Wajahat Mughal Profile picture
Part time Doctor | Full time Degen | I make content covering crypto on chain. Substack - https://t.co/zgQmVUNiBp Core @ivx_fi
Sean Senthilnathan Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 4 ā€¢ 16 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
The market has been dumping and many of you reading this will be sat in some stables and ETH waiting to eventually redeploy.

In the meantime, looking for some opportunities? šŸ“ˆ

Here are 13 different strategies for the month of July šŸ’°

Lets dive in below šŸ‘‡ Image See last months farms for some of the opportunities previously available!

Without further a-do, let's go through what we have available this month!

Jun 4 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
Wow, almost half way through the year already, time goes fast and so do the juicy yields.

Here is how to take advantage of them with Farms Of The Month - June 2024

The best ETH and Stablecoin farms for you to enjoy this month šŸ‘‡ Image Have a look at last months farms for some of the best opportunities, many of which will still have great yields for you to earn from.

Lets jump into this months opportunities with some of them below!

May 4 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
Have been playing around with bridges a little more recently

In this thread I'll cover all the main bridges comparing:
Asset/Chain support

Here are the best ones! šŸ‘‡ Image Below we'll cover:
@Orbiter_Finance @circle @BungeeExchange @AcrossProtocol @wormholecrypto @deBridgeFinance @LayerZero_Labs @SynapseProtocol @squidrouter

I'll also include my preferences when it comes to bridging too

Fees are based on bridging 1 ETH or equivalent in $ value.
Mar 21 ā€¢ 17 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
Anchor Protocol was one the most popular DeFi apps last cycle attracting tens of billions of dollars of deposits.

We have a better version now & it's called USDe by @ethena_labs

In this deep dive we will cover everything you need to know it & how it pays a REAL yield of 60% APY Image In this thread we'll cover:

The issue with stablecoins today
What is Ethena
Where does the yield come from?
USDe v Other stables
Commonly asked Questions
Wen Token? Airdrop farming
Bull Case
Bear Case
Nov 13, 2023 ā€¢ 15 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
Trader Joe pools currently offer massive triple digit yields.

Lets learn about @TraderJoe_xyz liquidity book and how can you benefit! Image 2/ Trader Joe like Uniswap offer concentrated liquidity with the constant sum formula rather than constant product, so that users can define the specific price ranges they want their liquidity to be active within + have zero slippage!

TJ have many other features, lets explore! Image
Oct 29, 2023 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
Maker DAO v FRAX

Both RWAs, lets compare the two DeFi giants

Which is the best, @MakerDAO or @fraxfinance? Image 2/ What we will cover in this thread:

What are DAI and FRAX?
Yields + Source
My Personal Thoughts
Aug 19, 2023 ā€¢ 63 tweets ā€¢ 15 min read
Crypto Narratives and trends emerge from Primitives. Spot them early, and you could end up making life changing gains.

@hmalviya9 and I went all in, investing over 100 hours of research, to hook you up with the ultimate list of the top 15 DeFi primitives, with examples. Image 1. Ethereum Re-staking

Ethereum Restaking is the hottest DeFi primitive of this year. It offers crypto-economic security to middleware services and new chains by harnessing the staked supply of Ethereum.
Jul 10, 2023 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Just over a week into the month & it is that time again!

Farms Of The Month - July 2023

Let's go.

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ For anyone who missed last months farms, take a look here!

Jun 20, 2023 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
Y2K Finance are back with a new product!


Lets talk about what we know so far.

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ Image 2/ In DeFi today, the derivatives we have are similar to TradFi products such as the various Perps and Options we have now.

With DeFi offering so many assets that are often 'pegged', we do need more complex derivatives than the above. Image
Jun 19, 2023 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
Polygon recently announced 2.0

With this they mentioned unified liquidity, changes to tokenomics & governance.

Lets talk about whats going on with Polygon 2.0!

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ Image 2/ Main points I discuss below:

- Polygon is decent!
- SEC news
- Polygon is going all in on ZK Tech
- How 2.0 is going to look
- Some personal thoughts
- When to look out for updates
May 14, 2023 ā€¢ 29 tweets ā€¢ 25 min read
Berachain started from an NFT collection and is now a highly anticipated Layer 1 in the works.

Today we're going to do a complete deep dive into everything regarding @berachain

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ Image 2/ What we will cover today!

History/Origins of Berachain
What is Berachain
Proof of Liquidity
The Tri-Token Model - $BERA, $BGT & $HONEY
My Personal Thoughts
May 9, 2023 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 8 min read
Welcome to May 2023, another month in the bear to make use of those stables.

Farms of the Month, let's make some passive income!

As always be aware of the risks involved with farming in DeFi

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ Image If you missed last months, catch up here and see some of the opportunities around, many are still working perfectly.

May 5, 2023 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 11 min read
Hard to keep up with the constant innovations in DeFi

Here are some of the upcoming catalysts I'm so excited to see.

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ Image 1. Frax - V3

FRAX is looking at alternative collateral following the SVB/USDC issues. USDP has been talked about a fair amount recently in addition to ETH backing. Yet to have any confirmation but its exciting to see another chapter for FRAX come soon.

May 3, 2023 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
crvUSD liquidty being added šŸ‘€

4 Pools already, more coming it seems. Image 1. crvUSD - USDC Image
May 3, 2023 ā€¢ 18 tweets ā€¢ 17 min read
@Tetranode is one of the biggest accounts here on CT.

He released this incredible art not so long ago which showcases some of the projects he is associated with.
I'm obsessed with it - 'The TetraAtlas'

Lets look into each of them here & focus on his positions

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ Image 2/ Ethereum
We have to start with Ethereum (The patterns on the turtle) - the backbone of all of DeFi & these amazing protocols that we're going to talk about.

Tetra knows this and his ETH holdings exceed $10m. It's used across the various DeFi protocols we will mention below. Image
Apr 4, 2023 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 8 min read
It's that time again!


Let's go through some of the best opportunities around in DeFi.

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ If you're new, this is a series I've been doing every month where I find some of the best places to farm for you DeFi nerds.

Here is last months for anyone interested.

Apr 2, 2023 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 11 min read
FXS is an asset I've been vocal about for a long time - I like it!

The question is...
Where do you earn yield on your FXS?

Let's talk about the various ways to earn on your $FXS

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ 1. veFXS

The gold standard, locking your FXS on the @fraxfinance dApp into veFXS, earning revenue from the protocol. This includes revenue from sfrxETH.
Mar 22, 2023 ā€¢ 16 tweets ā€¢ 12 min read
@GearboxProtocol are one of the teams building heavily during the bear market.

Today we're doing a deep dive into Gearbox Protocol and showcasing some of their insane innovation.

Gearbox Protocol, let's go!

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ Image We are going to cover:
ā€¢ What is Gearbox Protocol
ā€¢ 10x Leverage Lending
ā€¢ Credit accounts
ā€¢ Why Gearbox offers the safest lending in DeFi
ā€¢ $GEAR
ā€¢ Gearbox V3
ā€¢ The Future of Gearbox
Mar 9, 2023 ā€¢ 13 tweets ā€¢ 9 min read
Y2K is one of my favourite protocols to use every week, they've been building and adding more features to their dApp and I think have the potential to only grow further.

Let's cover the state of @y2kfinance and see what they're working on.

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ Image In this thread we will cover
- What is Y2K?
- How to use Earthquake
- vlY2K
- Bonds
- Upcoming catalysts
Mar 3, 2023 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
@ConicFinance launched their highly anticipated Omnipools.

Today we're going to learn what Conic is and how their Omnipool product works!

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ Image 2/ Built on top of Curve, Conic is here to enable LPs to diversify across a variety of Curve pools using SINGLE ASSETS

They do this with what they call - Omnipools (LPs in which users can deposit a single asset)
Mar 2, 2023 ā€¢ 22 tweets ā€¢ 13 min read
Redacted Cartel have been building so much during the bear market.

In this thread we will do a complete overview of @redactedcartel and some of the incredible innovations they have brought to DeFi.

Lets learn about Redacted Cartel and $BTRFLY

šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ Image 2/ Today we'll try to cover
ā€¢ Hidden Hand
ā€¢ Pirex
ā€¢ Dinero
ā€¢ The Treasury
ā€¢ The Team / Community
ā€¢ The Future of Redacted
ā€¢ My Overall Thoughts
ā€¢ My Video on an Overview of Redacted