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Apr 25, 2024, 39 tweets

🟣The Gateway Experience: How the CIA and US Military Explore Human Consciousness.

Part II: Who is Robert Monroe?

This will be a thread with excerpts from an interview Monroe gave along with some details about his life. You will hear him explain Hemi-Sync in his own words.

I couldn’t begin to cover the entire life of Robert Monroe in this thread. I aim to give you an overview to understand what came first – the government or the man. The answer is the man.

Robert Monroe was eclectic. He passed away in 1995. He created hemi-sync, the sound technology used to induce the brain into different states of human consciousness. He was the person who coined the term OBE, or out-of-body experience. He has documented that he had hundreds of OBEs throughout his life, writing several books about his experiences.

I find this interview, a conversation between Monroe and one of the people who worked with him extensively, to be a good look into what the Institute was doing before, during, and after the CIA got involved. Monroe died a year after this was recorded, in 1995.

A Rare Conversation with Bob Monroe | Exploring Expanded States of Consciousness

Robert Monroe, who founded the Monroe Institute (still operating today) had a super interesting start. I began to write it all out but thought that excerpting an interview would be better so he could tell you himself. The below screen shot was taken from the Monroe Institute's website.

So, buckle up, everyone. Grab a coffee, settle in, and lets go on a journey together. The clips I am about to share were taken from this interview:

1. How did Robert Monroe begin in this field?

Completely by accident. Robert Monroe started in network radio, and they had the choice of converting to television. He wanted something better. He decided he wanted to teach people how to learn when they were asleep. This is back in the 50's.

2. Monroe made himself the first test subject.

They started experimenting with using sound to help people fall asleep. As the chief subject in these experiments, he experienced his OBE's (Out of Body Experiences)

3. Vibrations when almost asleep

After experiencing these vibrations when he wasn't fully asleep and fighting to get out of them, he decided to just let it happen and not fight it. He had been experiencing fear that the vibration would kill him if he continued to let it happen.

One Friday night, while waiting for these vibrations to stop (they usually lasted about 5 minutes), he began thinking about something that brought him the joy he would be doing the next day.

It's important to note that the first doctor Monroe went to see attributed this to stress and gave him some pills to take - but Monroe remained medicine-free throughout these experiences.

4. What happened after he thought about what brought him joy during the vibrations?

Monroe felt something bump against his shoulder and, after a moment, realized it was the ceiling. He looked down and saw his wife lying in the bed next to a strange man. He thought he was dreaming about his wife and another man.

5. Monroe thought he was dying and began seeking medical attention.

All of the doctors he saw affirmed his health. No brain tumor, no psychiatric issue.

6. He got together with a psychologist, who told him to go to India

His psychologist recommended a 10-20 year spiritual retreat in India to develop this ability.

7. He knew he was OK physically and mentally, and didn't want to go to India

So, he started a research and development program within his company to do research to figure out what was happening to him.

8. Monroe didn't initially believe what was happening to him.

It took him a whole year to understand that it wasn't a dream or hallucination and that this was actually happening. He was super analytical, and his left brain had to know it was real.

9. What made him develop hemi-sync?

He was the prime subject and put a lab on the property in Westchester, NY. Monroe said they already knew how to put people to sleep and did that by using sine waves that replicated those produced by the human brain. It took little for him to realize that if they looked elsewhere, they would find other areas it could be applied.

10. They also used Frequency Following Response in their research.

Monroe talks about the difference between methods and seemingly debunks a conspiracy theory. Many people thought there may have been a connection between what he talks about here and moving their offices to Richmond. Monroe, left-brained as he is, begins telling us it was just a coincidence. (this clip will continue)

*Note: For some more information on Frequency Following response, hit the links in this Wiki:…

11. Monroe again debunks the "manifestation" conspiracy theory.

(Beanz interjection: I find this section funny because he can believe he is leaving his body at night, but not that his thoughts from a particular perspective could influence events. )

12. When did the hemi-sync process take place?

Once their offices moved to Charlottesville and they got into cable, he had built a big team, and they all decided the best way to try to replicate would be to use a binaural beat, and that was when hemi-sync was born.

🚨IMPORTANT: I'd like you to please listen to the following few clips. They are really going to help explain what this technology is and how it is beneficial to human beings. Not everyone wants to try to leave their body. There are numerous applications.

13. What is the usefulness of hemi-sync in exploring different states of consciousness?

Hemi-sync is valuable because it isn't like a drug or a chemical. It is a sound that doesn't "invade" the body. It isn't even like electrical stimulation, where you force the body to do things by current.

The mind can accept or reject it. It is your free will whether to adopt it or not.

You can use hemi-sync to keep yourself awake and completely and totally focused and also use it to put yourself into a deep and restful sleep. In between those states are many other states of consciousness that hemi-sync can be used to help.

You can use hemi-sync for amazing levels of concentration that you wouldn't have without the sync. It can allow you better retention, speed, etc.

14. More techniques? Lucid dreaming and what does it mean for consciousness (and sports?)

You can shift the technology from mental benefits to physical benefits. Monroe tells the story of a golf pro who took 11 strokes off his game using hemi-sync while he played because it allowed him that level of focus.

You can also move that focus into other types of states - for example, for lucid dreaming. Your mind is awake, but your body is asleep. Anyone who has ever controlled a dream before understands this phenomenon.

Because the tech can induce lucid dreams, Monroe says it proves a vital point about our human consciousness. We do not need to be awake with our 5 physical senses to be able to think and have experiences. Ponder on this one for a few.

15. Amazing impacts on mental health

Several techniques allow a psychologist or other mental health professional to get into the depths of the other side of a patient to let their suppressed emotions and experiences come to the top so they can work through them.

Similar to hypnosis? Yes. Similar to meditation? Yes. A combination of all of them? Yes.

16. Through the use of these sound patterns, we can help the mind to get into other ways of thinking.

Monroe says, "The whole concept that I found in Out of Body is past this wall we call sleep because we think of sleep as unconsciousness, and we have all of these other forms of being unconscious, and sleep is the most common of those unconscious states. So, what we are doing, utilizing this hemi-sync, is to let the individual have, for the first time, control over his own consciousness..."

Once a person learns this technique, they can restore it using memory.

17. What has come out of all of this?

Monroe says they went far past the unconsciousness of sleep to find out what was happening later on, where we are not getting signals from the physical body.

"Consciousness is a continuum. It doesn't stop. If we are not conscious here, we are conscious there; whatever there is, I don't pretend to say what the definition of "there" is. But we are there, so that means very simply when you go to sleep here, you don't lose consciousness; you just shift along the spectrum of consciousness to another kind of wakefulness."

18. More on the "phases" of consciousness: Real-world application to quickly understand the concept.

Listen to Monroe explain consciousness in time-space, vs. other forms, like daydreaming, etc. Super interesting clip and very easy to understand.

19. Consciousness in Dementia or psychosis and how they exist.

This section really got me thinking about what is "real" vs. what is "imagined."

20. What happens after physical death?

Monroe shares his thoughts about what happens to human consciousness after death and what that means.

21. What is the significance of this ability to contact other phases of consciousness?

Quote from Monroe:

"I think the most important thing, first of all, is to understand these ratios so we can begin to, just like we do with all of our physical sciences, classify plants, biological sciences, begin to classify all of these other states of consciousness as to what they really are, and explore them. Why do that?...We around here have long gotten to the stage where we know we are more than our physical bodies. What does that mean? It doesn't make a difference what you do here, whatever you do, and this is contrary to a lot of belief systems, no doubt about that, but whatever you do, your performance, your behavior here, doesn't mean whether you are going to exist or not exist after you die physically. You can be a wonderful saint or the cruelest person you can think of, but you are still going to survive physical death."

22. How does not fearing physical death allow you to live?

23. Why do humans decide to come here, and what do they learn??

24. Monroe's theory on reincarnation

There is a bit more to this interview, and several other interviews are available online. I encourage you to listen to them and do it with an open mind.

There have been many comments on these posts over the past few days, and I encourage you to read all of those as well.

Many of you have asked me what my preferred audio is, where I get it, etc. Many of you have also reached out to me asking where you can get the Gateway Experience to try it for yourself. I am happy to share more of my personal experience if you are interested. This has been something I have studied for quite some time now.

As a personal note, I will say this: You get what you put into these techniques. Think about that as you meander through the comments section. I haven't ever experienced a lot of what other people have. My experiences have always been positive in nature, with no exceptions.

We are still going. There are more parts to come. What is next?

We will dive into some of the manuals provided with the Gateway Experience.

Then, we will go over the FOIA release in the CIA reading room. Why do you think the US Military and CIA were interested in this?

We will likely also discuss the USG Remote Viewing program as well, as they were implemented hand in hand.

Then, I will do a thread answering whatever questions I can.

There are no right or wrong answers to this topic, really. It is controversial, and it is outside the box, but the government has been interested in this and other topics like it for decades. WHY?

THAT is what you should really focus on.

If you appreciate this thread and the thread from yesterday and want to see more content like this, you can send us a coffee at UncoverDC to help keep us going. Your support is so greatly appreciated. Head on over to see your options! Or, you can subscribe to me here on X.

Until then, touch the grass and try to smile. Life is a beautiful thing. We can make it even better. See you soon!

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