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days at @generalcatalyst, nights at https://t.co/vFGY0eT7KG

May 11, 2024, 16 tweets

The top 10 photos from last night’s solar storm & aurora borealis around the world.

1. Netherlands (@albertdrosphoto)

2. Germany (@Schoenberger_K)

3. Tuscany, Italy (@shanew21)

4. Tasmania (@seanorphoto)

5. Cleveland, Ohio (@alexfarmerphoto)

6. Ireland (@INPHOjames)

7. San Francisco (@wongmjane)

8. Colorado (@robhoffimagery)

9. United Kingdom (@JosephAlsousou)

10. South Pole (@KevZag)

@KevZag Adding more as I come across them.

11. Stonehenge (Nick Bull)

@KevZag 12. Swiss Alps (Weather webcam)

@KevZag 13. Upstate New York (@KWPhot0)

@KevZag @KWPhot0 14. Mount Rainier (@TNTAdam)

@KevZag @KWPhot0 @TNTAdam 15. Arizona (@seanparkerphoto)

16. Joshua Tree (@astrofalls)

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