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LeftwardSwing β™ΏπŸ•ŠοΈ πŸ’‰ πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Profile picture Hero in pajamas Profile picture ACAB - Mee Myselfani πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ free Palestine! Profile picture Love is Good for the Soul Profile picture massimiliano tanzini Profile picture 90 subscribed
Jul 1 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 6 min read
BREAKING: A lawyer has spoken to a Palestinian hostage taken by Israel who like many others gave direct testimony of mass systematic rape against them, including with dogs. It is clear now that the White House is laundering video footage of Palestinians who were raped as it is a routine part of the torture regime they are subjected to. Many hostages have also been torture-raped to death.

I want to repeat this again: The White House and Kamala Harris are promoting extensive video footage of Palestinians who were brutally, violently raped, and are using it to launder the genocidal atrocity propaganda "mass rape" hoax with it:

They are using actual rape to launder a rape hoax. This is a level of depravity I have never seen before, and it is not done by Trump or Republicans, it is being done by the black woke bae queen Kamala Harris.

Meanwhile the entire media class, from the New York Times to CNN, also actively participated in using these actual rape videos to launder the "mass rape" hoax they fabricated. All of them have promoted the Sandberg hoax film that features this extensive footage of raped PalestiniansImage to any journalists who can ask the White House spokesperson @ryangrim, @samhusseini, @APDiploWriter, @MaxBlumenthal, human rights orgs @amnestyusa, @hrw, @btselem, @PHRIsrael: Please ask why the White House is laundering extensive footage of rape-torture:
Jun 30 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 3 min read
this is astonishing. The Israel lobby in the US is sending letters to the Japanese ambassador demanding they denounce a Japanese journalist for daring to expose the "mass rape" and other hoaxes and the Israel lobby's influence over the US, thereby proving her point perfectly Image the Israel lobby's institutions like the Simon Wiesenthal center and rags like Ynet are leading a censorship charge against a Japanese journalist for daring to expose their propaganda hoaxes, and they're doing it publicly with glee. Mearsheimer is right:
Jun 30 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 3 min read
this is amazing. They gave the Orwell prize to the author of the piece who laundered anonymous "morgue workers" and Israel's chief forensic pathologist lying about personally seeing non-existent beheaded babies. They actually awarded her for laundering the 40 beheaded babies hoax
Image and @Wendell23 also laundered the hoax lies of Captain Mayaan and Shari Mendes about "broken pelvises" and other deranged propaganda, confirmed by Haaretz to be lies. And they gave her the Orwell prize. They actually awarded her for laundering a genocide

Jun 29 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 7 min read
Here's a recent case study in how Zionist power, real power, works: Last week Kamala Harris and Genocide Joe's White House did a screening of Sheryl Sandberg's "mass rape" hoax film that includes extensive footage of what every human rights org and the UN says is torture.

They also simultaneously posted a "fact sheet on sexual violence" on the White House site, just a standard overview of various sexual violence in conflict cases focusing on cases they had already worked on prior to 2023, from the Yazidis to Ukraine. So the "fact sheet" had zero mention of the "mass rape" hoax, because it was focused on sexual violence cases the US regime had already been working on before October 7. The event itself was entirely focused on that hoax, they screened Sandberg's hoax film and now are literally laundering torture on the White House public media channel:

But that's not enough. The whole point of that event, and why the Israeli regime organized it with Ruth-Halperin Kaddari, the main fabricator of the "mass rape" hoax for the Israeli regime (see ) alongside Sheryl Sandberg and Holy Saint Amit Soussana, was to regurgitate yet again that genocidal atrocity propaganda hoax, so they wanted a full pay-out, meaning also include it extensively at the beginning, front and center, of your White House fact sheet.

We own you and we're not fucking around here. What we pay for we want to get, to the last commas and dots.

So Zionists became absolutely enraged that their pet atrocity propaganda lines weren't included on that page that no one reads or was even aware of existed, but they were, so they got two of their Congressmen, Dan Goldman and Adam Schiff, to write a stern public letter demanding the White House add the hoax to that page. The New York Post and other Zionist Israeli outlets raged over it as well.

Guess what happened?

The White House, literally minutes after that open letter was published alongside a New York Post hit, updated the page and put the "mass rape" hoax front and center of it, literally the first thing on the page and then extensively mentioned in the rest of it as well.

And guess what has received zero mentions from the White House, not just in that "fact sheet" or at that event where they laundered literal torture, but ever, at any point? The actual documented mass systematic rape and sexual violence against Palestinian babies, children, men and women.

This is how power, how Zionist power, operates in the world.
again, the White House is owned entirely by the Israeli lobby and regime via their agents like Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, who brag publicly with glee that they get their propaganda hoax lines into every White House report and Genocide Joe and Kamala speech
Jun 29 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
when Anthony Bourdain said free Palestine and called out the racist vilification of Palestinians by the media and political class: "The world has visited many terrible things on the Palestinian people, none more shameful than robbing them of their basic humanity." Bourdain's visit to Gaza
Jun 28 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 4 min read
I'm seeing some people say they feel sorry for Joe Biden. Just to be clear: I hope every waking moment of his life is filled with suffering, humiliation, degradation, and endless pain. That depraved genocidal senile rapist Zionist scumbag is directly responsible for the mass murder and rape of not just Palestinians, but Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans, every single US genocidal war going back decades, millions of lives, babies, children, men and women destroyed by this monstrous ghoulish freak.

If only a tiny bit of that is returned to him through personal suffering, it is not just an expression of the only bit of justice his victims can ever have, but it is what he deserves a million times over.

I hope he dies soon utterly humiliated, shamed and despised by everyone, from the liberal class that propped up his genocidal rapist corpse, up to his closest friends and relatives. I hope he dies knowing he was hated and despised by everyone the world over, as he is. I feel the same about the entire genocidal Zionist and actual rape defending and rapist Western media and political class, who are directly responsible for the mass torture, murder and rape of countless millions across the world, and they do it with glee:
Jun 26 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
There is a coup attempt ongoing in Bolivia right now, once again led by far right fascist forces of course with ties to the CIA. Don't be surprised if the Mossad is also involved, as they are deeply embedded in fascist far movements across the world, and particularly in South and Central America.

The previous coup resulted in Christian fundamentalist fascist Jeanine Anez to be installed as dictator, and of course she was a staunch Zionist too and immediately reestablished relations with Israel and expressed support for and vowed close ties with the genocidal regime.

For now it looks like the coup only has partial support from the military and might fail. Morales and the President Acre have called for mass mobilizations of the people to safeguard democracy.Image Hugo Chavez spoke brilliantly about the US and Zionist imperialist attempts to destroy Venezuela and other socialist movements across Latin America for daring to oppose the empire's dictates:
Jun 25 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Donald Trump, who is a convicted rapist and was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein, has just repeated the "mass rape" atrocity propaganda hoax. Sheryl Sandberg recruited a literal serial rapist to promote her hoax documentary. And all the Zionists are celebrating it with glee Image it's astonishing how shameless and depraved Zionist scum are. They actively recruited the serial pedophile rapist Donald Trump to push and promote their "mass rape" hoax. The "feminist liberal" Sheryl Sandberg being promoted by epic based Epstein friend Trump. Zionism unites all
Jun 25 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Norman Finkelstein destroys a Western media class hack: "Listen to you, you're just spouting Israeli propaganda."

This is from 2009, and the Zionist propaganda talking points have stayed exactly the same today with the ongoing Gaza genocide. the same interview from 2009 of course has the "OMG KHAMAS, KHAMAS, KHAMAS" propaganda lines too, all long before October 7. Norman easily destroys it by simply pointing to the actual historical record, namely that Israel has rejected every peace deal which Hamas supports:
Jun 25 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
the US regime with the aid of the Western media class began a campaign to smear, vilify, imprison and destroy Julian Assange for revealing to the world their depraved crimes, including this video of their intentional mass killing of journalists. Like the scenes from Gaza today instead of showering Assange with journalism awards and prizes for actually reporting the truth, the Western media and political class joined together to destroy him. Meanwhile rags like the NYT and its roster of Israeli intelligence assets get Pulitzers:
Jun 23 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
BREAKING: The White House now has extensive video footage on its channel that every human rights organization in the world, including Israeli, as well as the UN, have said was extracted under torture. I repeat: The White House is laundering torture on its public media channel Image this is a scandal of immense proportions, and it is shocking if no one reports on it. The White House is now directly laundering what every human rights organization and the UN says is torture on its public media channel. REPORT ON THIS, THIS IS INSANE
Jun 22 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Jake Tapper is a deranged Zionist fanatic who has laundered every genocidal atrocity propaganda hoax, from the 40 beheaded babies in ovens to the "mass rapes". He is not only a war criminal, but under the Nuremberg Laws he would be hanged for genocide like Julius Streicher was Image conservatives and liberals are now united in crying for Jake Tapper because some protesters went to his home to call him a genocidal war criminal. Tapper goes on CNN daily to incite genocide with outright lies, and no one cares. But shout at his home and you're "breaking norms"
Jun 20 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 8 min read
BREAKING: The "mass rape" hoax collapses even further. Chaim Otmazgin, a senior Zaka cult commander which is the main source of the "mass rape" and other genocidal propaganda hoaxes, and who is himself a star witness in the Sheryl Sandberg documentary, has just been further exposed as a pathological grifter by Israeli media. For years he falsely claimed to be a lawyer to scam clients out of money, with one client being scammed out of half a million shekels (over $400,000).

This depraved scumbag has been touring around the world on behalf of the Israeli regime with his rape hoax lies, and again is prominently featured in the Sandberg hoax documentary, recently screened at the White House by Kamala Harris (see ).

His lies are also prominently included in the "Israeli Rape Crisis Center" report, which continues to be cited as a credible source as it just gathers together all the deranged and debunked hoax lies from the Western media (see ). In that report and elsewhere, Otmazgin lies about personally seeing and having photos of "bodies with nails and knives in their vagina". This was debunked by NBC News, Haaretz and the UN, who saw the same photos and said he lied. Then the AP debunked a lie of his about a body of a teenage girl he saw with her pants pulled down as evidence of rape. The body had been moved by Israeli troops and the pants were pulled down because of that.

Will they now add corrections and retract their pieces relying on this proven fraud huckster grifter's deranged propaganda lies? Of course not.

Only Israeli media is allowed to expose him for what he is for their domestic audience. For the Western media class he is still a Credible Serous Source. Even the AP in the piece debunking that rape hoax lie of his desperately defends his credibility, and says he just made an honest mistake because he was "traumatized". These depraved scum have no shame.
Image here are some of the scenes of proven pathological liar and grifter senior Zaka commander Chaim Otmazgin in Sheryl Sandberg's hoax "documentary". Remember, Kamala Harris screened this at the White House just three days ago. It's utterly insane
Jun 18 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
a compilation of Noam Chomsky exposing Western media class "journalists" for the depraved propagandists they are to be clear, I didn't include any mention of Chomsky's passing as it was just based on one tweet and I was waiting for confirmation. His wife Valeria has just confirmed that Chomsky is still alive and recovering from a stroke he had last year:

Jun 18 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 3 min read
I want everyone to know the AP's @apwillweissert is a liar. He just wrote another piece for the AP regurgitating the "Hamas mass rape" hoax, patently lying about Patten's UN report confirming it. Pramila Patten herself has said this is false in the Times of London recently: Image the Times of London just recently did an interview with Pramila Patten herself and for the first time accurately described her report. Yet other outlets keeps regurgitating the lie that it confirmed the "Hamas mass rape" hoax. It is utterly fucking insane
Jun 16 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 4 min read
I have a question for any journalists who might be reading this: If you're a journalist, if you're a White House reporter, and if you have any minimal journalistic integrity, how can you allow the White House to screen a film that uses what every human rights organization from Amnesty to Human Rights Watch, the UN, Physicians for Human Rights Israel and B'Tselem says is torture?

It doesn't just mention it vaguely. No, the film prominently and extensively shows the forced tortured "confessions" of Palestinians released by the Israeli regime, and presents it is clear evidence for the "mass rape" hoax.

Now whatever you may think about the "mass rape" claim, if you believe it's actually well-founded, credible, there's good evidence for it, whatever.

But you cannot say that those forced tortured "confession" videos, which every human rights organization in the world, including Israeli as well as the UN says they are, should be cited and used as evidence, because that means you are now complicit in laundering torture everywhere, at any place, at any time, by any one.

You open Pandora's Box if you allow this to continue without even bothering to ask a single critical question about it.

You know those Americans imprisoned in Russia like Evan Gershkovich? If you allow Israel to torture prisoners, put a camera in front of their face, order them to say what they want to hear as they tape it, and then put that out in the world as evidence, and then you yourself cite it as credible evidence and allow the White House to cite it as credible evidence via that Sandberg film which it will screen on Monday, then Putin can do the same. Iran can do the same. Hamas can do the same in Gaza. China can do the same.

Anyone in the world can take prisoners, torture them, put a camera in front of their face and tape them admitting to whatever they want, and then put that out as evidence, and you no longer have the moral, ethical, journalistic or any right to complain about it.

In fact, you are now obliged to accept that as credible evidence, because that's what you did and said for Israel.

I will forever remind everyone of what you did here with these forced tortured "confessions". I will make sure there is a permanent public record of it.

I know you don't care about the proven lies in the Sandberg propaganda film which Haaretz, NBC News, Patten's UN report and the Human Rights Commission report, and the Times of London all prove beyond doubt to be lies, as extensively documented later in the thread below.

But if you cross this line and participate in the laundering of torture, you have shown the world what you really are.Image if you are a reporter and are going to that White House event or will write a story on it, can you just add: Why is Kamala Harris and the White House promoting what every human rights organization as well as the UN explicitly says is torture? Is that too much to ask of you?
Jun 15 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 7 min read
this is insane. The Israeli regime which has a direct line to the White House and Genocide Joe and Genocide Kamala are doing yet another laundering of the debunked and exposed genocidal atrocity propaganda "mass rape" hoax, featuring Sheryl Sandberg's debunked hoax documentary Image not only does the hoax by Sheryl Sandberg include explicit proven lies about non-existent photos and other deranged claims from proven hoaxers, IT ALSO LAUNDERS ACTUAL TORTURE. The White House is going to gleefully launder actual torture now for Israel

Jun 14 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 7 min read
I want to give a demonstration of how the media, in this particular case the New York Times, fabricates and launders genocidal atrocity propaganda intentionally.

This really does epitomize the depravity of the Western media class.

In its piece on the latest UN report the New York Times uses the term "sexual violence" 10 times. Let's see how they use it to carefully construct a propaganda lie as a way of laundering their own "mass rape" hoax, even though they have to begrudgingly admit later in the piece, for the first time they have done so, that the UN report actually debunks it.

This refers to their use of the term "sexual violence" that is the most relevant and should have come right at the beginning of the piece, or at least right after the first time it is used. Instead it's buried in a section over halfway through the article, where it correctly notes that the UN report was unable to corroborate "claims of rape, sexualized torture and genital mutilation reported in the media."

Of course they don't say that these "news media reports" includes their own "mass rape" hoax articles, including notoriously the Jeffrey "I don't do evidence, I do stories" Gettleman, Adam Sella the food blogger straight of college, and Anat Schwartz the genocidal maniac who served in Israel military intelligence piece "Screams Without Words", which amazingly still has not been retracted after it has been totally destroyed, once again by this latest UN report as they themselves have to admit while burying it so that no one will notice.

I noticed.

In that same section, which again comes late in the article after the term has already been used multiple times, it uses it just once to say the report also "accused Israel" of sexual violence against Palestinians.

Notice the insertion of that phrase: "accused Israel". There is no "accused Hamas" right in the paragraph before that. No, for Hamas the report "says it". Not accused, not alleges it, no, it says it, as if it's a Pure Fact. For Israel it's just a random vague allegation and accusation. Ignore it, it means nothing.

So then we are left with 8 other times the NYT piece uses the term "sexual violence". 6 of them are at the very beginning of the article, one in the subheading, prominently displayed right under the headline, deploying it as a stated fact about Hamas on October 7.

Note again the lack of "accused Hamas", while it says "accused Israel" in the sentence right after. Again, for Israel everything is just an vague allegation to the New York Times and the media class, but everything you say about Palestinians is pure unadulterated fact. Literally from the same report. Astonishing depravity.

But then notice also: No mention of sexual violence by Israel against Palestinians in the subheading, even though the report goes into extensive detail about that, and it is much more damning than what it says about Hamas, because for Israel the report concludes that it actually is deliberate, systematic and planned, and extends to long before October 7 and the ongoing Gaza genocide, and actually does include sexualized torture

I detailed the findings of the report regarding systematic and planned Israeli sexual violence against Palestinian babies, girls, boys, women and men here:

But the New York Times doesn't find that worthy of mentioning in its subheading, or in the entirety of the article, aside from the aforementioned quick nod to it as an vague general "accusation" over halfway through the piece which 0.01% of people read.

No details. No harrowing emotionally manipulative descriptions like they do for the sexual violence claims about Hamas, which are prominently displayed from the sub-heading down to the entire beginning of the article, comprising the 6 other uses of the term "sexual violence".

So the New York Times reader has to go to over halfway through the article before it finally sees the statement that the report could not corroborate claims of rape, sexualized torture of genital mutilation. Again, 99.9% of people who see this piece by the NYT and just read the headline and subheading think that the report actually proved the "mass rape" hoax, when it explicitly does the opposite as the NYT itself had to admit but only buried late in the piece so that no one would read it.

Finally the two other uses of the phrase "sexual violence" are in the conclusion of the piece, where it says that Hamas denied it, and Israel also denied it and said it was horrible and terrible that they dared equate Moral Holy Saintly Israel to those dirty sub-human filthy Palestinians with regard to sexual violence.

This is how the New York Times and the media class fabricate propaganda under the pretense of doing "journalism" and "getting the facts right". Through omission, emphasis and de-emphasis, ordering of claims (in headlines and subheadings, buried late in the piece), presenting as fact versus presenting as allegation, they distort reality and turn it into a mangled propaganda construct.

And they know they're doing this, it's all intentional, and that is what makes them so depraved and vile. They are conscious liars, and the better you are able to distort and lie and fabricate propaganda, the more you get rewarded in the prestige media class.Image hey @ErikaSolomon, as you can see I read your latest NYT piece on the UN report in great detail.

Can you please explain why there is no discussion at all of the extensive detailed and quite harrowing documentation of what the report says is actual systematic and planned Israeli sexual violence against Palestinian girls, boys, women and men?

I assume you read the report before you wrote this article about it, so you must have read all that extensive documentation of Israeli troops and civilians sexually assaulting, beating, torturing, mutilating Palestinian children, women and men, right?

You read the report, so surely you must have read those parts.

Why is there no mention of that at all, zero, while you do discuss in detail the report's accusations of sexual violence against Hamas, which the report notes, as you yourself later correctly say over halfway through the piece, was not systematic or planned, unlike for Israel? Also, why did you not say that the report concludes that for Israel it was actually systematic and planned, and extends to before October 7 and the ongoing Gaza genocide, to the entire history of the occupation.

Don't you think that's maybe worth a mention? A sentence? You detail the claims about Hamas, so why not add that for Israel?

And why in that section did you use the term "accused" for Israeli sexual violence by the report, but for Hamas in the paragraph preceding, you say the report "says it", as a fact. Why accusation for one, and fact for the other.

That's strange to me. Can you explain that choice?

Can you also please explain why since the report's conclusions about Israel sexual violence against Palestinian children, women and men is much worse than what it says about October 7, you did not include any mention of it in the subheading of your article, while you did include it for Hamas?

If you can answer these questions I would greatly appreciate it.
Jun 14 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
this is amazing. Briahna Joy Gray has revealed that The Hill has banned Norman Finkelstein from appearing on their outlet because they say he is a "Holocaust denier". His parents are literally Holocaust survivors. Briahna also details the sabotaging of the show by Zionists one of the most known things about Norman Finkelstein is that his parents survived Auschwitz and Majdanek concentration camps, and that the lessons they taught him is exactly why he opposes genocidal apartheid Israel and Zionism. Banning him for "Holocaust denial" is insane
Jun 14 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 3 min read
I ignore this freak as he's one of the most odious scumbag propagandist liars alive but this is amazing. He's just openly lying that the UN report says there was rape on October 7, when it explicitly says the opposite. The NYT, CNN and even Times of Israel correctly reported this Image there's not even a Community Note on that post that is just explicitly lying. You can just link to the report itself, to CNN, the New York Times and Times of Israel saying he's just outright lying, but no note allowed. Not even a suggested note, they voted that down. Look: Image
Jun 13 β€’ 16 tweets β€’ 12 min read
BREAKING: The UN Human Rights Council in February and its report published yesterday concludes there is intentional, planned and systematic Israeli kidnapping, rape, sexual violence, torture and mutilation of Palestinian babies, children, women and men. Thread detailing all this: Image In February, UN Human Rights Council experts said:

"At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped while others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence,” the experts said."

"β€œWe are particularly distressed by reports that Palestinian women and girls in detention have also been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers."

"Many have reportedly been subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment, denied menstruation pads, food and medicine, and severely beaten. On at least one occasion, Palestinian women detained in Gaza were allegedly kept in a cage in the rain and cold, without food."

"Palestinian women and girls have reportedly been arbitrarily executed in Gaza, often together with family members, including their children, according to information received."Image