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In 2 months, 10 SARS-COV-2 variants + 9 others pathogens detected in wastewater from aircraft and airport terminals at Singapore Changi Airport, Jan-Feb 2023
2) The study investigated the feasibility of monitoring SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens in wastewater from aircraft and airport terminals at Singapore Changi Airport between Jan-Feb 2023.
SARS-CoV-2 and variants were detected in wastewater from both aircraft and airport terminals.
3) Several variants of interest were detected in aircraft wastewater 18-31 days before being detected in local wastewater or clinical cases.
Viral load trends from airport terminal wastewater correlated more strongly with local COVID-19 cases rather than global cases ...
4) ...indicating it reflected local community infections.
Viral load trends preceded clinical case trends by 2-5 days.
Nine pathogens (5 respiratory and 4 enteric viruses) were detected in aircraft wastewater, demonstrating potential to monitor diseases beyond SARS-CoV-2.
5) Airport terminal wastewater yielded more detections and pathogens compared to aircraft wastewater, possibly due to combined traveller and community wastewater.
The study demonstrates the value of aircraft and airport wastewater monitoring for early detection of ...
6) ...infectious disease threats and trends. However, challenges remain around sampling, testing, and data sharing globally.
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