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May 12, 2024, 10 tweets

Hauntingly beautiful footage of some of the first atomic tests - thread

1. Castle Bravo, 1954

Apple-2, 1955

Wahoo, 1958

USAF B-57 Canberra monitors a nuclear test during Operation Hardtack in 1958

Upshot–Knothole Grable was a nuclear weapons test conducted by the United States in 1953 in Nevada. The test remains the only nuclear artillery shell ever actually fired in the U.S. nuclear weapons test program.

Hardtack Umbrella, 1958

Russia's Tsar Bomba is the most powerful nuclear weapon ever tested.

The Fizeau test of Operation Plumbbob done at the Nevada Testing Center in 1957. Fizeau was an 11 kiloton test

Bighorn, 1962

Redwing Tewa, 1956

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