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May 22, 29 tweets

Why does the porn industry look the way it does?

From words of Greg Lansky and Cable Rosenberg.

How their "weapon against racism" is fueling the revenge fantasies of ethnic men, and the hatred of white women. 🧵

In an interview with Tel Aviv’s Haaretz, Greg Lansky, the creator of "Blacked," describes his early life.

"As a child, he was an outcast, and routinely suffered from Antisemitism by skinheads,"

It goes on to say it is because of this, "Lansky intended to start shooting IR in the Appalachian region in an attempt to address and eradicate longstanding tensions between communities."

For Lansky, porn is a weapon against the "racism and stigma" he experienced as a young Jewish boy.

“As a kid I always wanted to be loved, to be accepted, to feel I belonged. So now, when I look at the adult [film] industry and the people in it, who are not accepted by society — I’ve taken on this effort because I feel like I belong in this fight for acceptance.”

He goes on to say how he continues to be victimized by white supremacist to this day because of his noble crusade against racism:

“They pinned negative stereotypes on me; said I was a Jew who got into the porn industry to pervert society. Some people came up with conspiracy theories about Jews trying to take over the industry."

Because of these threats, Haaretz says “Lansky emphasizes that he sees himself as a proud Jew."

In an interview with AVN, Lansky laments that more young people can't access his art.

"Apple has a supermarket where they refuse to let me sell my product."

He says he wants to sell on iTunes, Netflix, Facebook, Tiktok, and Apple TV. "Take porn out of the shadows and have it accessible on any platform."

"It's like being a drug dealer, but you don't have the advantage of dealing in cash and avoiding taxes," he jokes in an interview with Forbes,

Lansky says his desire to fight racism is central to his brand, and that he's very proud of his work.

"On social media we have so many performers that are promoting Blacked, and they’re doing it because they’re proud of being part of the project. I would never want to do any type of adult movies where performers would just do it for the money and they wouldn’t be proud of it."

"I am notoriously selective with casting," he says, "People say, 'You only cast the same type of woman.' Of course I do. I cast based on my own definition of beauty.

What is his definition of beauty? Young, innocent, blonde...

According to Shawna Faye Felkins of University Mississippi, in her theses on "Fetishizing Southern Brutality" there's a focus in this genre on white women as representations of "white purity."

This, she says, "results in the humiliation and degradation of the woman involved...the female performers are punished by effectively having their title of pure women, or even white women, stripped away."

This stripping away of purity isn't a new theme.

"Porn is about being anti-erotic. Scandalize, be disgusting: there are guys who could never have sex with real women and they can commit sexual crimes...

Showing them women who have s*x with animals, or anything disgusting that you can imagine."

-Jens Theander

The purpose of porn is to defile the image that White society idealizes.

The image of an innocent, blonde white girl. The "representations of "white purity" that Felkins described. A symbol that excludes and marginalizes men like Lansky.

I'd like to explore the following questions:

•1 | What do these pornographers say motivates them to produce ir porn?

•2 | Who is this "art" intended for?

•3 | What's the most likely motivation?"

•4 | Finally, what are the effects of this "war on racism" for the white and minority men who watch it?

•1 | What do these pornographers say motivates them to produce ir porn?

According to Jane Nile, Lansky offered her $3.5K to do her first IR scene. She says he convinced her by saying she would help "fight the stigma against IR."

After shooting, she says he grabbed her ass multiple times "without warning or consent," sent her "creepy texts" and refused to pay her.

She goes on to say "he created an empire of racist porn."

He tells his performers that they're fighting "stigma" and racism.

She isn't the only white female pornstar who says they encountered racism in the industry.

Belle Elise Rose refused to do ir scenes because, according to her, "The whole thing around it is racist against your own race"

"I probably shouldn't even speak up about this cause I will only get bullied in and out of the industry. I get death threats and emails daily for the last 3 years from men calling me racist this or they. I have men sending me death threats.

If it wasn't made such a big deal that little white girls fuck a different color and have to say "I like your bbc," but the whole thing around it is racist against your own race."

James Deen, in an interview with Vice, says that the reluctance of White female actresses to star in interracial genres is "disgusting and annoying...It's racist and it's belittling and it's keeping me from making a good product."

This product, to reiterate, is a tool these men are using to fight racism and inequality. Keep that in mind.

James Deen also joked in an interview with Haraaz, hidden behind a paywall:

"The Jews know we're better than everyone else--that's all that matters. It's true we're the chosen people' it's fact."

He's fighting racism with ir porn, but the Jews are superior to other races. Does this make sense?

Skweezme, the “Netflix of porn” owned by Mike Kulich, offers “racist” celebs the chance to star in ir porn for redemption.

Interracial porn as both a humiliating punishment and a path to redemption for their racism.

What do you all think so far? Do you think these people are genuinely motivated by the desire to "fight racism?"

•2 | Who is this "art" intended for?

IR porn isn't driven by profit. Its supply is greater than its demand.

This is why white female performers are payed a substantial bonus for doing ir scenes.

According to Judith Ohikuare, in an article titled: The Racist Economics of Interracial Porn,

"Studios pay white women more for their perceived willingness to perform IR scenes, and white women can launch lucrative careers by planning a trajectory that leads up to ir porn."

So who's watching most IR pornography?

Back to Shawna Faye Felkins' thesis: Fetishizing Southern Brutality:

"In an email correspondence with DogFart Productions owner Cable Rosenberg, I asked about the demographics of the sites. He replied:

“There is no way for us to really know the age/race/gender of our members, but from doing this the last 16 years and doing all of my own customer service, I can tell you that most members are white males...then black males. Then white couples. There are very few women that join on their own."

Felkins's goes on to talk about how this genre targets a sizable white male audience.

"DogFart’s site traffics in the same sort of defilement, but uses a different part of the “southern belle” trope: submissiveness. With the headline “our white wives are starving for thick black meat,” the site makes it clear that the target audience is largely white heterosexual men with the inclusive word “our.”

According to a study by Childs et al, the majority of those consuming interracial pornography are white men, followed by black men.

However black men, despite being a much lower percentage of the population, are not far behind. Per capita, they're the largest porn consumers in America, and ir porn is extremely popular in the black community. Both white and black men are consuming this porn that mocks and degrades white women, but for different reasons.

•3 | What's the most likely motivation?

As Nathan Abrams, professor of Film Studies at Bangor University, stated in the Jewish Quarterly:

"The standard porn scenario became as a result of Jewish fantasy for schtupping the Catholic Shicksa,"

The term "Shiksa" is refers to a Gentile women.

Mike Kulich, the late owner of one of the largest porn companies in America "Monarchy Distributors" reiterrated this point at the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture:

"Back in the '70s, the majority of the male porn performers were Jewish, and the majority of the female performers were Roman Catholic.

It's kind of funny...I asked Ron Jeremy, 'Why did you guys decide to go into the porn industry? What was it that drew you in besides the obvious?'

He was like 'I got to f**k Roman Catholic chicks and fulfill every fantasy every Jewish boy has ever had.'"

In other words, the early porn industry was used as a means of fulfilling the fantasies of sexually frustrated religious Jews.

The fantasy of the Jewish guy getting with the under-aged Catholic schoolgirl gradually shifted to the black man.

I bring this up because one could argue that a similar demand for fantasy fulfillment may be the driving force behind the ir porn we see today, but if that were the case, whose fantasy is driving Blacked? Or CuckoldSessions?

The people that consume it, or the people that produce it?

Every race of man glorifies the beauty of their women. One of the goals of porn is to take the standard of purity and beauty in the west (as personified by the white Christian woman) and rip it off its pedestal.

Just as the Communists in Spain burned down churches, dug up the graves of saints, and defiled their corpses, so is the image of western purity defiled by those it oppresses.

The "Black is beautiful movement in the 70s is a testament to the importance of glorifying the beauty of your own women when uplifting a demoralized population.

Men are far more visual than women, and the demoralizing effects of seeing other races with their own is well known in field of psychology.

A 2000 paper "Black penis and the demoralization of the Western World" describes the use of blacks as a symbol for sexual and racial liberation in the works of Himes and Laferrière.

"Because poor white women in the antebellum South were considered "capable of seducing black men" along with the fact that "white Southerners had a stake in protecting their human chattel"

From this, you can begin to see the kind of psychology behind the promotion of IR porn as a "tool for fighting racism." There's no understanding that perhaps in the antebellum South, white southerners might've actually wanted to protect their women from actual threats of rape. But those that believe IR imagery can be used to demoralize racists probably don't care about present or past crime statistics.

The point is, the use of depicting IR relations as a weapon to fight "white supremacy" isn't new. Leftists often talk candidly about it in scholarly or literary works.

These images are the works of Cleon Peterson, commissioned by Ariane and Benjamin de Rothschild.

The image on the left is from an exhibition called "Purity." The image on the right is called "A Vision of the Future"

Blacks have historically and continue to be used as proxy warriors to "fight racism" (white people) in the same way Sauron uses orcs.

The image of the blonde white woman is both ripped from its pedestal as a symbol of purity in the eyes of white men, and put on a new pedestal in the eyes of marginalized, ethnic men as a symbol of conquering and revenge.

The humiliation and degradation of white female purity that Shawna Faye Felkins observed is rife in "marginalized" communities.

According to Jessica McCallin, a journalist for The Telegraph:

"Male Muslim friends later confirmed that many of their peers consider all Western women "whores", but associate this most strongly with blonde women. They associate us with performers they see involved in pornographic films and assume this is an accurate portrayal of who we are."

Porn is largely responsible for this dynamic. The image of the white woman in the minds of Arab and Black men in the west is both that of the slut, and that of the ideal standard of beauty.

The image that judges and excludes them, and the image to be conquered and defiled.

The quote from Nathan Abrams begins to make more sense. "The standard porn scenario became as a result of Jewish fantasy for schtupping the Catholic Shicksa."

The term shiksa may refer to a gentile woman, but according to Josh Lambert in "Unclean Lips: Obscenity, Jews, and American Culture," it's also a pejorative.

It defines it as “‘unclean creature,’ reptile; abomination, detestation, uncleanliness.”

If you dehumanize the race of women that excluded you, you can justify any desire.

Maria Farmer, one of the victims of Jeffery Epstein, knew the term well:

•4 | So to answer the final question, what are the effects of this "war on racism" for the white and minority men who watch it?

The effects for white men is fairly straight forward. You've probably seen it if you hang around right wing spaces.

White women are assumed to be disloyal by default, unless proven otherwise. Fueled by ir pornography, some white incels even begin to fetishize the hatred of white women.

For minority men, the effects can be seen on social media.

These fantasies sometimes end in tragedy, as Ian Mackenzie Cranston found out when his girlfriend was being harassed by Barry Washington Jr. Barry fantasized about "cucking" him in front of his girlfriend, when he asked her if she wanted to fuck.

According to the girlfriend, when she didn't comply with these fantasies, he then got violent with her. When Ian confronted him, he got punched in the face.

Barry was shot to death by the boyfriend, who was then charged with manslaughter, despite his girlfriend and several witnesses testifying on his behalf. He got 10 years in prison.

Every mainstream media headline covered up the fact that he assaulted the white girl before he got shot, and implied that Ian was just a jealous, racist boyfriend.

Barry Washington Jr immediately became a martyr, and marches were led in his honor.

An other example of a black male using white women as fantasies for revenge against his "oppressor"

This is a fake white woman account by a black male to convince black men to "take" white women by force. He follows white women to convince them that white men are their enemy.

Part of the ideology that attracts "black supremacists" to IR porn revolves white men being oppressors. Black women only "hold us back."

They worship white women only insofar as they fulfill this desire for revenge against white men. These desires are fueled by the porn industry

The demoralization of "racist" white men does not decrease racism.

It isn't designed to decrease or end racism. It's designed to increase, humiliate, and monetize it.

The use of blacks to demoralize whites isn't just in porn. You see it in ads, movies, and tv.

Kristen Fink put it well in her paper "Black penis and the demoralization of the Western World"

It's a weapon against the oppressor race (white men) and a "contact point" between two oppressed classes. "The white woman and black man."

This is the rationalizations these people use to justify this "weapon." Whether these intellectuals believe it or not isn't important. The humiliation of white men and women inherent in this genre reveals their hatred for whites isn't an intellectual one and no amount of post hoc rationalization can cover up.

These "intellectuals" hide behind charges of antisemitism to shield themselves from criticism.

I kept "noticing" to a minimum because it's obvious to anyone with a brain and access to google that a Jewish mafia runs the porn industry. It's not exactly a secret.

I could go into more detail but I don't think it's necessary for this thread.

If there are any Jews reading this, and you don't want to be blamed for what people are doing in your name, then tell your own intellectuals and pornographers to stop hiding behind their Jewishness when they promote it.

Like Eva Wiseman, who argued porn is good precisely because it's a useful weapon against "fascism."

Because it breaks down social cohesion, and has made men more docile.

They'll admit that it's a weapon because they know they can hide behind the anti-white ideology of Marxism and can cry antisemitism if you read their own words back to them.

I would like to emphasize that I believe these pornographers are hiding behind their Jewishness, and using antisemitism as a shield to mask their behavior.

That's why I believe Lansky mentions antisemitic conspiracy theories and talks about white supremacists sending him death threats.

I want to make it clear, I don't blame all Jews for the actions of these men, but to my Jewish readers, you must admit, this "art" isn't dedicated to fighting racism.

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