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May 4, 18 tweets

A Tour of the World's Most Delightful Domes

Which one captivates you the most?

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St. Isaac's Cathedral, Russia

Florence Cathedral, Italy

Bibi-Khanym Mosque, Uzbekistan

St. Paul’s Cathedral, England

Lotfollah Mosque, Iran

Taj Mahal, India

8. United States Capitol, USA

10. Dome of the Rock, Israel

11. The Parliament Building, Hungary

12. Blue Mosque, Turkiye

The Romanian Athenaeum, Romania

Putrajaya Mosque, Malaysia

St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City

Karlskirche, Austria

Cathedral of Saint Paul, USA

Les Invalides, France

Frauenkirche, Germany

From sacred spaces to symbols of resilience, these cupolas not only enhance the skyline but also tell stories of their lands

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