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Apr 9, 7 tweets

Transgender Child Mutilation Advocates (CMA) weaponizes your kindness so you second guess yourself when you stand up for your children. Today’s example comes by way of CMA @Eyyob6

We’ll show you how we completely exposed him and left him mute. Let’s break him down…🧵


CMA @Eyyob6 uses the accusation of “you’re a bully” to deflect from his own desire to brainwash children into the transgender cult. This is generally effective because good people don’t want to be considered a bully.


Another go-to for a CMA such as @Eyyob6 is accusing parents, who do not want their children to be serialized and mutilated, of lacking “empathy”.

So we tested @Eyyob6 to see if he truly is against bullying & measured his degree of empathy. We simply asked for his thoughts on this bill HB 4876 from IL. This bill would punish parents with a fine and prison time if they do not agree to transgender procedures for their child.

We gave him two opportunities to weigh in on IL HB 4876. Here was @Eyyob6’s response…both times.

Wait. How can this be?

CMA @Eyyob6 wouldn’t shut up about bullies and empathy. The biggest bully that exists is the government. HB 4876 allows IL to use the power of the state to bully and threaten parents to either submit their child to the transgender cult or lose their child.

Yet this CMA didn’t care about the state being a bully. He had no empathy for the parents or families destroyed by the transgender social contagion.

You see, CMAs like this mental midget don’t care about bullies or empathy. What he was doing was attempting to weaponize your kindness.

Unfortunately for him, one of our specialty lies in exposing abusers like him, allowing us to use his case as a prime example of their dishonesty.

He also had no idea about Transgender bills so he didn’t know what to say. That’s how you mute an “Empathetic Child Mutilation Advocate”.

Use their own words against them. Expose them. Humiliate them. Run them out of your schools and community.

For context , here is as our first exposure of @Eyyob6 - he is a fairly typical representation of a CMA - because our empathy couldn’t be leveraged, we reduced him quickly to a repeating idiot.

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