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On a mission to save 10,000 dogs a month. Living in Thailand. Read more about the dogs and help out on the link below

Apr 20, 2024, 6 tweets

I feed 80 street dogs every day but the last stop is my favorite because I get to see little Angelina Jolie.

She’s a very very old girl who has lived on the streets her whole life but she is very special (1/6) 🧵

She lives beside a little shop in the jungle. She’ll either be sleeping either under the car or just beside the road waiting.

Angelina is very vocal and likes to tell me she’s happy about her food delivery. Her voice makes me so happy (2/6)

The food is secondary for Angelina. She does love it but only after I sit and give her and her old best friend Bob 5 minutes attention.

I’m not sure who is happier to see who. Me or Angelina. But why leave her on the street? (3/6)

The answer is she did come in one time for 2 weeks after she got badly attacked by another rogue street dog. I had to get her all fixed up.

She absolutely HATED being at the land. She cried all day every day and injured herself trying to escape by chewing the metal bars (4/6)

She got more and more frantic at the land. She was always trying to run away. We see this sometimes with street dogs. Angelina was a home bird. She’s about 10 and she’d lived her whole life in that spot on the street. She couldn’t get back there quickly enough once better (5/6)

Angelina has food. Medicines. A best friend. Water. Her safe place to live. And I clean her eyes for her every day.

I know she’s happy because she tells me so every day. A wonderful girl and my favorite stop. See her sets me up for the day ahead (6/6)

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