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May 2, 15 tweets

Everything you need to know about @Blast_L2: Golds, Points, and Multiplier.

Long 🧵

- Blast gold estimate ranges from $10 to $60 each (estimate, subject to change)
- 3 popular tactics: Stacking, OneChamp Boy, and Forerunners.
- Points x Gold x Multiplier x Tactics = @DapDapMeUp
- Full research here 👇…

1️⃣Points x Gold x Multiplier

- Points: Earn by holding WETH/USDB => Passive play, boosts TVL growth.

- Golds: Receive by engaging on Blast => Active play, increases project activity.

- Multiplier: x2 boost by interacting with featured projects/categories. It is like points but on steroid => Active play, promotes engagement with key projects.

Blast rewards effort with airdrops with Gold and x2 Points, discouraging laziness in claiming all airdrops.

2️⃣ Valuation of Points + Gold?

Comparing with past airdrop projects, here are the findings:

- L2's FDV typically falls between 10B to 20B.
- Airdrop pct. vary from 5% to 50%.
- Airdrop FDV can be anywhere from 1B to 6B.

=> We can deduce 3 cases Bear/Base/Bull for Blast.

Points and Gold are split equally. From there we can easily see:

- Farm points in Blast testnet for up to 100% ROI by keeping them in your wallet.

- In Blast mainnet, gold distribution may triple, with each 10M gold potentially worth $10 to $60 per gold.

3️⃣How is gold distributed?

Gold distribution breakdown:

- Distro #1: Bigbang Gold + Activities Gold = 10M gold for 140 projects.
- Distro #2: Activities Gold = 10M gold for 70 projects.

While there is no specific formula at present, the total gold amount will be distributed evenly based on the weight points outlined below:

- Category Weight: Liquidity > DeFi > Social/Games.
- Blast-native Weight: range in 1-2.
- Dapp Weight: Based on project traction.
- Incentive Weight: Reflects yield distribution efficiency.

4️⃣ How to prioritize like a pro?

Dapp Weights (scoring x10) > Category Weights (scoring x6) > Native Weight (scoring x2)

Distro #2, Blast upped Dapp Weights from 6 to 10.

Bottom line:

>Opt. Points x Gold x Multiplier = success.
>Not every Big Bang winner ends in victory.

5️⃣Blast Gold Farm Strategies

Like a role-playing game, Blast is a literal open world. You call the shot:

1/👑 Stacking Tactics: Maximize your Points x Multiplier x Gold exposure and Efficient use of capital.

2/🗡️OneChamp Boy Tactics: Each project has its own approach to distributing rewards. Find your game-changer.

3/🧙‍♂️Forerunners: Many projects fly under the radar; you can be the one to discover them. The rewards will be abundant.

1/👑 Stacking

Projects involved: @ThrusterFi , @hyperlockfi , @particle_trade , LRTs, @metastreetxyz , @Juice_Finance.

Stacking allows you to utilize your capital efficiently by farming double or even triple your TVL across multiple platforms.

E.g: Add LP on Thruster, then transfer that LP to Hyperlock and Particle, enabling you to earn rewards from three different sources using the same TVL.

H/t to @0xZergs for providing a straightforward calculation for this process!

There are many input types but I will introduce them to you here:

📍LRT Input: @RenzoProtocol /@KelpDAO /@etherfisup (Let's use Renzo as an example)

Step 1. Purchase ezETH (Renzo point/EL Point)
Step 2. Provide liquidity for ezETH/WETH on Thruster (Thruster points/Blast points/Blast gold).
Step 3. At this point, users can choose between two options:
• Option 1: Stake LP ezETH/WETH on Hyperlock Finance (Hyperlock points).
• Option 2: Stake LP ezETH/WETH on Particle (Particle points).

Total earnings: (Renzo points/Eigenlayer Point/Blast points/Blast gold/Thruster points/Hyperlock points/Particle points) + some APR.

📍ERC 404 Input: Metastreet

Step 1. Buy MSTETH-WPUNKs (or LCT) (XP points/ Metastreet points)
Step 2. Add LP MSTETH-WPUNKs/WETH on Thruster (Thruster points/ Blast points/ Blast gold).
Step 3. Similar to above, we can split for users:
• Option 1: Put LP LCT/WETH on Hyperlock Finance (Hyperlock points).
• Option 2: Put LP LCT/WETH on Particle (Particle points).
• Option 3: Put LP LCT/WETH on Mangrove (Mangrove points).

Total earn: (XP points (Metastreet points)/ Blast points/ Blast gold/Thruster points/Hyperlock points/Particle points/Mangrove) + some APR.

📍Leverage Input: Juice

Juice can help you complete the steps mentioned above with their vaults and offer x3 the amount of ETH for gold farming.

Step 1: Collateralize wETH.
Step 2: Choose the farming vaults.
Step 3: Borrow x3 the amount of ETH and begin farming.

Total earnings: 3 times the rewards (LRTs points/Eigenlayer points/Blast points/Blast gold/Thruster points/Hyperlock points/Particle points) plus additional APR.

2/🗡️OneChamp Boy

Please dive into the ecosystem, you'll be surprised. Explore each project to discover unique gold-earning methods.

Here's one of my favorites.

📍 @blur_io
- List and bid on NFTs close to the floor price.
- Trade higher volume collections for better rewards (details hidden).
- Focus on refundable NFTs (but diversify due to potential rule changes).

📍 @fantasy_top_
- Visit their website, log in to claim pack + FAN points and trading cards.
- Deposit to receive Fantasy Star back, like a lottery ticket.
- More Fantasy Stars increase win rate, making it easier to earn Blast gold.

📍 @BlastFutures
- 75% to stakers/ 25% to vol
- Get +16% Points with referral code.
- Deposit USDB for Points & Gold (more for longer deposits).
- Trade & level up for up to +40% bonus points.

📍 @DistrictOneIO
- Gems convert to Blast Gold at the end of each ‘Epoch’. More gems more gold
- Join with Linkup, be active (like/rally) for Gems. Posting on X also helps like Pacmoon
- Lock sOLE, own SpaceShare, or host a space to boost earnings.
- Keep OLE unvested for a weekly Gem bonus.

There are many more worth exploring, more gems like @capncompany, and @blastr_xyz.

I've curated a list for you with over 1000 hours of effort in the sheet above.

Updating constantly, hit a DM to me if you find anything!!


This is the most difficult strategy that requires you to spend many, many hours to better understand how this massive ecosystem works.

📍Some strategies I'm looking at:

- Duo mechanism of @particle_trade and @ProtocolRing (more gold).
- Use @SynFuturesDefi , @ambient_finance , and @InitCapital_ through @BrahmaFi to (x2 gold).
- @InitCapital_ x @OrbitLending (more gold).
- @earlyfans_xyz (give away 10 gold).
- Bid @blastopians (@blur_io gold) and fractionalize it (@wasabi_protocol gold).

📍Tips for finding cool things on Blast:

- Follow my project list for updates on 130+ projects:
- Follow vocal supporters: @jenndefer; @mooncat2878 ; @Cbb0fe; @wardaddycapital; @TravisBickle0x; @Blastdapps; @blastronaut_eth; @0xPrismatic; @adamagb and more.
- Check Category weight for projects with good fundamentals.
- Prioritize testnet/low-cost projects.
- Look for interconnected projects, partnerships, and special…

6️⃣Points x Gold x Multiplier x Tactics = @DapDapMeUp

Recently, I've dedicated my time to developing a campaign focused on creating top strategies for Blast.

A multichain interactive application that merges multiple functions into a single UI/UX design.

Exciting part: imagine farming all tactics in 1 place. Why not?

- Multiple Tactics
- One Gateway
- Extra Golds

Shoutout to our partners @thruster, @Particle, @Metastreet, @Hyperlock, @Juice, @pac_finance, @orbit_finance, @BlastOff, @ambient, and more.

I'll provide a detailed walkthrough of this tutorial soon, or you can give it a try now. 👉

Thanks for the long read. Finally, a big thank you to all the individuals mentioned below who have shared valuable information about Blast. Please consider following them as they are the industry leaders.

@PacmanBlur; @jenndefer; @mooncat2878 ; @Cbb0fe; @wardaddycapital; @TravisBickle0x; @Blastdapps; @blastronaut_eth; @0xPrismatic; @adamagb; @izebel_eth; @Brentsketit; @pranksy; @punk9059; @0xZergs

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