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May 6, 18 tweets

Brief history lesson: The Pitești experiment in Romania’s Gulags (1949-52). No other European state has ever implemented such extreme & successful methods of forced “reeducation.”


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Never again is now.

The saints of the prisons, the martyrs in RO’s communist dungeons, the political prisoners, and the ordinary victims of a monstrous regime are still discussed. What happened in Pitești between 1949-1952 remains a dark example of dehumanization that tragically succeeded.

The Pitești Experiment was inspired by Soviet pedagogue Makarenko (1888-1939), an expert in juvenile delinquency. His theory involved prisoners systematically torturing each other. Makarenko died before seeing his extreme concept implemented in an unexpected communist context.

Eugen Țurcanu, the demonic face of evil and death, had a major role in what it is often called “the genocide of the soul” aka the Romanian Gulag. Initially involved with the Legionary Movement, he fully denounced it post-1948, aligning with the Communist Party.

In the history of Romanian communism, Țurcanu is a notorious figure. As the leader of the torturers at Piteşti, he demonstrated boundless cruel brutality. Historian François Furet called “one of the most horrific dehumanization experiences known to our era,” are directly linked to Țurcanu.

In 1949, under Gheorghiu Dej’s rule, Stalinist Soviets launched a systematic campaign across Romanian college campuses, rounding up students, priests, intellectuals, Jews, peasants. They were sent to a gulag in Pitești to be forcibly reeducated into communist ideology.

The Stalinists sought to erase individual values using a harsh technique called “unmasking” to create a communist identity. The torture included severe beatings, forced humiliating positions, psychological abuse (desecrating religious practices to break the prisoners’ spirits)

It began at Pitești prison & spread to Gherla,Canal,Tg. Ocna, Târgșor. Victims faced extreme humiliations: forced to consume&be baptized with fecal matter during religious holidays. Prisoners were coerced into betraying&torturing each other,becoming both victims & perpetrators

The experiment aimed to make prisoners abandon their previous beliefs & achieve total obedience, reshaping their personalities in line with the regime’s ideology. It involved 1000 to 5000 people, making it the most extensive brainwashing torture program in the Eastern bloc.

The “Securitate” (Communist RO Secret Police) conducted this satanic experiment in secrecy. It was part of its covert operations within the prison system to forcibly reeducate & control dissidents without public knowledge (to avoid international scrutiny and domestic backalsh)

The experiment was stopped in 1952, driven not by respect for human dignity but by internal conflicts within the Communist Party. Reports of the severe abuses at Pitești began to spread, initially from transferred prisoners, and eventually nationally and internationally.

E. Țurcanu and his group were tried in late 1954 and sentenced to death for their roles in the Pitești atrocities. Țurcanu was executed on December 17, 1954. The communist regime later acknowledged the abuses by sentencing some officials in 1957.

Still, National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives researchers revealed that of the 208 people listed as having worked in the penitentiary system, 119 are still alive and linked to prisons where abuses occurred.

“No one has been held accountable for these crimes.”IICCMER (Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile) is still officially accusing more torturers of aggravated murder and genocide.

It is often said that even Soviet gulags didn’t employ the methods found in Romanian gulags. The only similar reeducation efforts were in Maoist China, where a comparable experiment in Beijing’s prisons aimed to transform detainees into communists.

In 2020, Constantin “Tache” Rodas, who survived the hell of Pitești, has died at age 96. He endured extreme torture but overcame the horrors to live a resilient life.
The remaining survivors carry with them memories of horrible suffering.

As a Romanian, I’m SHOCKED AND DISGUSTED to see support for dictators.
I shared this dark chapter from our past because we must remember history’s lessons and fight tirelessly to prevent such atrocities from happening again!!!

PS. ❗️TERRORIST ALERT! Please report:

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