Niall Harbison Profile picture
On a mission to save 10,000 dogs a month. Living in Thailand. Read more about the dogs and help out on the link below
Barb Profile picture 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐔𝐩𝐭𝐨𝐧🍀 Profile picture Dame Chris🌟🇺🇦😷 #RejoinEU #FBPE #GTTO🔶️ Profile picture Christy Johnson Profile picture KEEP Kelly Monaco Sam FIRE Frank Valentini Profile picture 26 subscribed
Sep 30 8 tweets 4 min read
I shouldn’t really have favorites with the street dogs but Poppy is a dog I’ll spend extra time with daily.

I called her that because one of her ears always pops up.

She looks spectacular today but our friendship only started when she came close to death (1/8) 🧵 Image I fed her for 6 months but she would never come close. When she did she would growl at me. Any attempt to touch her and she would snap and try to bite.

I put her down as aggressive and brought her food. Then it all changed (2/8) Image
Sep 28 11 tweets 6 min read
I wanted to tell you a story of a little dog that we helped save tonight.

It’s a story of hope for her and getting her dignity back but this is also a story for anybody who struggles in life.

It’s a story of how dogs and humans can be down but are never out… (1/10) Image It’s my birthday today and I’m 45.

My dog friends bought me a banana hat and I got 2 cakes 🥰.

Remarkably I woke up and people were also donating $4.50 in all their local currencies to help me with dogs.

My wish was to find a dog to help today (2/10)
Sep 26 8 tweets 5 min read
Mario was badly beaten up on the streets of Thailand.

Some kind locals handed him to me with a broken leg and a hand made wooden splint on the 18th of April.

This is his story with the happiest of endings now… (1/8) 🧵
You can see how bad he was here when I took him straight to the vet. A shattered leg, bloodshot eyes, severe bruising and various other injuries.

Information was very sketchy but the first priority was fixing him up which we did… (2/8)

Sep 25 8 tweets 6 min read
Taylor Swift had been tied up for months and used for breeding. Locals had been furious and we tried to free her but she was seen as a money making machine.

Finally in June after 3 months we got her and her 2 puppies.

No more living on a chain on cold concrete… (1/8)🧵 Image Getting her out of there was the best feeling in the world.

On an earlier visit I’d seen her being slapped for not producing milk. There were 8 puppies but 6 suddenly “found homes”. My guess is they died as conditions were bad and mum was so stressed (2/8)
Sep 24 5 tweets 3 min read
A beautiful story of recovery and hope for this little puppy of 5 months old.

She had a massive brain injury but look at her today. An incredible come back… It’s always hard to get the full story with the dogs. We think she was there for 2 days.

It was a severe hit to the head so at best a glancing blow from a car (common) but at worst someone with a shovel or spade or similar…
Sep 24 13 tweets 10 min read
McMuffin is the sickest dog I’ve ever rescued here on the streets of Thailand.

She was covered in cancer, 500 blood sucking ticks and was hours from death.

This is the uplifting story of how today she is celebrating a big birthday party in Germany (1/12) 🧵
I will never forget the smell or how broken she was in the vets when I made this video.

We took her to 2 different vets and both said there was no way she could make it. They didn’t even know how to start treating her.

She’d been thrown out on the street when sick (2/12)
Sep 22 11 tweets 7 min read
A story that shows the power of Twitter…

This is Tiny a very small and older street dog who was terrified of people her whole life.

She got into big trouble health wise about a year ago.

Its been a battle for 6 weeks but we’ve managed to turn Tiny’s life around (1/10) 🧵 Image It took us about 2 weeks to even catch her. Locals had spotted her with her leg hanging down.

We presumed it was broken or badly fractured from a car crash. A fairly typical injury here.

Nobody could touch her. She would head back into then undergrowth (2/10)
Sep 22 7 tweets 4 min read
44 days between these photos. Very hard to process how these puppies have grown.

Mum has done incredible work but decided today it’s time for her to take time off properly.

The 6 puppies are gorgeous and huge but they’ve exhausted her. Shes done incredible (1/7) 🧵
I’ve already been keeping mum away at nights as the puppies just harass her so much for milk.

Mum always runs straight in to see them but then jumps into higher places.

She loves them but she’s done her job now. The puppies have moved onto proper good this week (2/7)

Sep 21 9 tweets 5 min read
Butterscotch is a turning into a very special girl.

We only rescued her from the streets 6 days ago but there is something incredible about her.

Its just amazing how much she was suffering but how much love she is already sharing with others (1/8) 🧵 Image This time last week she was being eaten alive but animals and her bloods were full of parasites.

I’ve never seen a dog with so many little fleas and ticks attacking her (2/8)
Sep 20 9 tweets 5 min read
Some rescues take time. Last December I was in Bali and I met this little dog.

He was one of the sickest I’ve ever come across. He was hours from death.

His story is a truly remarkable one…(1/8) 🧵 Image He was barely even recognizable as a dog. I paid for his vet care but to be honest I thought the worst as…

🪱 He had heart worms
🩸 Blood parasites
🦠 Many infections

The only way to save him was a blood transfusion. It didn’t look good (2/8)
Sep 20 9 tweets 5 min read
Little Candy just after we caught her in the Jungle in Thailand.

She only had 3 legs when we found her and chances of survival were not great.

Shes been rebuilding her life and today she was getting some insanely good news… (1/8) 🧵 Image She was terrified and under some metal sheeting when we cornered her. These small street dogs have so many threats… snakes / humans trying to do bad things / finding food / heat / floods etc.

This was their first interaction with humans (2/8)
Sep 19 6 tweets 4 min read
20 days ago I got Lando off a chain. We’d been told he had an illness or serious stomach issues.

It’s amazing to see how he has recovered so quickly and how full of confidence he is today… (1/6) 🧵 Image I can’t really go into the specifics too much but all I focused on was getting him safe as quickly as possible.

Remarkably the vets tested everything and there was NOTHING wrong with him. He’d just been starving. (2/6)

Sep 17 11 tweets 6 min read
My favorite street dog rescue of all time is without a doubt Shaq.

This photo I was sent was the first I knew of him. I saw the mass growing out of his neck and had to go get him immediately.

His recovery has been incredible and yesterday I went to visit him (1/10) Image First off we tried draining it at the vets but it just kept getting bigger.

Shaq was too weak with bad blood parasites for an operation so we had to build his strength up for 4 weeks.

Most vets refused to operate. His chances were 50/50 at best (2/10)
Sep 16 7 tweets 4 min read
5 and a half weeks ago street dog Bowie had her little puppies.

I still can’t quite believe how they have turned out.

Mum has done an incredible job and we’ve been able to support her a bit more this last week.

You won’t believe how big they are now (1/7) Image Because mum came in seriously underweight and with blood parasites and already pregnant she had a huge battle to feed them all.

She did incredible but after 4 weeks the pain and work load on her body caught up. She has a rash and some other small health issues (2/7)

Sep 15 9 tweets 5 min read
I found this street dog in a temple on Friday. It looked like a simple enough grooming was needed given how hot it is here in Thailand. ✂️

I was stunned at how bad she ended up being but her comeback has already started. (1/8) 🧵 A closer inspection showed that the fur was matted and then I started seeing the little creepy animals.

I thought it was a he but is actually a girl. We called her butterscotch.

I still hadn’t seen the worst of her problems though (2/8)
Sep 14 7 tweets 4 min read
A few months ago Sandy was a little puppy alone in a cave. Rusty had been chained up for 18 months.

They came into @wearehappydoggo and became very best friends.

Its hard to believe but right now they are 40,000 feet up in the air over the Middle East (1/6) 🧵
They dressed up nice and smart for their trip on Wednesday and headed by pet taxi from Samui to Bangkok.

A 14 hour drive including a ferry. They had each other for company and they were heading for their final vet checks and paper work (2/6) Image
Sep 13 7 tweets 4 min read
Today a little dog called Eve is hiking up Snowdonia in Northern Wales with her mum.

They are doing it for a very special cause and you’ll see how special this is when you factor in the injuries Eve had as a street dog in Thailand.

Very emotional seeing this… (1/8) 🧵 Image I rescued her outside a 7-11 shop on Christmas Eve last year. So 9 months ago.

Since then she has been rehabilitated. She has traveled to a forever home in the UK and found wonderful humans to look after her (2/7) Image
Sep 10 8 tweets 5 min read
It was 5 months ago that I found little puppy Sandy living alone in a cave on the beach.

He was only 3 months old and trying to survive on scraps of food. He was just a baby.

Today Sandy got the happiest ending you could ever imagine (1/7) 🧵 We tried to make him comfortable but he would hide down the back of couches and make himself as small as he possibly could.

This went on for a couple of weeks. He’d never known human touch, other kinds dogs or safety in his young life (2/7)

Sep 6 12 tweets 8 min read
An update on Leo Messi. One of the bravest street dogs I’ve come across.

This was him with his leg hanging off after I caught him on the 24th July.

It’s been challenging but he is making great progress(1/10) Image He was so weak with blood parasites and anemia we could do anything at first. He would have bled to death during an operation.

We set about rest, medicines and pain relief. But his stress became so big we had to operate after 2 weeks (2/10)

Sep 4 6 tweets 4 min read
4 days ago we rescued Lando from a chain where he was starving to death. The end was near.

Not in his wildest dreams did he think he’d be getting a whole roast chicken for lunch just a few days later… (1/5) 🧵

I’ve been feeding him 5 small meals a day so as he could bulk up but also spacing them out so he wouldn’t bloat up.

Amazingly Lando has taken to walking on a lead. Look at his tail up and body language today. A completely different dog already (2/5)
Sep 2 11 tweets 6 min read
I wanted to share a thread to put a huge smile on your face today.

Little Rodney was a puppy found wandering the streets in Thailand alone with a family. He was seriously ill.

His comeback and happy ending is the stuff of dreams… (1/10) 🧵 Image It’s hard to explain just how bad he looked. We got him vet treatment and brought him in as one of the first ever dogs into @wearehappydoggo .

The vets were initially not super worried. Mainly a skin issue they thought (2/10)