just three months.”

EveryAction was a partner of Revolution Messaging and is currently working with Authentic Campaigns. Quiller AI is ran by the founder of Authentic Campaigns, Mark Nellis.

“Now Live: Quiller -> NGP VAN + EveryAction Integration!”

This all means that the Democratic Attorneys General Association is paying the Trump resistance. How many other resistance orgs do they pay? Talk about a conflict!

Now these below quotes came from an interesting Trump resistance page that also called it a revolution.

December 18, 2016
To: Revolutionary Resistance Committee (Ethan Allen Division)

From: Arun Chaudhary, Creative Director (Frederick Douglass Division)

(Arun Chaudhary was the first official White House videographer and is a partner at Revolution Messaging.)

Why the Revolution Must Be Televised in Donald Trump’s America

“Stoked to work on the resistance with you all. Hoping we can move to a retainer contract.”

Video : Revolution Messaging Behind the Scenes


-Jill Biden
-Kamala Harris
-Hillary Clinton
-Keith Ellison of Our Revolution
-Plus more

All sources to follow and more additional information.

Let’s begin with evidence of Loren Merchan working at Revolution Messaging.

On their staff page they used photos of when they were youngsters.

And here’s Loren Merchan working the Bernie Campaign. Here it says she is the Vice President of messaging.

Next comes evidence that, Loren Merchans, Revolution Messaging consider themselves the resistance.

Oh but first, I forgot the link for Loren working the Bernie Campaign in the above post.

Here’s where Arun Chaudhary, a partner at Revolution Messaging, in Dec 2016 after Trumps win, discussing a Resistance retainer contract. They also call this a revolution.

More resistance talk and it mentions EveryAction being a Revolution Messaging partner too.

“NGP VAN & RevMsg Unite to Provide Powerful New Advocacy Calling Tool for the Resistance”

Revolution Messaging. “By partnering with NGP VAN’s EveryAction, we are excited to bring the power of effective calling campaigns to thousands of progressive organizations and their networks of millions of activists.”

“By making phone call activism easier than ever, Daily Action played a leading role in almost every progressive victory since Trump was elected. Now it’s time for Daily Action to grow, and there is no better ally to maximize the power of our resistance army than MoveOn.”

Daily Action is powered by Revolution Messaging, known for running digital operations for Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Chris Murphy and organizations like Teamsters, Americans For Responsible Solutions, and Women’s Heart Alliance.”

Daily action from Revolution Messaging:

“One of his latest initiatives, DailyAction, has almost 300,000 subscribers who are taking action against Trump. Even post-Bernie, we're still moving forward helping the resistance movement."

Revolution Messaging:

“Free Progressive Resistance Call Congress Tool

Use Revere Calling to fight back in Trump's America messaging tool.

A “Trump Wars Special”…

Let’s move onto the Democratic Attorneys General association donating to the Trump resistance.

As I have shown above, NGP VANS and EveryAction was partnered with Revolution Messaging for the Trump Resistance. And I’ll show here that they are partnered with the newer Authentic Campaigns.

Mark Nellis is the founder of Quiller AI used at Nellis founded Authentic Campaigns. He was the vice president of campaigns of Revolution Messaging.

Here’s a podcast with Mark Nellis:

“Mike Nellis is the Founder and CEO of Authentic and the Founder and Executive Chairman of Quiller.”

Evidence that Quiller uses EveryAction:

“We are thrilled to announce Quiller users can now easily send their final HTML versions of Quiller content directly to NGP VAN and EveryAction using our Quiller Chrome Extension!”

And here’s evidence that the Democratic Attorney General Association gives money to both Authentic Campaigns and EveryAction MULTIPLE times. Search the IRS doc, they are both in there lots.…

Now let’s head into resistance territory.

But first I want to thank Judge Merchan. This is great info no matter who you are related to. Do you think the Attorney General’s can look into this please? It seems pretty serious. 😏

Here’s the history on the Serbian Otpor ran against Trump thru the resistance. The founders of the Serbian Otpor trained the US resistance founders. Serbian Otpor is used by the CIA for regime change, thats how serious this is. The word, Otpor, is defined as the resistance.

Paul/Mark Engler’s: This is an Uprising

“As fate would have it, we quickly met some guys with profound insights into these very questions. They had started a movement of their own in Serbia, called Otpor. It had successfully created multiple “moments of whirlwinds,” and in 2000 it ended up playing a key role in overthrowing Slobodan Milosevic—a dictator known as the Butcher of the Balkans. The Serbians had also studied Gandhi and Gene Sharp, and they did an amazing job synthesizing and drawing out relevant concepts.

Moreover, they had guided 40,000 of their members through weeklong trainings in the principles and laws of this new type of movement-building. Subsequently, I went to many trainings with Ivan Marovic, one of the founders of Otpor, and he became my strategic mentor. At that point, I was inspired to start translating some of these lessons into a US context.

After Occupy Wall street, my life and work took another turn as Carlos Saavedra became interested in partnering with me to find the best ways to bring this organizing model to US activists. Carlos had been a disciple of Marshall Ganz, who devised the system of training tens of thousands of volunteers for the Obama campaign in 2008.

For his part, Carlos had trained thousands of undocumented
DREAM Act students in the principles of traditional community organizing. He possessed an uncanny talent for grappling with complex ideas, making our thinking more rigorous, and figuring out how to make these ideas relatable. With the support of a new team of talented young organizers that we call the "Momentum Training Institute," Carlos and I started taking our ideas and making them more simple, clear, and accessible.”

I’ll share even MORE on the Resistance at the end of this 🧵. But know that both Obama and Bernie folks were involved.

In the above post you can see that Bernie’s Sophie Lasoff, Obama’s Paul Engler, and Momentum wrote the Resistance Guide.

This below linked page brings up the involvement of Revolution Messaging in the Bernie campaign plenty of times. It also mentions Bernie’s “Our Revolution” too. When Obama’s OFA closed, many of his staff went to Bernie’s Our Revolution.

The squad along with Keith Ellison belong to Bernie’s Our Revolution.

Obamas Indivisible and Bernie’s Our Revolution partnered at one point for the resistance. I have all of this in my past work. I’ll show you this after I’m done with Revolution Messaging. This was just a primer on the resistance.

Here’s a quote from the article:

Sophie Lasoff
A co-founder and the director of organizing and trainings of By the People, and a trainer with both the Ayni Institute and Momentum.  Co-author of the Resistance Guide.  ...spearheaded and led the Bernie Victory Captain program, recruiting and training 3,000 top tier volunteers.”

I like this doc because it discusses the Bernie Camp folks and their connections.

Everything I mentioned here has been previously sourced.

Now look up at my past work on the Resistance Guide. The first photo is a listing of the original involved orgs. That list has grown to over 300 at least now.

Resistance Guide Link:

Here’s those that I checked so far that work with Revolution Messaging:

🔸We already know that Revolution Messaging works with MoveOn from their own client list.

But here’s this too:

“Every day, Daily Action helps more than a quarter million people play their part in resisting this racist and authoritarian administration,” said Mark Crain, MoveOn’s Mobile Innovation Director.”

“Daily Action is powered by Revolution Messaging.”

🔸Bernie’s Our Revolution:

“Since the departures, Our Revolution has built back up to 10 staffers, and continued working with Revolution Messaging, the "punk rock" firm that crafted the Sanders campaign's image.”

🔸Revolution Messaging sponsored the Peoples Action Rise Up program

“Activists with People’s Action, MoveOn, and the Working Families Party organized rallies to urge the Senate to delay Cabinet confirmations.”

“Millions of people marched against Trump on day one of his administration.”

Peoples Action gave money to Revolution Messaging to “Stop Trump”. In opposition to Donald Trump.

🔸Working Families and Revolution Messaging are both in the massive RePower network.

🔸Here’s a letter that Revolution Messaging signed along with the Working Families Party.

This letter said that, “Trump is a bomb threat. It’s time you do something to stop him.”…………

Here’s the client list for Revolution Messaging. They change over time, so here two. 🤣

Here’s 2012

And here’s 2016 ( 2 photos)

A Revolution Messaging Subdomain has the extreme Movement for Black Lives listed.

If I’m missing any from the top post that you want, lemme know because I have sources for them all. I’m tired. 🥱

The Senate Majority PAC mentioned by @LauraLoomer and associated with Authentic Campaigns was actually renamed from the Creative Majority PAC.

And this Creative Majority PAC “paid for” the websites used for joint projects with Revolution Messaging.

But both Revolution Messaging and the Creative Majority PAC were founded by Revolution Messaging’s Scott Goldstein. With them running a presidential campaign and using the PAC on his opponent, is this allowed? 🤷‍♀️

There were a good bit of projects ran, and I’ll list some here.

Renaming of the PAC:

“Lambe recently led the effort to Creative Majority PAC [now Senate Majority PAC], an unprecedented, independent effort to protect the Democratic Majority in the U.S. Senate.”

Scott Goodstein, was both co-founder of Creative Majority PAC and CEO of Revolution Messaging. Obviously they worked together.

White House Inc:



Daily action from Moveon and powered by Revolution Messaging:

“Today, Creative Majority PAC announced that Daily Action will join forces with MoveOn. org

“Every day, Daily Action helps more than a quarter million people play their part in resisting this racist and authoritarian administration,” said Mark Crain, MoveOn’s Mobile Innovation Director.

Other projects include viral hits like Drunk Dial Congress, WhiteHouseInc. org, and most recently Project Scholl, which plastered Washington DC with resistance art.

Daily Action is powered by Revolution Messaging.”

The next post will be very

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