Awaken India Movement Profile picture
We are an initiative of the citizens of India, united in the greater pursuit of truth & justice, and committed to the well being of all. Backup: @awakenindiamov
Jul 4 7 tweets 3 min read
It appears that Sudha Murthy @SmtSudhaMurty
is completely ignorant that it has neither been scientifically proven that HPV causes Cervical Cancer, nor are there scientific studies that prove the HPV Vaccine prevents Cervical Cancer.

Does she know that thousands of Indian girls got lifelong side effects and many even died during the HPV Vaccine trials in 2009-10 by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?

cc: @MoHFW_INDIA @PMOIndia @rashtrapatibhvn @JPNadda… According to this ICMR Study: "Use of Oral Contraceptive pills for longer duration had definite higher risk for developing cervical cancer" @SmtSudhaMurty

h/t: @vratesh_
Jan 13 7 tweets 4 min read
Since the govt of India is set to rollout an immunisation campaign against #CervicalCancer , we must step back, recall and ask a few questions.

In mid-2009, the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine “demonstration projects” were conducted by the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), in collaboration with @ICMRDELHI and the state governments of Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat.

These HPV vaccines were administered to approximately 23,000 young girls, of between 10 and 14 years of age, in the district of Khammam in Andhra Pradesh, and in the district of Vadodara in Gujarat.

These projects were suspended by @MoHFW_INDIA in 2010, following the deaths of seven tribal girls.

We want to ask:

i) Has the govt considered the recommendations of the parliamentary standing committee which had concluded that the girls had died post the administration of the #hpv vaccination?

ii) Has the govt considered the fact that the case is under trial in Supreme court and on what basis have they gone ahead and planned an #hpv vaccine campaign?

@AnonnaDutt @IndianExpress @MoHFW_INDIA @PMOIndia…… Trials and tribulations: an expose of the HPV vaccine trials by the 72nd Parliamentary Standing Committee Report

The 72nd Report clearly stated that the “demonstration project”, as it was repeatedly referred to by PATH, was a clinical trial, regardless of what PATH called it .

The report took note of the observations of the MoHFW’s enquiry committee that, “the demonstration project is a study of a pharmaceutical product carried out on humans and since the primary objectives include the study of serious adverse events, it is clear that clinical trial rules and guidelines should apply”

The 72nd Report further stated that by carrying out the clinical trial in the guise of an observation/demonstration project,” PATH has violated all the laws and regulations laid down for clinical trials by the Government of…
Nov 22, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
ICMR's study on sudden deaths: With USD 6 million in commitments from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, another USD 122 million committed from CDC, and over Rs. 171 crores in royalty from sale of Covaxin, @ICMRDELHI declares no financial support and no conflict of interest.

Such a perfectly honest disclosure.

Image 6 million dollars in commitments from BMGF @BMGFIndia
Nov 6, 2023 16 tweets 10 min read
Bell's palsy = Polio?

In an article in the Journal of American Medical Association in 1941, poliomyelitis was classified into 8 types, of which type VI was labeled as facial paralysis typical of “Bell’s Palsy findings”

The Journal of the American Medical Association 1941-07-26: Vol 117 Iss 4. Internet Archive, American Medical Association, 26 July…

Image "Facial paralysis is the most frequent manifestation of acute bulbar-pontine type of poliomyelitis" (pg. 155)

Frauenthal, Henry W., et al. A Manual of Infantile Paralysis, with Modern Methods of Treatment. Internet Archive, Philadelphia : Davis,…

Oct 25, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
The truth about India's "Polio Eradication Story"
1. Violation of Informed Consent: Side effects like polio due to vaccination were deliberately hidden with full knowledge of everyone involved in running the campaign including global bodies like @WHO and @UNICEFIndia .
2. Coercion to vaccinate: There were reports of power supply cuts and ration withdrawal for families that refused to vaccinate.
3. Change in diagnostic criteria that led to a drastic reduction in numbers despite high AFP incidence: Until 1996, all AFP cases used to be classified as polio. WHO defined criteria resulted in a drastic reduction in polio cases, with vast majority of AFP cases since 1997 classified as 'non-polio'.
4. Polio eradication was a controversial virological exercise: Polio eradication was not about eradication of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), just eradication of wild polio viruses from stools which had little impact on AFP incidence.
5. 67% of polio cases were actually triggered by intramuscular injections: i.e. medical intervention was the cause of two thirds of polio cases.
6. Indiscriminate dosage with little regard for safety: From 3 doses to 7 doses to about 70 million children receiving 10 doses a year. Several children received an unheard 25 doses .
7. Disproportionately high number of polio cases were actually vaccinated: In 2007 to 2009, when coverage of 3 doses or more was 67%-73%, an astonishing 96% of the reported polio cases had received 4 or more doses of the vaccine.
8. The vaccination campaign was associated with rising Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) cases: An additional 491,000 children suffered AFP possibly as a consequence of the mass polio campaign per research by Dr. Pulliyel et. al.
9. Indian Medical Association (IMA) had raised concerns about side effects but government was in denial mode: A 2006 story in Times Of India reported that IMA was concerned that a decade long exercise for polio eradication had not reduced incidence of AFP.
10. Loss of eyesight following vaccination: Per a regional media report, a child who lost eyesight allegedly after receiving polio vaccination (Jalpaiguri in Bengal, February 2020). How many such cases occurred is impossible to say given inadequate AEFI system.
11. Brain stroke following vaccination: Per another regional media report from Dibrugarh, Assam, June, 2019, a father was looking to sell his kidney to gather funds for treating his son who suffered a brain stroke following polio vaccination.
12. Death following vaccination: In 2009, a city court acknowledged death following polio vaccination, ordered the Delhi government to pay compensation of Rs. 2 lakh.
13. Court acknowledged polio vaccine as the cause of paralysis and ordered regional government to pay compensation: In 1996 a child became paralyzed following polio vaccine. After 25 year legal battle which included intervention by Supreme court, court has ordered health department to compensate victim with Rs 42 lakhs.
14. Polio from vaccine: Polio from vaccinations continue to occur. These are called VAPP (vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis) and classified as non-polio. An estimated 3% of AFP cases are VAPP per one study.
15. GBS (Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) from the oral polio vaccine: GBS (Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a documented side effect of the Oral Polio vaccine and accounts for close to half of the AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) cases.

#WorldPolioDay #ThePolioFiles #IndiaFightsPolio #UncomfortableFacts

@drkohilathas @P_McCulloughMD @naomirwolf @ChildrensHD @RobertKennedyJr @stopvaccinating @uTobian @forrestmaready @BusyDrT @mercola @dockaurG @mansukhmandviya @MoHFW_INDIA @narendramodi @myogiadityanath @OpenVAERS @JoshWalkos @MinorityView @sayerjigmi @HealthRanger

Sources in thread below.
Oct 24, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
On the "occasion" of World Polio Day, here are 15 facts that unmask the truth of the polio vaccination campaign in India 🧵

#UncomfortableFacts Fact 1
Oct 24, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read


Paralysis from the polio vaccine

Here’s another example of a child suffering paralysis following polio vaccination.

Date: August 12th, 2023
Place: Tekari, Bihar

Seha, a 5 year old girl contracted polio despite vaccination

Date: July 2016
Place: Katihar, Bihar

@Teensthack when will MSM unmask vaccine crimes?
Oct 24, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read


~67% of polio cases were actually triggered by intramuscular injections: i.e. medical intervention was the cause of two thirds of polio cases. Is it fair to attribute AFP to “communicable” wild polio viruses alone if the vast majority of the cases were triggered by a medical intervention i.e. injections?

“injections during poliomyelitis epidemics6 have not
been heeded. In India, where poliovirus infection is still widespread, our findings suggest that three-quarters of cases of paralytic poliomyelitis in the past decade were caused or made more severe by unnecessary injections.”

“Provocation of poliomyelitis occurred in 66% of children and usually followed intragluteal injections associated with treatment of non-specific fevers”

“Two thirds of the
affected children had received injections
in one or both sides of the gluteal region.”

“all those with paralysis gave a history of injections
into the gluteal region or thigh during the pre-paralytic

“Intramuscular injection was given in 70% (of cases) within one month of onset of paralysis”

5 out of 7 children with paralytic poliomyelitis in this study about outbreak of polio in an orphanage, suffered the condition following DPT injections

“Onset of paralysis was noticed in 73.5% of the children following administration of intramuscular injection on the same limb”

“60% had a history of intramuscular injections preceding paralysis”

“The relative risk of giving injection during the prodromal stage in provoking paralysis was found to be 18, 10 and 13, by matched and triplet analysis respectively” Intramuscular injections, which comprised 67% of poliomyelitis cases in India pre-1997 based on clinical diagnosis, were re-classified as non-polio AFP under the subclassifications - "traumatic neuritis", "sciactic never mononeuropathy", "Post injection Palsy" etc. where stool tests were negative or stool specimens inadequate.

27 of the 45 AFP cases investigated in Chhatisgarh per this study were classified as "post injection palsy"

Per this study from New Delhi 12-14% of cases of AFP were "traumatic sciatic neuritis following intra gluteal injections"

Oct 24, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read


Polio eradication was not about eradication of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), just eradication of wild polio viruses from stools:

“Indeed it is not AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) that is under eradication, but wild polioviruses.
Thus the criterion of eradication is the absence of wild polioviruses in stools”

- Dr. T. Jacob John, Former Chaiman, Polio Eradication Committee, Indian Academy of Pediatrics

What should one make of a statement like the above? There are tens of thousands of acute flaccid paralysis cases every year, but just because wild polioviruses are not detected in stools, such cases are discarded as non-polio? This was not the case pre-1997. Clinical diagnosis took precedence or virological examination and AFP cases were classified as polio per Dr. Yash Paul.

Moreover, it’s important to note that virological examination is alone does not negate a clinical diagnosis. This observation was made in the 4th international poliomyelitis conference in 1958

“Failure to isolate the virus does not necessarily negate a clinical diagnosis” —- Dr. Edwin Lennette as quoted in his paper “Problems of Viral Diagnostic Laboratory with Respect to Poliomyelitis”

In the same conference, Albert Sabin, credited as inventor of the oral polio vaccine, was quoted from his paper “Discussion - Isolation of Viruses” as -> “Failure to isolate polio virus from a patient exhibiting a clinical syndrome compatible with poliomyelitis does not rule out the diagnosis”

It is clear that absence of wild polio viruses from stool specimens does not negate a diagnosis of polio given symptoms of acute flaccid paralysis, but this fact has been ignored and people have been misled to believe that eradication of polio is the same as eradication of acute flaccid paralysis, whereas in reality the acute flaccid paralysis cases continue to number in thousands every year, we just have from surveillance information that wild polioviruses are not longer detected in stool specimens. However this mere fact seems to mean little given the thousands of AFP cases reported every year Per a study in Texas, only 26% of suspected cases were confirmed polio cases through laboratory stool test. Historically, clinical diagnosis would’ve meant all such cases be diagnosed as polio, but with the new definition, only 26% of such cases would count as polio

J.V. Irons, and James E. Peavy. Poliomyelitis in Texas, Result of Blood and Studies in 1958 Cases, Texas State Journal of Medicine 1959-10: Vol 55 Iss 10. Internet Archive, Texas Medical Association, 1 Oct. 1959

Oct 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read


Change in diagnostic criteria: “Up to 1996 all reported cases of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) were labelled as polio cases, but no follow up was done. … From 1997, and AFP case has been labelled as polio in the presence of one or more of the following: (i) wild polio virus detected in stool sample, (ii) residual paralysis observed after a period of 60 days after onset of paralysis, (iii) the patient has died, or (iv) the patient is lost to follow up”

This change in diagnostic criteria resulted in a huge drop in polio cases. For e.g., in 1999, there were 9,587 cases of AFP, but only 2,817 were counted as polio. Pre-1997, all 9.587 would’ve been counted as polio. This implies that a change in definition itself resulted in a 71% drop in polio cases in 1999.

Oral Polio vaccine can trigger the so called "non-polio acute flaccid paralysis" cases such as Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), transverse myelitis and facial paralysis

"Molecular characterization of polio virus isolated from paralysis cases of GBS, transverse myelitis and facial paralysis have confirmed the vaccine origin of the strain and demonstrated mutation known to increase neurovirulence. This suggests that the Sabin vaccine–derived poliovirus strains could also trigger such diseases"

Neogi, Sutapa Bandyopadhyay. “Polio Declining but AFP on the Rise.” Indian Pediatrics, Journal of Indian Pediatrics, Volume 43, Feb. 2006
Oct 24, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read


Violation of Informed Consent: Polio is a side effect of the polio vaccine. This condition is called Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis or VAPP. Not just the recipient but close contacts of the recipient are at risk of contracting polio. This fact was deliberately hidden from the masses per this article by Dr. Yash Paul - former member of Polio Eradication Committee of Indian Academy of Pediatrics.


“In a publication entitled ‘Together we make India polio free’ produced jointly by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics and UNICEF following a workshop held in New Delhi on May 20-21, 2000 on page 14 under Issues and Concerns it was stated: (i) Public discussion of VAPP may cause serious damage to credibility of the polio eradication strategy (ii) In the present scheme VAPP is discarded as non-polio, although they are the unwanted product of polio programme, (iii) Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory investigation of VAPP is not carried out. Thus not only information regarding possible harm to a child by OPV was being held back, but facts regarding the occurrence of VAPP were being suppressed.”

“It was known that OPV can cause VAPP, but during pulse polio immunization program people were told that OPV is absolutely safe, which was not the truth.”

“People were also told through media that OPV is highly effective, although children were developing polio despite taking large number of polio dosesP” "No studies regarding the incidence of VAPP cases occurring in India were available"
"This" (VAPP) "was considered a 'price' to be paid for polio eradication and the information was guarded as a secret from the public, because doctors had been advised to restriction the discussion regarding VAPP to academic circles only, so that the pulse polio immunisation may not be affected"
-Dr. Yash Paul, former member of the polio eradication committee
Oct 7, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
Surprised that people still trust @BillGates even after his dubious history!!!

What is the objective behind such promotions, @nasdaily ?

What is the objective behind trapping women in the name of one-min solutions?
#BillGates Bill Gates' experiment with Indians in 2009 #India @nasdaily @StringReveals @vijaygajera
- thousands of girls suffered following the administration of #HPV vaccines.
No informed consent was taken today, no follow up of side effects ever done!
@MoHFW_INDIA @PMOIndia @SrBacchan_ @pbhushan1
Oct 7, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
NO SALARY INCREMENT for medical officers who do not meet vaccination targets.

The tyrants keep coming up with coercive methods to p0ison the kids

🧵…Image Per this report, hospitals who did not vaccinate newborns would be fined .... another coercive tactic…
Oct 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Now that @narendramodi has endorsed @vivekagnihotri 's "The Vaccine War", here are 5 questions for him, plus a bonus question.

Read on 🧵

#ModiWithTheVaccineWar Question 1
Aug 30, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
*U-turn on policy*

• In Nov 2022, govt gave oral undertaking it won’t carry out commercial cultivation
• The Centre has now moved the SC seeking to withdraw its oral undertaking
• Alternatively, it wants permission to sow GM seeds this season at some sites “One year here or there does not matter. This is only one season. Next year, there will be another season. However, environmental harm cannot be reversed.…
Jul 1, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Rejoinder: Rachana Gangu vs Union of India WP(C) 1220 of 2021

कृपया नीचे दिए गए लिंक में प्रत्युत्तर पाएं:

आप उपरोक्त लिंक में यूओआई द्वारा 23.11.22 को दायर शपथ पत्र भी पा सकते हैं।… सभी सदस्यों से इसे पढ़ने और प्रेस संपर्कों के साथ साझा करने का अनुरोध है ताकि इस महत्वपूर्ण मामले को सार्वजनिक जांच के लिए उठाया जा सके।

प्रत्युत्तर की मुख्य बातें इस प्रकार हैं:
Apr 27, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit Will Not Attend NFL Draft Due to Blood Clot… Giants youngster Bobby Hill sidelined with #Cancer diagnosis…
Sep 27, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
5G concerns - ✍️ Jagannath Chatterjee @jagchat01
5G is fifth generation wireless. It is 100 times more faster than the current 4G. But there is much more to 5G than speed. It is the launchpad for AI based absolute control. 5G and later technologies will connect all objects including human beings into a seamless network using you guessed it; Graphene Oxide - the ultimate conductor.