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Apr 3, 2024, 8 tweets


Former #FaniWillis “special prosecutor” Nathan Wade facing contempt of court allegations in his pending divorce

“Defendant urgently requires medical procedures, namely an endoscopy, colonoscopy, and ultrasound, due to severe physical symptoms she has been enduring. These symptoms have significantly impacted her ability to consume
most foods, leading to a substantial weight loss”

Despite a direct request from Defendant to Plaintiff for prepayment and an
additional demand from Defendant’s counsel to Plaintiff’s counsel, Plaintiff has
failed and neglected to fulfill his obligation under the Temporary Order to cover
these necessary healthcare costs. Instead, Plaintiff has instructed Defendant to
make payment to the provider herself, with an assurance of reimbursement.
[Exhibit C attached hereto comprises copies of emails exchanged between the
parties and a subsequent email to Plaintiff’s counsel, further elucidating the
aforementioned interactions.]

I will add this breaking news to the live stream here at 7:15 pm ET

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