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May 20, 49 tweets

Ryan Williams leads the Claremont Institute—a Project 2025 partner—& belongs to a “society” started by Charles Haywood who glorifies Francisco Franco, a deceased murderous dictator. Claremont associates Jack Posobiec & Josh Abbottoy glorify Franco too. This was Franco. 👇 1/

2/ I got the clip in post 1 from this video.

3/ As I said, Charles Haywood glorifies Francisco Franco.

4/ As I said, Claremont Institute fellow Josh Abbottoy glorifies Franco too.

5/ Claremont Institute alum Jack Posobiec glorifies Franco while promoting his new book called “Unhumans.” He seems to be trying to normalize the idea of a military dictatorship that imprisons & murders its own citizens for their political views, as Franco did.

6/ Jack Posobiec is waaay into the whole Franco bit. It matters because, among other reasons, Poso has more than 2 million followers and is a protege of Roger Stone, Trump’s longtime advisor who coined “Stop the Steal.” Poso’s Claremont Institute ties are also concerning.

7/ Poso is an “agent provocateur and he’s alarmingly effective.





12/ Back to Claremont Institute president Ryan Williams. He worked on a “war gaming” project with Kevin Roberts, president of the Claremont Institute (the lead organizer of Project 2025), before Jan 6.

13/ Meanwhile, Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts has said this. Again, Heritage is the lead organizer of Project 2025. This is horrifying. Truly.

14/ Listen for yourself.




19/ The Society for American Civic Remewal was founded by Charles Haywood, the guy who thinks Franco was “totally awesome.”

20/ As I said, the Claremont Institute is a Project 2025 partner.…

21/ About Project 2025. This is no joke. They want a dictatorship.…

22/ If you aren’t horrified enough yet, here’s another clip about Franco.

23/ Nate Fischer is also an alumnus of the Claremont Institute. He and Josh Abbottoy work together at American Reformer and New Founding. American Reformer supports the Center for Baptist Leadership, which was founded by William Wolfe.


25/ Correction to post 12. I meant to type that Kevin Roberts is president of the Heritage Foundation (lead organizer of Project 2025). I accidentally typed in Claremont bc that’s where Ryan Williams, etc are from.

26/ Here’s one of the articles by the Guardian about Charles Haywood and the secretive Christian men’s society that he founded: the Society for American Civic Renewal.…

27/ And I haven’t even told you the part about Carl Schmitt yet…


29/ Remember this? The triple parentheses aka the “echo symbol” is used to target Jews.

31/ On multiple occasions, Jack Posobiec has also tweeted ‘1488,’ which stands for a ‘14-word’ slogan about protecting white children & for ‘Heil Hitler’ (‘H’ is the 8th letter in the alphabet). 1/ @BucksCoBeacon…

@BucksCoBeacon 32/ Yes, Posobiec is pals with Raw Egg Nationalist, an anonymous “Christian” influencer who enjoys Nazi dog whistles too.

@BucksCoBeacon 33/

@BucksCoBeacon 34/ Raw Egg has a book that was published by Antelope Hill Publishing, which is “best known for translations of Third Reich texts,” per Mother Jones. TBC.…

@BucksCoBeacon 35/ Raw Egg is helping Posobiec promote his “Unhumans” book.

@BucksCoBeacon 36/

@BucksCoBeacon 37/ Here’s Posobiec’s wife promoting Raw Egg’s business, Kindred Harvest.

@BucksCoBeacon 38/ This shows that Raw Egg is a Kindred Harvest co-founder.

@BucksCoBeacon 39/ This shows that Claremont alum Nate Fischer partners w/ Raw Egg’s business (Kindred Harvest) via New Founding, which Fischer co-founded. Claremont fellow Josh Abbottoy is Managing Director of New Founding & Executive Director of American Reformer, which Fischer also founded.

@BucksCoBeacon 40/

@BucksCoBeacon 41/ As discussed above, Kevin Roberts is president of Heritage, lead organizer of Project 2025. As shown below, he’s also a fan of American Reformer, which is led by Claremont alum Nate Fischer & Claremont fellow Josh Abbottoy (who wants a Protestant Franco).

@BucksCoBeacon 42/ Tucker is fond of the Claremont Institute & Raw Egg too. He recently interviewed Claremont alum Meg Basham (below) & has previously interviewed Raw Egg.

@BucksCoBeacon 43/ Here’s another Raw Egg post.

@BucksCoBeacon 44/

@BucksCoBeacon 45/ BTW, it seems that both Raw Egg and Charles Haywood are contributors to Claremont’s magazine, American Mind. Excellent article here by @kathsstewart.…

@BucksCoBeacon @kathsstewart 46/ Related thread. #StopProject2025

@BucksCoBeacon @kathsstewart 47/



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