1/Dear @rebeccakschulz
Stop spinning the data. From the 2024 CANGov NIR data released yesterday re. AB GHGs in Mt/yr:
2021: 269.9
2022: 271.0
You're bragging about an improvement of 1.1 Mt/yr? Seriously?
2/This graph nicely illustrates why @s_guilbeault hasn't been praising Alberta's emissions record.
Would you like to retract your tweet?
This chart clearly shows that Alberta is the ONLY province whose emissions rose between 2005 and 2021.
@s_guilbeault 3/I made this graph from last year's data. From this year's data:
2021: 155.8
2022: 155.3
Now you're bragging about one-half of one Mt/yr improvement!
@s_guilbeault 4/This graph is oil sands data.
2021: 83.6
2022: 84.3
Perhaps you can explain to Albertans why you didn't tweet about the oil sands, which increased 7/10 of one Mt/yr.
That's not a big increase, but it's not a reduction, is it?
@s_guilbeault 5/Funny that you didn't tweet about natgas, either.
Measurement of methane is so poor that ECCC actually revised emissions UP from previous years.
In 2021, for example, instead of 38.8 Mt/yr, the revised amount is 45.9.
The 2024 data show a reduction of 2.4 from 2021 to 2022.
@s_guilbeault 6/Finally, we get to oil sands emissions-intensity per barrel.
This graph was created by business student @AustinHanlan for Prof @andrew_leach's class from data recently released by ABGov.
Improvements under @ABDanielleSmith's govt have clearly stalled.
Did you mention that?
@s_guilbeault @AustinHanlan @andrew_leach @ABDanielleSmith 7/Minister Schulz, your tweet is as close to lying as damn is to swearing.
At the very best, you've completely misrepresented your govt's lack of progress on GHG reduction.
38% of Canada's emissions should embarrass you.
Instead, you've fibbed to Albertans.
Shame on you.
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