Younis Tirawi | يونس Profile picture
Palestinian Reporter on Security & Political Affairs

Apr 4, 20 tweets

🧵 Israeli soldiers on social media in Gaza |

“We didn’t have condoms to bring you. But f*ck them up!!!”

Israeli soldier writes on the logistical packages sent to his fellow soldiers. In another post calling for nuking Gaza. “This is how I feel I want to see Gaza 😡” (1/X)

Israeli military officer from the Givati Brigade published a facebook story two days ago showing him blowing up several buildings in the city of Khan Younis (2/X)

3. Another Israeli female officer back in 21 January showing off items belonging to Gazans and mocking them:

“It turns out that they are learning English and doing homework” whilst another “Things you find in the kitchen of Gazans” and (3/X)

Israeli soldier from Bismalach Brigade blowing up an already destroyed mosque in Khan Younis and showing the aftermath of the blowing up. The caption: “ 🍒Khan Yunis» (4/X)

Gambling with looted money in Khan Younis (5/X)

Joking around in a barbershop in Khan Younis (6/X)

Firing indiscrimnately on Palestinian homes for fun (7/X)

Firing a tank shell directly at a home for a birthday video!!!

« [Say Amen 🙏]. We’re in a birthday video for Adi. Celebrating him in Gaza. 12:00. Fire. Happy birthday!» (8/X)

All the videos are translated by @TalulaSha. She is a must follow.

@TalulaSha Looting bycicles (9/X)

@TalulaSha Firing shoulder missiles for fun on a house (10/X)

@TalulaSha Israeli soldiers torching shops and taking selfie behind them (11/X)

@TalulaSha Israeli soldiers waiving with the Gush Katif flag (calling for establishing settlements in Gaza) in Khan Younis and Gaza city.

The writing “Gush Katif. We are returning home [to the ex- settlement in Gaza] (12/X)

@TalulaSha Israeli soldier Rimon Tsiony on Tiktok publishing a video collection showing blowing of homes.

How the video is set up to begin with is unhinged (13/X)

@TalulaSha “Friends I don’t think it needs to be said twice. You’re a bunch of machines. And we’re going to fuck the s*ns of b*tces. That’s it” (14/x)

@TalulaSha Israeli soldiers burning Palestinian flags (15/X)

@TalulaSha [You thought Vampire Battalion won’t be part of the occupation?]

401 has conquered Palestine Square

@TalulaSha (17/X)

@TalulaSha Israeli soldieds playing with looted items (18/X)

@TalulaSha More blowing up of homes and residential buildings (19/19)

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