on January 28 the NYT's Patrick Kingsley and Ronen Bergman published a piece laundering an Israeli propaganda smear against UNRWA, explicitly lying about "a dozen" UNRWA-Hamas workers. The actual claimed figure was 4. Now it has emerged even that 4 was a lie with zero evidence
what did the NYT do when Patrick Kingsley lied about the contents of an Israeli propaganda report on their front page? Did they fire him? Did they at least block him from writing about this? No, they're allowing him to write about the report that disproved his own prior article:
this is New York Times "journalism", the head of their Jerusalem Bureau Patrick Kingsley, who also oversaw the "mass rape" hoax pieces, is an outright liar and propagandist for the Israeli regime, and they love it. He helped destroy UNRWA for them
guess who wrote the coordinated Israeli regime pushed NYT Amit Soussana one allegation of one instance of unspecified sexual assault by a rogue guard?
Patrick Kingsley and Ronen Bergman, the same two who laundered the UNRWA propaganda hoax
so Patrick Kingsley, who is a serial propagandist and liar who has been pushing propaganda hoaxes for months that have been debunked, is supposed to be regarded as an esteemed, respected "journalist" whose claims are pure objective fact. This the NYT Jerusalem Bureau Chief:
as for Patrick Kingsley's favorite co-author and top NYT "reporter" Ronen Bergman, he literally served in Israeli military intelligence and cites Israel lobby propaganda outfits as credible sources in his NYT pieces. Again, this is considered "journalism"
if you're a student reporter at some community college, or a reporter at a local paper in Alabama, and you write a front page article just explicitly lying about the number of people who are accused of something, saying it's 12 instead of 4, you will be immediately fired and you will never find a job in journalism again.
But Patrick Kingsley and Ronen Bergman are still the New York Times top reporters on anything related to Israel and the Gaza genocide.
And they get all the awards and prizes and praise from their colleagues. They are so beloved and respected.
This is called "real investigative journalism" and is held up by the West as the gold standard everyone in the world must strive to live up to. Patrick Kingsley, Ronen Bergman, Anat Schwartz, Jeffey "I don't do evidence, I do stories" Gettleman, and Adam Sella the food blogger.
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