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May 6, 18 tweets

There is still a myth that college indoctrinates children. Not true. College activates children already brainwashed & ready-at-arms.

Here are excerpts from a book called, "A Is For Activism"; its written for ages 1-3 in pre-school.

Are you an activist, little one-year old?

E for environmental justice. The earth is doom, little baby.

Time to learn that "I is for injuries to indigenous people" so you can feel responsible, little toddler.

J is for justice-for-all, baby girl.

L is for LGBTQMAP! You're probably born in the wrong body, just want to be sure we get that into your baby mind.

No is for No Justice No Peace! While you're sucking on your pacifier, start thinking about how you can march and scream in just a few short years.

T is for Trans...that's what you are little they/them in diapers.

U is for Unions. Learn early little zir/ze that you need big government and institutions to control you.

Z is for Zapatista of course!!

What is a "Zapatista" you might wonder? Funny you should ask...

Now you might wonder, what sort of sicko would write a book such as this for babies and toddlers? Meet Innosanto Nagara.

Innosanto Nagara was born & raised in Jakarta, Indonesia. He came to the US to study at UC Davis. He then moved to Oakland, CA, where he know resides. Instead of being grateful for this country giving him a life, he now spends his time influencing young children to hate America.

He spends his time destroying Oakland students' minds and hearts with social justice garbage, all while Oakland public schools students have been in the bottom in every academic category for nearly 2 decades.

Naturally, he's all about drag events "for all ages".

In a shocker to absolutely no one, he fully supports pornography in schools and dishonestly calls it "book banning".

Hopefully this is a stark reminder for parents, everything that you're seeing on college campuses (whether or not you have views one way or another), is absolutely not about the issue, it's about creating an army.

All photos were found on Nagara's IG ()…

Download the PDF version of the excerpts of "A Is For Activism":…

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