anitnelav Profile picture
HATE SURVIVOR | PhD candidate | anti-dictatorship | stereotype breaker | 🇺🇸atlanticist | 🇺🇦is winning | so shadowbanned I’m basically ghosting myself
Aug 2 13 tweets 7 min read
The only ones who are defeated are us—by russian propaganda.

FACT: Algeria’s Imane Khelif IS A WOMAN.

Let’s dig deeper.
Since 2020, IBA (International Boxing Association) has been led by russian Umar Kremlev, a close ally of Putin & supporter of russia’s war in Ukraine.

🧵1/12 Image The American federation criticized Kremlev’s non-transparent election, the IBA’s ties to Gazprom, and the questionable judging at tournaments. The IOC suspended its recognition of the IBA in 2019 due to corruption scandals and issues at several Summer Olympics.
Jun 15 17 tweets 9 min read
Just call anyone you don’t agree with a “far right extremist” & you’ll win every argument.

Most people don’t even know what “far right” really means. I’ll tell you about Romania’s Legionary Movement (1927-41) that seems to be resurfacing. The danger is REAL.

🧵thread 1/16 Image The Iron Guard in Romania was a far-right, ultranationalist, fascist, nazi-inspired movement founded in 1927 by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. It emerged from a post-WWI Romania, driven by extreme nationalism, anti-communism, and fervent Orthodox Christianity.
Jun 6 5 tweets 2 min read
Populism, Communism, Fascism is what Russia promotes. Toxic dictatorship!
If you need a reason to VOTE OUT the Russian assets in the EU, look at what Russian satellite-states deal with today: poverty, chaos, dictatorship! Do you want EU to become like Africa or Latin America?

USE YOUR VOTE 6-9/06/2024Image Russian influence in Africa—>doomed to remain in poverty
Jun 4 15 tweets 5 min read
Today marks 35yrs since the Tiananmen Square Massacre, where a brutal crackdown on the 1989 protests resulted in the deaths of >10000 people.
Please take a moment to mourn those who died for freedom, as this tragic event remains officially unmourned in China.

⚠️Sensitive Thread Image Following weeks of continuous demonstrations, Chinese government troops armed with assault rifles and tanks advanced toward Tiananmen Square to dispel the protestors, which resulted in horrifying violence that left scores of civilians dead.
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May 20 13 tweets 7 min read
Iranian President Raisi, Khamenei’s protégé, is dead. It’s been 45 years since Iran shifted from a pro-West monarchy to an anti-West, anti-Israel theocracy.
Tehran faces turmoil, but overthrowing dictatorships is TOUGH. Still, we must support a FREE IRAN!🇮🇷

🧵BRIEF THREAD on 🇮🇷 1979 Revolution, USSR’s role, Putin.
1/13Image Who supported the Iranian Islamic Revolution?
- clerical leadership—Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini acted as a guide, and as an ideological & strategic supporter of the revolution
- various Islamist groups within Iran (religious scholars & students) mobilized the masses
May 12 11 tweets 6 min read
Extreme movements in the West are backed by totalitarian actors—RU et al.
These actors support fringe groups to destabilize the Western societies from within. Russia’s main strategy is to present itself as THE alternative to the “decadent” West. I’ll briefly explain.
🧵Thread 1/7 Image Russia is carrying out disinfo campaigns targeting sensitive topics: immigration, race relations, LGBTQ+ rights in Western societies. Since these issues are central to liberal movements, they become prime targets for RU’s efforts to sow division and discord.

May 6 18 tweets 7 min read
Brief history lesson: The Pitești experiment in Romania’s Gulags (1949-52). No other European state has ever implemented such extreme & successful methods of forced “reeducation.”


🧵Thread 1/16
Never again is now. Image The saints of the prisons, the martyrs in RO’s communist dungeons, the political prisoners, and the ordinary victims of a monstrous regime are still discussed. What happened in Pitești between 1949-1952 remains a dark example of dehumanization that tragically succeeded.
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Mar 31 15 tweets 10 min read
On this Sunday, I’m tackling hidden Russian propaganda slogans I’ve spotted among supposed supporters of Ukraine and opponents of Russia.

I repeat: bashing our Western allies doesn’t help Ukraine and our united stance against Russia.

Thread 1/13 Image 🚩“the US did not help Ukraine”—disregards the MAJOR aid & support provided by the US to Ukraine since Russia attacked Ukraine

AIM: to discredit the US leadership globally (Russia’s MAIN GOAL)

Mar 23 9 tweets 3 min read
ISIS has claimed the attack in Russia. STOP!
Are they really involved?

When ISIS says their group is behind an attack, it gets everyone talking. They spread these claims either through their Amaq News Agency (seen as a mouthpiece for their propaganda) or directly via the Nashir Media Foundation (official channel). Investigators don’t just take ISIS at its word when it claims responsibility.

Thread 1/7Image Experts suggest that ISIS’ claims, especially in the West, often signal some level of involvement, ranging from full orchestration to simply being inspired by their ideology. ISIS doesn’t really make a clear distinction between attacks they’ve directly planned and those carried out by others motivated by their propaganda.
Mar 20 23 tweets 11 min read
What would happen to Europe if Trump gets re-elected?

To better understand this scenario, we need to examine the events following Russia’s aid in Trump’s 2016 election victory.
I’ll explore how 2016 marked a year of significant changes that continue to impact Europe

Thread 1/23 Image So..To grasp the potential impact of Trump winning the election on Europe, we must revisit 2016, a year of significant global political shifts. It was the year when populism and far-right ideologies gained momentum globally, significantly influenced by Trump’s “MAGA” slogan.
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Mar 14 15 tweets 8 min read
‼️Distragerea atenției e un instrument vechi folosit de regimurile autoritare atunci când se confruntă cu o probleme reale (pe plan intern+internațional).
Să vorbim despre pericolul dezinformării și despre cum să NU ne pierdem timpul cu DIVERSIUNI, CANCANURI,FAKE NEWS

Thread1/14 Image Politica și politicile par să se bazeze mai mult pe distragerea atenției populației, nu pe acțiuni și soluții concrete.
Nu putem să dăm vina doar pe politicieni—întreaga noastră dezbatere publică suferă de „boala distragerii atenției” (sintagmă folosită de The Guardian).
Feb 28 16 tweets 7 min read
Some get mad when they see this map and label states like 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇺🇸 as UNFREE.
These claims insult the fight for freedom and mock the reality of TRUE OPPRESSION! You’ve never experienced dictatorship!

Let me show you what a REAL DICTATORSHIP MEANS.

1/14 Image Iran: theocracy with strict controls on expression & women’s rights. Dissent is harshly repressed, protests met with violence & imprisonment. The government, backed by the Revolutionary Guard,limits democratic freedoms & human rights. Executions & torture.
>250 executions/year
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Feb 15 24 tweets 11 min read
When you hear “We don’t care about other nations! MAGA!” or “Europe should stand alone! We don’t need the US!” 🚩🚩🚩

Thinking isolationism works? Don’t be silly. It’s historically dangerous, also echoing the rhetoric of Stalinist discourse.

Thread 1/23 Image The four horsemen of the apocalypse are: populism, nativism, isolationism, protectionism.
Isolationism refers to a set of foreign policies adopted by leaders who believe that a nation’s interests are best protected by maintaining a distance from the affairs of other countries.
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Feb 11 19 tweets 11 min read
Backing democracy demands opposing tyranny.

Yet, some condemn Russia while simultaneously supporting 🇺🇦 AND 🇵🇸. This stance is ILLOGICAL.
Hint: Russia - Hamas ties.

Why is standing with Ukraine 🇺🇦 and Israel 🇮🇱 the only correct stance for democracy? I’ll explain.

Thread 1/17 Image Hamas, established in 1987 from the Muslim Brotherhood during the 1st intifada, aims to annihilate Israel & conducted attacks. After seizing Gaza from the Palestinian Authority in 2007, an Israeli blockade ensued. Hamas is labeled as a terrorist organization by the US & EU.
Feb 6 26 tweets 10 min read
Yesterday I faced major Russian troll account attacks, so I’m revising a topic I covered before, but with fresh insights.

In 2023, Russia spent $1.6 billion on pro-Kremlin propaganda worldwide.
What are their manipulation methods and how much do trolls earn?💰

Thread 1/23 Image According to a RAND Corporation study, contemporary Russian propaganda has the following characteristics:
- large number of channels and messages
- spreads partial truths or pure fiction
- is fast, continuous, and repetitive
- is inconsistent
Feb 5 9 tweets 3 min read
I was born in Romania, a state living in the shadow of 🇷🇺
Russia’s aggression has always threatened more than its neighbors. This isn’t just a regional issue.
Here’s why Russia’s defeat matters for global democracy AND why it should concern YOU too, wherever you live:

Thread 1/9 Image When one nation’s freedom is at risk, our collective democratic values are on the line. We live in a globalized world (duh!)
Russia’s actions have been widely condemned as violations of international law, including the principle of state sovereignty and territorial integrity.
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Sep 30, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
Erau „mai buni” comuniștii?

România, 1970.
Pentru a obține sume mai mari în dolari, Ceaușescu a fost implicat într-o rețea internațională de trafic de droguri prin intermediul DIE.

Comuniștii și „decadența Occidentului”

Thread⬇️ Image „Sauerstoff”(„oxigen” în germană), a devenit numele de cod folosit de DIE în traficul internațional de droguri. Ceaușescu l-a îndrăgit imediat, considerând că reprezintă perfect operațiunile cu potențial de profit mare fără investiții mari (Pacepa, 2013).
Sep 12, 2023 25 tweets 7 min read
În 1972, serviciile rusești planificau să lanseze acțiuni de dezinformare și influență pentru a încita opinia publică occidentală să ceară retragerea trupelor americane din Europa.
Eurocomunismul devenise un trend.

În ce măsură se repetă istoria?

Thread⬇️ Image „Europa pentru europeni si Yankee go home vor fi pe buzele tuturor!” a prezis Brejnev în 1972 (Pacepa, 2013).

Poză de la protestul împotriva Planului Marshall, în Berlinul de Est, cu circa 20 de ani în urma afirmației lui Brejnev.
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Sep 2, 2023 27 tweets 11 min read
Diverse voci proliferează mesaje lacrimogene, jinduind la „epoca de aur” a României: comunismul.

Paradoxul patriotismului inversat: când „iubirea” de patria-mamă te conduce la trădarea acesteia.

Ce fel de „patrioți” au fost liderii comuniști?

Thread⬇️ Image În 1944, armata roșie „eliberatoare” a pătruns in România. Prin armistițiul din 12 septembrie al aceluiași an, România se obliga să acorde Aliaților (sovieticilor) libertate de mișcare pe teritoriul ei, și să plătească URSS despăgubiri de 300 mil $USD.
Jul 2, 2023 30 tweets 5 min read
„Pe vremea lui Ceaușescu se trăia bine! Nu era dictatură. El a fost un adevărat patriot!”

De ce apare nostalgia comunismului? Era Ceaușescu dictator sau nu?

Mega-thread ⬇️ Una dintre cele mai cunoscute manifestări ale ideologiei comuniste naționaliste este reprezentată de cultul personalității lui Nicolae Ceaușescu, care a fost influențat de practicile maoiste și staliniste.