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We are an initiative of the citizens of India, united in the greater pursuit of truth & justice, and committed to the well being of all. Backup: @awakenindiamov
Oct 10, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
WHO has listed smallpox, monkeypox and cow pox as 'potential' side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine

These diseases are supposed to be caused by 'viruses'. Why even list them as a 'potential' side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine. Why smallpox if WHO themselves declared it eradicated in 1980?

Readers can follow the steps below to check it out for themselves.

Click on the link

Search for ‘BioNTech’. Then, in the search results that show up, click on ‘Pfizer BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine’, then click ‘Ok’ in the Dialog Box that shows up. Under Reported Potential side effects, click on 'Infections and Infestations', then scroll down, keep clicking 'Load More' until you see the captions 'Smallpox (15)', ‘Monkeypox (6)’ and ‘Cow pox (5)’.

@RBystrianyk @P_McCulloughMD @DrSuzanneH7 @stkirsch @ChildrensHD @stopvaccinating @BusyDrT @uho_org_in @br_cse_iitb @amitavb1 To know more, follow @vratesh_ and/or sign up for the substack at:
Aug 15, 2024 47 tweets 22 min read
#monkeypox #mpox 🧵

May 2022: Monkeypox can be contained as more countries are rolling out vaccinations, says WHO official…… #replug Sep 2019
FDA approves first live, non-replicating vaccine to prevent smallpox and monkeypox……
Jul 4, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
It appears that Sudha Murthy @SmtSudhaMurty
is completely ignorant that it has neither been scientifically proven that HPV causes Cervical Cancer, nor are there scientific studies that prove the HPV Vaccine prevents Cervical Cancer.

Does she know that thousands of Indian girls got lifelong side effects and many even died during the HPV Vaccine trials in 2009-10 by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?

cc: @MoHFW_INDIA @PMOIndia @rashtrapatibhvn @JPNadda… According to this ICMR Study: "Use of Oral Contraceptive pills for longer duration had definite higher risk for developing cervical cancer" @SmtSudhaMurty

h/t: @vratesh_
Jun 12, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read

Lessons from WHO’s H1N1 pandemic scare.


It started with the WHO tweaking the definition of pandemic which helped it to declare H1N1 or swine flu as a pandemic in June 2009. Earlier, for an outbreak to be declared a pandemic it had to be “several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness”.

One lesson this surely has for national governments, especially those with limited health budgets that they cannot afford to squander away on “fake pandemics” and on stockpiling vaccines of dubious efficacy, is to be more circumspect about WHO advisories. The global epidemiological watchdog it might be, but it would pay to remember that even the WHO advisers could be on the take from drug companies and that even WHO recommendations could be driven by motives other than a pure commitment to public health.

@RemaNagarajan…Image The Swine flu vaccination program had stopped due to people dying of apparent heart attacks.…
Jun 8, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
Are these mere coincidences?

Finland has become the first country in the EU to vaccinate against the H5N1 avian flu, currently spreading among US cattle, announcing that it will use the Sequirus vaccine.

Sequirus – All Roads Lead To Bill Gates’ Liverpool Biotech Powerhouse……Image EU to secure 40 million avian flu vaccines for 15 countries…
Apr 30, 2024 29 tweets 12 min read
A thread 🧵🧵
#WorldImmunizationWeek2024 #WorldImmunizationWeek “ Contrary to popular belief smallpox was not eradicated by mass vaccination. Though tried initially it proved difficult to implement in many countries and was abandoned in favour of surveillance-containment.”……
Apr 16, 2024 25 tweets 12 min read
#Rabies #Vaccine
Delirious states following Anti-Rabies vaccination

There are studies that confirm the vaccine may cause central nervous system disease…Image Rabies vaccines containing neural elements of animals are associated with neurological complications like encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, myeloradiculitis and polyradiculitis.…Image
Mar 19, 2024 21 tweets 8 min read
Since the #MMR vaccine is being pushed by influencers to be included in the National Immunisation program, it's time to understand the risks from the mumps component of the MMR vaccine.

The mumps #vaccine may increase the chance of developing Type 1 diabetes

Image Mumps Vaccine Stumbles in Recent Years……
Mar 7, 2024 18 tweets 9 min read
Flu vaccine. Know the facts

… …

(Source: Miller's review of critical vaccine studies)…………………Image Below a sample of US court rulings where compensation has been awarded for the below conditions following administration of the flu vaccines
➡️Guillain-Barré Syndrome (“GBS”)


Mar 5, 2024 19 tweets 10 min read
Do vaccines cause autism? Read the below snippet from CBS news about vaccine injury compensation claims for autism & infer for yourself
US: "Some families who believe vaccines caused autism in a loved one are circulating these words of advice: use "encephalopathy" in vaccine court and you're more likely to win. Argue "autism" and you're sure to lose.

"I purposely avoided mentioning 'autism' in the claim," says the attorney for a child diagnosed with brain damage and autism after her DTaP vaccination at 18 months. The lawsuit alleged only encephalopathy. "Using (the child's) autism diagnosis would have dragged out the lawsuit for years. The point wasn't to try to win the autism debate, it was to get this family the compensation they need to take care of their injured child." They promptly won a significant award.…Image “Autism can be characterized as chronic low grade encephalopathy”…Image
Feb 26, 2024 19 tweets 8 min read
‼️Another example of how little babies are experimented on - The Japanese enchepalitis vaccine has not been studied for interaction with other vaccines or medicinal products, yet it is recommended to be administered with the measles rubella vaccine per the immunization schedule on @MoHFW_INDIA website………Image
In April 2018, 4 babies had died and several were hospitalized following administration of measles rubella vaccination in Palamu, Jharkhand.
Feb 25, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Yellow fever vaccine: Be empowered and know the truth

"Yellow fever vaccines have been linked to multiple organ system failure (vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease), virtually identical to severe and fata lcases of yellow fever caused by the wild-type of yellow fever virus. The vaccine may also cause profound nervous system reactions, including Guillain-Barr syndrome and neurotropic disease (previously named post-vaccinal encephalitis) '. Curiously, the vaccine manufacturer suggests that victims of the shot only have themselves to blame; their adverse reactions were more than likely "due to undefined host factors, rather than to intrinsic virulence of the 17DD vaccine viruses. Other adverse reactions associated with this vaccine include asthma, life-threatening allergic reactions, and systemic reactions, such as fever, headache, muscle ache weakness and malaise, that often persist for up to ten days.?° In one study, 7 percent of vaccine recipients experienced "non-serious" (but in some cases severebadverse events, and up to 30 percent had systemic reactions."
Feb 20, 2024 14 tweets 6 min read
Know the Facts, Be Empowered
#Chickenpox #StopTheShots #InformedDecision #SaveTheChidrenWorldWide Image #Shingles Vaccine May Increase Risk of Ocular Shingles Recurrence…
Feb 19, 2024 29 tweets 14 min read
Can we connect the dots yet?

1. Confirmation of national vaccination and immunisation catch-up campaign for 2023/24

[NHS]: We are writing to confirm that the 2023/24 national vaccinations and immunisations catch-up campaign will once again focus on measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).…

2. England now seeing clusters of measles cases
[BBC]: England is now seeing clusters of measles cases across a number of regions including London, the North West, Yorkshire, The Humber and the East Midlands, as well as the West Midlands.…

@P_McCulloughMD @DrAseemMalhotra @ShabnamPalesaMo
#measles #mumps #rubella #Disease_X #VaccineAdverseEffectsImage
Jan 28, 2024 42 tweets 18 min read
#Hepatitis B Vaccine and Multiple #Sclerosis #MS…… #Hepatitis B vaccination and multiple sclerosis (MS)

Several case reports have raised concerns that hepatitis B immunization may be linked to new cases or relapses of multiple sclerosis (MS). In response to public and professional concern, the French Ministry of Health on 1 October 1998 temporarily suspended the school-based adolescent hepatitis B vaccine programme.…Image
Jan 26, 2024 11 tweets 5 min read
Yellow fever vaccination and increased relapse rate in travelers with multiple #sclerosis
23-month-old son died in Dec' 23 following the administration of yellow fever #vaccine…
Jan 22, 2024 28 tweets 13 min read
#Rotavirus #Vaccine #RVV – A thread 🧵
Rotavirus is supposed to be the leading cause of severe childhood gastroenteritis. Rotavirus infections may be subclinical, or may cause mild watery diarrhoea for limited periods, or may result in severe dehydrating diarrhoea with vomiting and fever.

In 2013, WHO recommended inclusion of rotavirus vaccines in Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) programmes of all nations, especially in countries where the mortality burden of diarrhoea was high. In #India WHO prequalified oral, live, attenuated rotavirus vaccines (RVV) are available:
Rotarix (GSK), Rotateq (Merck), Rotavac (Bharat Biotech), Rotasiil (Serum Institute of India), Rotavin(Polyvac)…
Jan 20, 2024 17 tweets 8 min read
It is both unscientific and misleading to suggest pneumococcal vaccine must be introduced because pneumonia is a leading cause of death in childhood.

The use of the vaccine in the West has caused strain shifts of an ominous nature.

@MoHFW_INDIA… Pneumococcal bacteria are only one of a very large number of organisms that cause pneumonia. There are many other bacteria, mycoplasma and viruses that can also cause pneumonia.

The pneumococcal bacteria itself has around 100 strains. The vaccine is against only 13 of those pneumococcal bacterial strains. It is clear that this vaccine impacts only a tiny fraction of the causes of pneumonia.
Bacterial pneumonia is an eminently treatable condition, responsive to antibiotics with few long-term sequalae.…
Jan 16, 2024 16 tweets 7 min read
Novel type 2 oral #polio vaccine secures WHO prequalification for broader rollout.

Prequalification will make it easier for more countries to access and use #nOPV2. WHO member countries can obtain and use #nOPV2 without the need to meet the strict readiness and monitoring requirements previously required under EUL.

This is sinister when it is known that the vaccines do not prevent polio!…… Why the Polio Risk Notice Has Been Reissued for 31 countries?

Connect the dots....…Image
Jan 13, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
Since the govt of India is set to rollout an immunisation campaign against #CervicalCancer , we must step back, recall and ask a few questions.

In mid-2009, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine “demonstration projects” were conducted by the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), in collaboration with @ICMRDELHI and the state governments of Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat.

These HPV vaccines were administered to approximately 23,000 young girls, of between 10 and 14 years of age, in the district of Khammam in Andhra Pradesh, and in the district of Vadodara in Gujarat.

These projects were suspended by @MoHFW_INDIA in 2010, following the deaths of seven tribal girls.

We want to ask:

i) Has the govt considered the recommendations of the parliamentary standing committee which had concluded that the girls had died post the administration of the #hpv vaccination?

ii) Has the govt considered the fact that the case is under trial in Supreme court and on what basis have they gone ahead and planned an #hpv vaccine campaign?

@AnonnaDutt @IndianExpress @MoHFW_INDIA @PMOIndia…… Trials and tribulations: an expose of the HPV vaccine trials by the 72nd Parliamentary Standing Committee Report

The 72nd Report clearly stated that the “demonstration project”, as it was repeatedly referred to by PATH, was a clinical trial, regardless of what PATH called it .

The report took note of the observations of the MoHFW’s enquiry committee that, “the demonstration project is a study of a pharmaceutical product carried out on humans and since the primary objectives include the study of serious adverse events, it is clear that clinical trial rules and guidelines should apply”

The 72nd Report further stated that by carrying out the clinical trial in the guise of an observation/demonstration project,” PATH has violated all the laws and regulations laid down for clinical trials by the Government of…
Jan 13, 2024 17 tweets 7 min read
Here are some court cases from India, of childhood vaccination injuries, many of which resulted in a compensation payout order by the court Need To Strengthen Laws To Control Incidents Of People Being Used As Guinea pigs on clinical trials