Jack Cohen Profile picture
days at @generalcatalyst, nights at https://t.co/vFGY0eT7KG
May 12, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
The top 10 *videos* of the recent aurora from around the globe.

1. Mount Saint Michel (@mathieurivrin)
2. Somerset (@TomFrancome)

May 11, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
The top 10 photos from last night’s solar storm & aurora borealis around the world.

1. Netherlands (@albertdrosphoto) Image 2. Germany (@Schoenberger_K) Image
May 5, 2020 9 tweets 11 min read
This Week in Apps: @PublicHello

📱 Social investing app
💸 $23.5M @Accel, @greycroftvc
📜 "Make markets inclusive, educational, & fun"

➕ Social feed a lá Venmo
➕ Beautiful UI
➕ Fractional shares

➖ Feature vs. product
➖ Potential for scam finfluencers
➖ Slim analyst info This Week in Apps: CleanShot X

📱 macOS app for seamless screen capturing
👥 @lukaszmtw & @PawelMag of @MakeTheWebPL
📍 Poland

➕ Elegant design
➕ Filled with "of course!" features
➕ Scrolling capture is 👌🏼
➕ Turn recordings → GIFs
➕ Makes SC actually fun