Wajahat Mughal Profile picture
Part time Doctor | Full time Degen | I make content covering crypto on chain. Substack - https://t.co/zgQmVUNiBp

May 4, 12 tweets

Have been playing around with bridges a little more recently

In this thread I'll cover all the main bridges comparing:
Asset/Chain support

Here are the best ones! 👇

Below we'll cover:
@Orbiter_Finance @circle @BungeeExchange @AcrossProtocol @wormholecrypto @deBridgeFinance @LayerZero_Labs @SynapseProtocol @squidrouter

I'll also include my preferences when it comes to bridging too

Fees are based on bridging 1 ETH or equivalent in $ value.

Orbiter Finance @Orbiter_Finance

Fees - $3-5 (0.05% + withholding fee)
Time - Sub 30s
Support - Most L2 chains, (not L1's/NonEVM)

Also has no token - points mean prizes!

Circle CCTP via Bungee @BungeeExchange

Fees - $1, 0% slippage though!
Time - Slow, always 20-30 mins
Supports - Only USDC but the best way to transfer USDC anywhere!

1 million dollars and next to zero cost, I like this a lot even though it takes 20 mins

Across @AcrossProtocol

Fees - sub $1
Time - Quick, usually 1-2 minutes in my experience
Supports - Only 7 EVM chains, not the biggest variety

For a quick bridge not bad + if you use ref links, can make back some fees with ACX rewards

Portal (Wormhole) @wormholecrypto

Fees - Almost 0 (not including gas)
Time - Dependent on chain used (can be 10+ mins)
Support - Wide range of chains including Cosmos, Aptos, Sui & Solana

Terrible experience with wrappers.
You have to check if theres liquidity before bridging!

deBridge @deBridgeFinance

Fees - $3 + slippage and gas
Time - Sub 30 seconds
Support - Main EVM chains + SOLANA

They also have token swaps across chain too which is a game changer for me!

No token 👀

Stargate (LayerZero) @StargateFinance

Fees - $1-5 + gas
Time - less than 5 mins, sometimes long!
Support - wide range of EVM chains (but not all can transfer between each other which is annoying)

Rarely use this now given fees

Synapse @SynapseProtocol

Fees = $1-3, generally a little more slippage than other places
Time - 1-3 mins
Support - does support some niche EVM chains including Canto and Metis.

Not much for me to use and do here

Squid Router @squidrouter

Fees - generally pretty good, low
Time - Slow, 30 mins usually for me
Support - The best for Cosmos x EVM by far, the main way I get into/out of cosmos

Main bridge I use for Cosmos eco

To summarise my favourites:

For L2 - L2 bridges - @Orbiter_Finance because of low fees and speed

For stables (I use USDC typically) - @circle via @BungeeExchange is my favourite

Solana - @deBridgeFinance, so fast!

Cosmos - @squidrouter, only option

Thanks to @cryptoaioli and @563defi for helping with some of these too, good chads, go follow them.

Let me know if theres anything missing? What is your favourite?

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