What’s Up With COVID and How to Protect Yourself: 2024 Edition
New zine!! This is my (well-informed layperson’s) understanding of what’s going on with COVID right now and how to lower your risk of getting it (again). Read at or in the thread below 👇 Newlevant.com/COVIDzine
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"Let Them Eat Plague!" via @USUMLPress gives a great overview of what's up with COVID and the powerful interests that want to hide the ongoing pandemic. clarion.unity-struggle-unity.org/let-them-eat-p…
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has a roundup of aerosol transmission evidence and a timeline of the CDC's waffling. its-airborne.org
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The Pandemic Mitigation Collaborative @michael_hoerger takes wastewater data and uses it to model population infection levels in the US. Follow Dr. Hoerger or go to for weekly updates. pmc19.com/data/
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Go to and search for your state or territory, and then use PMC's conversion chart to get a more local and current estimate of how many people have COVID in your area.
Big thanks to @michael_hoerger for letting people use his graphics. biobotstg.wpengine.com/data/covid-19
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See for more info about LONG Covid and a disturbingly extensive list of documented post-COVID conditions. pandemicpatients.org/home/covid-19-…
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See and @BNOFeed for weekly COVID death reports.
Excess mortality:
Outcomes get worse with each infection: ourworldindata.org/grapher/weekly…
@BNOFeed [COVID zine 7/14]
Updated boosters try to match currently circulating COVID variants, so they're very worth getting! They don't make you invincible, though. In the driving metaphor, getting a booster is like getting your breaks checked, or something??
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CDC's free testing locator:
Walgreens (), CVS (), and Fast Lab () will bill your insurance for test kits, potentially free.
Swab instructions: testinglocator.cdc.gov/Search
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Disposable respirator recs:
Quantitative fit test data from @FitTestMyPlanet:
Mask reviews and info from @masknerd:
Elastomeric respirator info from @LolaGerms: reddit.com/r/Masks4All/wi…
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How to perform a user seal check:
DIY fit test instructions:
(requires a nebulizer, bitrex or Sweet n Low, and a garbage bag!)
Buy 3M Aura from an authorized vendor:
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DIY box fan air purifier instructions:
DIY mini purifier instructions:
Plenty of pre-built air purifier options, too! Reviews from @joeyfox85: cleanaircrew.org/box-fan-filter…
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Roundup of nasal sprays and their evidence, from @RTHM_Health:
Studies are also linked in my citations
Too much colloidal silver can cause blue-gray skin, a condition called argyria!! I stick with Betadine.
@RTHM_Health [COVID zine 13/14]
@PeoplesCDC "What to Do if You Have COVID" guide:
@Clean_Air_Club_ "My Covid+ Plan" has spreadsheets for symptom tracking and medication dose schedules that you can print:
Pacing guide: peoplescdc.org/2023/01/10/wha…
@RTHM_Health @PeoplesCDC @Clean_Air_Club_ [COVID zine 14/14]
Find a Test to Treat site and/or a Paxlovid Patient Assistance Program site:
In NY, get an online assessment at or call 212-COVID-19
Pax discount:
OTC meds: treatments.hhs.gov
@MadyGComics @SamTheSilkie Colloidal silver def needs an asterisk because of argyria. I thought bc of the study () and rec from @RTHM_Health it was worth including.journals.plos.org/plosone/articl…
@MadyGComics offhand what I think the deal is with paxlovid rebound: happens when the 5-day course of antivirals doesn't fully clear the virus, so you start testing positive again. that's what happened when I took it. still better than if you'd never taken it in the first place!
Thanks for reading. You can print and distribute your own copies of this zine!
Printable PDF here:
also all the citations and a "further resources" list ☝🏻newlevant.com/covidzine
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