Kamil Galeev Profile picture
Founder @rhodusinc

Apr 29, 9 tweets

We have successfully documented the entire Russian missiles industry, mapping 28 of its key enterprises. Read our first OSINT sample focusing on the Votkinsk Plant, a major producer of intercontinental ballistic missiles. How does it make weaponry?

The strategic missiles industry appears to be highly secretive and impenetrable to the observers. And yet, it is perfectly OSINTable, based on the publicly available sources. This investigation sample illustrates our approach and methodology (31 p.)


Step 1. State Propaganda.

Our first and invaluable source is the state propaganda, such as the federal and regional TV channels, corporate media, social media and so on. It provides abundant visual evidence, particularly on the hardware used in the production of weaponry.

Step 2. Using public procurements data

Our next step is procurements. Aiming to check the managerial corruption, authorities force the military industry to proceed their purchases through the centralised procurements system. Once it was built, it became an invaluable OSINT tool

Step 3. Integrating professional sources

Propaganda may give us a general picture of what equipment stands there. But what is it being used for? This we can learn in professional and academic sources.

Step 4. Tracking the supply chain

Once we identified the equipment used in the production of weaponry, we can track the entire supply chain. In most cases, it is not even very long.

Step 5. Surveying the HR sources

HR sources such as resumes and vacancy listings can provide an insight into the hardware used in the military production, and, most importantly, into the structure and competences of the military industrial workforce.

Our work would be inconceivable without our donors. It started with @mercatus grant (thanks @tylercowen) and continued with private contributions of whom I would like to specifically thank @badita and @BErickson_BIO. There are also outrageously generous anonymous contributors whose names I don't even know.

Thank you.

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