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Hardcore vocal support on @blast_l2| Chief meme @blastronaut_eth| Help ppl in building for Pacman Join my squad: DMs are open!
May 2 15 tweets 8 min read
Everything you need to know about @Blast_L2: Golds, Points, and Multiplier.

Long 🧵 Image TLDR:
- Blast gold estimate ranges from $10 to $60 each (estimate, subject to change)
- 3 popular tactics: Stacking, OneChamp Boy, and Forerunners.
- Points x Gold x Multiplier x Tactics = @DapDapMeUp
- Full research here 👇…
Jan 17 13 tweets 4 min read
The @Blast_L2 Testnet is OFFICIALLY LIVE

This is a post summarizing ALL you need to know about Blast Testnet and the Bigbang Competition 🧵 Image 1️⃣What is Bigbang Competition?

Bigbang Competition is a contest where you submit your Blast project and receive 50% of the announced Airdrop total.