Donbas Samizdat (Донбасс Самиздат) Profile picture
●Justice for Peace in Donbas Coalition ●Former analyst SOVA Center-Moscow ●Researcher/Investigator of Far Right-Nationalism/Extremism

Apr 18, 2024, 6 tweets

Russian bullsh*t repeats itself. 1939 issue of RT (Russia Today Society) a propaganda pamphlet from the 30s & 40s produced to counter Western Media. Bullsh*t justifying the Red Army invasion of Finland thats remarkably similar to todays anti Ukraine conspiracies.

A special 🧵

All the greates hits

1)West are hypocrites for condemning the Invasion because whattabout Spain
2)Communists are being oppressed & must be saved
3)the Fascists Finns are actually killing their own civilians
4)Fin is a Western puppet, its a proxy
5)Fin is run by a Fascists gov

6)Finland is not a real democracy
7)Finland is not a real country, they were always part of the Russian empire

Just replace Finland with Ukraine & nothing changes, because bullsh*t works. Russia has been using this playbook for 200 years…

Here is another copy of Russia Today from 1943, this is the famous RT issue that blamed the Germans for the Katyn Forest Massacre. This propaganda was being devoured by Communists in the West & was rarely debunked

This issue also stated that the fascist Polish government was working with the Nazis & that population was oppressed by Polish junta. The West is just Russophobic & the Western media is all lies. Stalin wants a strong independent Poland…

Anyone that grew up under the Soviet/Russian government has heard these tales.
The West are demons
Enemy is at the gates
we must invade because they will
they are fascists
they are Nazis
they are jihadi terrorists.

Russia is never at fault, ever


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