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May 9, 2024, 5 tweets

a Zionist asks Chomsky what he thinks about the statement that Israel should not exist, and whether he is horrified by it and thinks it's anti-Semitic and genocidal.

He responds: "Actually, I agree with that." And adds that Zionists are the actual genocidal ones.

here's a Zionist asking Chomsky about the "Hamas charter" and if he is horrified by it and it proves they and Palestinians are to blame for not having peace. He responds: Actually the charter is irrelevant and Israel and Zionists are to blame for everything

a reporter asks Chomsky if Hamas and Hezbollah are evil terrorist monsters who are to blame for all the violence, as is claimed by the entire Western media and political class. He replies: Actually the real terrorist extremists responsible for the violence are Israel and the US

a Zionist "reporter" defending the US and Israel asks Chomsky: "What is the difference between terrorism and counter-terrorism?"

He responds: "Very simple. If they do it it's terrorism, when we do it it's counter-terrorism. Now you can find that in the Nazi archives too."

just last month the Hamas leadership yet again reiterated its call for a long-term truce and laying down arms on the condition that a Palestinian state is created. The US and Israel dismissed it, as they have for decades. They are the genocidal terrorists

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