Hazel Newlevant Profile picture
Apr 6, 2024 18 tweets 13 min read Read on X
What’s Up With COVID and How to Protect Yourself: 2024 Edition

New zine!! This is my (well-informed layperson’s) understanding of what’s going on with COVID right now and how to lower your risk of getting it (again). Read at or in the thread below 👇 Newlevant.com/COVIDzine
Photograph of a zine called “What’s Up With COVID and How to Protect Yourself: 2024 Edition.” Subtitle: “Feat. ADVANCED COVID safety tips!” word balloon: “Have you heard the bad news?” By Hazel Newlevant  Back cover text: “Every chain of transmission that is broken is VALUABLE. Every person that doesn’t GET SICK, that doesn’t lose that WEEK OF WORK, that doesn’t become DISABLED or DIE, from the minorest of inconveniences, to the GREATEST of losses: every single one of those things is VALUABLE.” -Becca on DEATH PANEL podcast 2/16/23.  Print and distribute this zine yourself! Download a PDF h...
[COVID zine 1/14]

"Let Them Eat Plague!" via @USUMLPress gives a great overview of what's up with COVID and the powerful interests that want to hide the ongoing pandemic. clarion.unity-struggle-unity.org/let-them-eat-p…
COVID zine page 1  Unless you make it a hobby to follow COVID news and studies, you're probably going off old info. [stack of word balloons coming from different directions] "COVID is mild now" "The pandemic is over" "'Pandemic of the unvaccinated'" "COVID is like the flu" "Only 'high risk' people need to worry about it." "There's nothing you can do."  Businesses have a clear interest in YOU not worrying about COVID, and governments want to claim "victory" by hiding the problem.   They want you at work, shopping, travelin...
[COVID zine 2/14]

has a roundup of aerosol transmission evidence and a timeline of the CDC's waffling. its-airborne.org
COVID zine p2  Here's the real tea: [handwritten, bold text] COVID is airborne & movies like smoke. Because the virus is transmitted by respiratory aerosols--the fog that you can see exhaled on a cold day.  Could you smell if someone was smoking? Then you could inhale their COVID virus. [Cartoon of a person standing near 2 cigarette smokers, surrounded by smoke.] This is why airflow, filtration, and limiting contacts are key to stopping infections. [handwritten, bold text] Six feet apart /= safe That's old news, from when scientists *hoped* COVID was mainly spread by large droplets.  Turns ...
[COVID zine 3/14]

The Pandemic Mitigation Collaborative @michael_hoerger takes wastewater data and uses it to model population infection levels in the US. Follow Dr. Hoerger or go to for weekly updates. pmc19.com/data/
COVID zine page 3  [Bold, handwritten text] COVID is still everywhere.  At least half of COVID spread is from people who don't (yet) have symptoms.  With no paid sick leave and too-short isolation guidelines, people are regularly forced to work while infectious.  [Cartoon of a waitress, unmasked, looking abashed, surrounded by an infectious cloud, saying "may I take your order?" Many jobs now disallow masks!]  The CDC stopped tracking COVID tests, so now the best way we have to estimate how many people have COVID: wastewater testing. Virus levels in sewage closely follow actual ca...
[COVID zine 4/14]

Go to and search for your state or territory, and then use PMC's conversion chart to get a more local and current estimate of how many people have COVID in your area.

Big thanks to @michael_hoerger for letting people use his graphics. biobotstg.wpengine.com/data/covid-19
COVID zine p4  [Conversion chart of Biobot wastewater levels measured in copies/mL to what percentage of the population is infectious. I'm sorry I don't have room to type these charts out! They are from https://pmc19.com/data/ and @michael_hoerger on twitter.]  Using the national measurements from Feb 2024, approx. 1 in 36 people were infectious with COVID.  [How Does Risk Increase with More Social Contacts? conversion chart]  [Cartoon of me, looking tired, wearing a respirator, pointing up at the chart. I'm in a crowd of people, drawn in silhouette, and clouds of COVID.]  You can see how t...
[COVID zine 5/14]

See for more info about LONG Covid and a disturbingly extensive list of documented post-COVID conditions. pandemicpatients.org/home/covid-19-…
COVID zine p5  [Bold, handwritten text] COVID is really dangerous.  [Cartoon of a person's circulatory system]  COVID isn't just a respiratory illness. It injurs the blood vessels and can damage nearly any organ, all over your body.  Even mild infections cause brain shrinkage equivalent to aging 1 to 10 years.  Each infection has a ~1 in 10 chance of causing new, lasting symptoms, aka Long COVID. This is true for kids AND adults.  Long COVID can present in all kinds of ways. Even cases that start mild can become debilitating.  [Cartoon of a person lying down and wearing an eyemask, surround...
[COVID zine 6/14]

See and @BNOFeed for weekly COVID death reports.

Excess mortality:

Outcomes get worse with each infection: ourworldindata.org/grapher/weekly…
COVID zine page 6  [Graph labeled "Excess Deaths and COVID Deaths in Young Adults (age 18-49)". The "excess deaths [all cause]" number is at about double "COVID-19 deaths".]   So far in 2024, at least 1,000 people are OFFICIALLY dying of COVID in the U.S. every week. Chances of having a heart attack or stroke go WAY UP after a COVID infection, so it contributes to many more deaths than the official count.  [Bold, handwritten text] Repeat infections are hurting us. The chances of bad shit happening get higher each time you get infected.  Viral fragments have bee...
@BNOFeed [COVID zine 7/14]

Updated boosters try to match currently circulating COVID variants, so they're very worth getting! They don't make you invincible, though. In the driving metaphor, getting a booster is like getting your breaks checked, or something?? COVID zine page 7  [Bold, handwritten text] Vaccines and "hybrid immunity" are not enough.  COVID vaccines create antibodies that fight infection. They've greatly reduced hospitalization and death from acute infection. But antibody levels quickly decline over the following months. Vaccines aren't stopping people from getting infected, spreading COVID, and long-term damage  [diagram of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The virus is covered in spike proteins, and there are circulating antibodies, some of which bind to the spike proteins. There's a human cell covered in ACE2 receptors. When a sp...
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CDC's free testing locator:
Walgreens (), CVS (), and Fast Lab () will bill your insurance for test kits, potentially free.

Swab instructions: testinglocator.cdc.gov/Search
COVID zine page 8  [Bold, handwritten text] Rapid tests give a lot of false negatives.  Taking a single rapid test only successfully detects ~60% of early symptomatic infections and ~12% of asymptomatic infections. The FDA now recommends repeat testing after a negative result.  Positive: You have COVID. Negative: You MIGHT have COVID. Try again in 48 hours, or get a PCR test, especially if you have symptoms or known COVID exposure.  Improve test accuracy by collecting a combined nose and throat sample!  Instructions (from Ontario Health): Do NOT eat, drink, chew gum, smoke, or vape for at l...
[COVID zine 9/14]

Disposable respirator recs:

Quantitative fit test data from @FitTestMyPlanet:

Mask reviews and info from @masknerd:

Elastomeric respirator info from @LolaGerms: reddit.com/r/Masks4All/wi…
COVID zine page 9  [bold handwritten text] What we can do: [Cartoon of me, looking peaceful, wearing a Flo Mask, surrounded by a light cloud of virus.]  Don't breath COVID in. It's all about MASKS and AIRFLOW.  Wear a mask with N95 or better filtration (aka a respirator) and make sure there are no gaps. A mask is only as good as its seal!  N95+ filters trap particles with an electrostatic charge, which is why they're much better than cloth or surgical masks.  Head-straps give a better seal than ear-loops, and are more comfortable!  Elastomeric masks (reusable face piece, replaceable filters...
[COVID zine 10/14]

How to perform a user seal check:

DIY fit test instructions:
(requires a nebulizer, bitrex or Sweet n Low, and a garbage bag!)

Buy 3M Aura from an authorized vendor:

COVID zine page 10  Seal check: Cover the surface with your hands. Can you feel the mask going IN when you inhale and OUT when you exhale? That's good.   [Cartoon of me with my hands over my mask]  If you feel any air leaking around the edges, the mask doesn't fit properly.  To better know if a particular mask fits you, try a DIY fit test. [arrow pointing to a QR code that goes to the DIY fit test instructional video linked in the tweet]  Source control is BETTER at stopping transmission than just the uninfected person wearing a mask! But both people masking is safest.  [Cartoon of me getti...
[COVID zine 11/14]

DIY box fan air purifier instructions:

DIY mini purifier instructions:

Plenty of pre-built air purifier options, too! Reviews from @joeyfox85: cleanaircrew.org/box-fan-filter…
COVID zine page 11  Go outside for more airflow to disperse the virus!  Outdoor COVID transmission is still possible, but it's much safer than an enclosed space.  [Cartoon of me and a friend, both wearing masks. A leaf is blowing between us; evidently we're outside]  Failing that, open windows, run fans to pull in fresh air, and use HEPA air purifiers. Get a cross-breeze going!  [Cartoon diagram of two open windows with a box fan in between, pulling clean air in from one window and blowing indoor air out the other window.]  You can make a DIY air purifier by taping a furnace filter to a box...
[COVID zine 12/14]

Roundup of nasal sprays and their evidence, from @RTHM_Health:

Studies are also linked in my citations

Too much colloidal silver can cause blue-gray skin, a condition called argyria!! I stick with Betadine.
COVID zine page 12  [bold, handwritten text] Extra precautions: SARS-CoV-2 primarily infects in the upper respiratory tract, so it makes sense to target treatment there. Some nasal sprays have been shown to reduce the risk of getting COVID!  COLLOIDAL SILVER mouthwash + nasal rinse reduced healthcare workers' risk of infection by 84.8% in one RCT.  IOTA-CARRAGEENAN nasal spray reduced HCW's risk of infection by 80% when dosed 4x daily in one RCT.  NITRIC OXIDE nasal spray reduced infection risk by 75% when taken 4x daily after COVID exposure for 10 days, in a preliminary study.  Povidone-io...
@RTHM_Health [COVID zine 13/14]

@PeoplesCDC "What to Do if You Have COVID" guide:

@Clean_Air_Club_ "My Covid+ Plan" has spreadsheets for symptom tracking and medication dose schedules that you can print:

Pacing guide: peoplescdc.org/2023/01/10/wha…
COVID zine page 13  [bold] I have COVID, now what??  What I'm planning to do if/when I get COVID again. Not medical advice. I am not a doctor.  People's CDC has a detailed "What to Do if You Have COVID" guide. Gather supplies BEFORE you get sick!  [bold] There's still a chance to stop the spread!  Reduce the chances of infecting others in your household by isolating ASAP, ventilation, and everybody wearing masks. People stay infectious for at least 10 days! After that, test to find out if you're negative.  [drawing of bottle] "CPC or iodine mouthwash to kill virus in mouth&qu...
@RTHM_Health @PeoplesCDC @Clean_Air_Club_ [COVID zine 14/14]

Find a Test to Treat site and/or a Paxlovid Patient Assistance Program site:

In NY, get an online assessment at or call 212-COVID-19

Pax discount:

OTC meds: treatments.hhs.gov
COVID zine page 14  [bold] Early Treatment  Paxlovid is an anti-viral medication and lowers Long COVID risk by ~25%. It's prescribed for those at increased risk of severe illness...which is 75% of U.S. adults. It must be started within 5 days of symptoms.  Ideally, you can get a Paxlovid prescription from home with a telehealth doctor visit. More options:  Find a Test to Treat site (free prescriber visit) and/or a Paxlovid Patient Assistance Program site (free Pax for eligible people). treatments.hhs.gov [QR code]  In New York State, you can get assessed through Virtual ExpressCare or by ca...
@MadyGComics @SamTheSilkie Colloidal silver def needs an asterisk because of argyria. I thought bc of the study () and rec from @RTHM_Health it was worth including.journals.plos.org/plosone/articl…
@MadyGComics offhand what I think the deal is with paxlovid rebound: happens when the 5-day course of antivirals doesn't fully clear the virus, so you start testing positive again. that's what happened when I took it. still better than if you'd never taken it in the first place!
Thanks for reading. You can print and distribute your own copies of this zine!

Printable PDF here:
also all the citations and a "further resources" list ☝🏻newlevant.com/covidzine

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Jun 18, 2022
i swear this is the first explanation of "queer theory" that I've found useful!!
(From DUDE, YOU'RE A FAG by C. J. Pascoe)
If you'd asked me what queer theory was before this I'd have said "when queer people 'queer' things (say that they're queer)...and it's the '90s"
This description of the anonymized town in which the study takes place is beautiful. That's prose, babyy!!
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