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Apr 25, 2024, 14 tweets

Today’s excellent example of a dishonest “Transgender Child Mutilation Advocate (CMA)”, who is also “The Liar”, comes by way of @HasLahlStopped

Let’s break her down using her own words. 🧵

True to form @HasLahlStopped begins with the same lie all CMA say….

This is CMA @HasLahlStopped’s go-to lie….

Let’s do one more set before we expose CMA @HasLahlStopped

Look at how quickly we were able to make her show her lying ass. CMAs like @HasLahlStopped are easy to bait.

Whoops. “I never said…” 😂

This was a lie she said it on Sept 2023, but today with Title IX, it’s even more embarrassing for this CMA.

Always remember, it’s not that CMA @HasLahlStopped truly believe it isn’t happening, she SUPPORTS it happening, but is too much of a coward to say it out loud.

Now let’s take a look at how CMA @HasLahlStopped talks about Detransitioners. You’ll be hard pressed to find a bigger coward. The end will be worth it, but first…

CMAs like @HasLahlStopped hates Detransitioners because they are the canary in the coal mine. They destroy every CMA emotional blackmail.

Look at disgusting CMA @HasLahlStopped go!

One more for CMA @HasLahlStopped

“Won’t likely win her lawsuit…”

Whoops. Uh oh “Discovery”. We LOVE “Discovery” in lawsuits. April 17, 2024.

What now CMA @HasLahlStopped ?

CMA @HasLahlStopped lies about Layla Jane, who had a transgender double mastectomy at 13-years old because her parents were lied to.

Not only did Layla not lose her lawsuit, it’s still very much ongoing and it’s looking very good for her.

Whoops again.…

CMAs @HasLahlStopped does not like photographic evidence of what she supports, which is the surgical mutilation of minors.

So always MAKE them LOOK at it every chance you get.

CMA @HasLahlStopped also HATES being called a Transgender Child Mutilation Advocate. So stick that label on them every chance you get.

They are a disgusting poison to any community.

✅ Expose them.
✅ Mock them.
✅ Humiliate them.
✅ Run them far away from your schools.

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