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Apr 16, 2024, 25 tweets

#Rabies #Vaccine
Delirious states following Anti-Rabies vaccination

There are studies that confirm the vaccine may cause central nervous system disease…

Rabies vaccines containing neural elements of animals are associated with neurological complications like encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, myeloradiculitis and polyradiculitis.…

CNS demyelination associated with diploid cell rabies vaccine…

Adverse Reactions to Duck Embryo Rabies Vaccine…

Neurological disease in man following administration of suckling mouse brain #antirabies vaccine

The rabies early death phenomenon: A report of ineffective administration of rabies vaccine during symptomatic disease.
It was reported that in some individuals who received postexposure rabies vaccine, clinical features of rabies developed at the shorter time compared to individuals who were exposed, but not received the vaccine…

An outbreak of rabies WITHOUT the history of bites…

Rabies surveillance in the United States during 2019 - No human rabies cases were reported in 2019.

Guillain-Barre syndrome occurring after rabies vaccination

Pasteur's Work on Rabies: Reexamining the Ethical Issues

There is a high degree of uncertainty in the correlation between animal bites and the subsequent appearance of rabies - even when the animal is certifiably rabid.
The threat of death from the bite of a rabid animal is vastly less.…

Possible Interactions Between Rabies Vaccination and a Progressive Degenerative CNS Disease.

Four years after vaccination, symptoms of a slowly progressive CNS disease developed, characterized initially by visual disturbances and dementia, followed by ataxia, abnormal involuntary movements, and a profound short-term memory loss after 19 years of age…

Emergence of rabies among vaccinated humans in India: a public health concern
The National Rabies Control Program reported 6644 clinically "suspected" cases and deaths of human rabies between 2012 and 2022. . Deaths due to rabies among vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals have caused great public concern.…

A 14-year-old male, was admitted to Tata Main Hospital with complaints of pain abdomen and 6 to 7 episodes of vomiting followed by altered sensorium within 24 hours prior of admission. He also had one episode of generalized tonic- clonic convulsion on the way to hospital. He gave a history of dog bite two weeks before his admission and had received three doses of anti-rabies vaccine…

Twenty-one cases of neuroparalytic accidents of rabies vaccination (with suckling mouse brain vaccine), 11 of them fatal, were observed, occurring predominantly in men; the mean age of the patients was 29 years.

#NewYork The threat of hydrophobia in 1872 caused the Health Department to begin a drive against strays. However Dr. C. A. Leale, who served as physician for several New York institutions for sick children, declared in 1887 that he saw 18,000 to 20,000 children annually, and although several hundred had been bitten by mad dogs, he had yet to see a case of hydrophobia.…

How Can We Prevent False Hydrophobia?…

A high rate of neurological complications following Semple anti-rabies vaccine

Acute flaccid paralysis due to rabies vaccine

Paralytic rabies is more common in persons who have received postexposure vaccination. Paralytic rabies occurring after postexposure antirabies vaccination creates a diagnostic dilemma as vaccine-induced GBS becomes a distinct…

Peripheral facial paralysis and post-antirabies-vaccination polyneuroradiculitis

There are many other conditions that can cause the exact same symptoms as supposed Rabies - here is the case of Acute Brachial Neuritis and Guillain-Barré Syndrome that was labelled as "Rabies"…

Conversion Disorder Presenting as Pseudohydrophobia
An eight-year girl was diagnosed with Rabies however a child psychiatric evaluation revealed that the case was of a Conversion Disorder.
Also Pseudorabies or pseudohydrophobia,where the person after an animal bite behaves as if he is afflicted with rabies, is well documented.…

Gelastic epilepsy possibly following antirabies vaccine

2004: Thousands of doses of rabies vaccine recalled…

#Replug 2008 :

After Liu Yan’s four-year-old son, Liu Yi, was bitten by a dog, he took his child to the hospital for a vaccination. Two weeks later, after the fourth injection, Liu Yi became violently ill.

The next morning, on Aug. 27, 2008,the boy was diagnosed with viral meningitis. His condition quickly deteriorated and he died later that afternoon

The expose said that improperly stored vaccines administered by the provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for encephalitis, hepatitis B and rabies between 2006 and 2008 had killed four children and made more than 70 others ill.…

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