When #Israel recently assassinated 13 people in Iran's diplomatic building, this was described as an act of "deterrence".
#Iran's retaliation has also been described as an attempt to "restore deterrence".
But what does "deterrence" REALLY do?
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A few years ago, I made several arguments about Israel's "deterrence" tactics:
First, acts of deterrence often DON'T prevent national security threats.
Instead, they create GREATER threats.
For example, if Israel's bombing of the Iranian embassy compound was supposed to deter #Iran, then it achieved the exact OPPOSITE.
Iran's retaliation was unprecedented: launching hundreds of drones and missiles.
"Deterrence" is also based on circular logic.
On the one hand, if acts of deterrence prevent a threat, they're presented as a success.
On the other hand, if the threat isn't prevented, the claim is that MORE deterrence is needed…
For example, if Iran hadn't retaliated, #Israel would tell itself that Iran had been deterred.
But now that Iran has retaliated, some Israeli officials are calling to "restore deterrence" against Iran.
In this way, deterrence becomes a self-perpetuating cycle of violence.
Often, acts of "deterrence" may have ulterior motives.
Rather than simply trying to prevent national security threats, they may have other goals.
For example, President Biden reportedly suspects that Israel is trying to drag the U.S. into a war in the Middle East.
If that's true, then Israel's bombing of the Iranian embassy compound wasn't simply an attempt to "deter Iran".
Some also suspect that the Israeli government is trying to divert attention from its killing of tens of thousands of #Palestinians in #Gaza.
Others believe that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is trying to stay in power even at the cost of unleashing a regional war.
For more details, see this critical analysis of Israel's "deterrence" tactics:
10/10 cambridge.org/core/books/abs…
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