Kriegsforscher Profile picture
Private entrepreneur before the full-scale invasion. Right now serve in the Ukrainian Marine Corps (air recon unit).

May 19, 7 tweets

My company and I are involved in the battle for Vovchansk, Kharkiv oblast.

When I one month ago have «predicted» that RUAF will attack in Kharkiv oblast I didn’t expect to take part in this. I was sure about Donetsk oblast😵‍💫

Well, that’s my third time here🧵

May 2022, Kharkiv oblast.

May 2024, Kharkiv oblast.

Again & again.

Frankly speaking, it’s very painful to watch this. People just had no time to evacuate in a proper way. They had a supper at their tables.

Very unpleasant feelings.

«Papa’s kitty house» it is written.

Our president said that we have no problems with artillery shells and no one complains. That’s not true and I see no point of lying in this situation.

Our artillery is firing, yes. But it’s incomparable with Russian artillery.

They may fire 6 SPG at once.

Most of their artillery (2S19 and 2S43) are located in Belgorod region, Russia.

And, unfortunately, we cannot fire them with American HIMARS (for example).

So we just suffer, resist and bite. If we only could fire Russian targets at their territory…

Very strange emotions I feel. Right now our army is fighting where Germans and Soviets fought during the WWII.

German helmet.

But when Russians arrive to Ukraine — they burn.

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