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Dec 20, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
A 2024 study funded by the U.S. Census Bureau "for research purposes" wanted to test whether lack of "diversity" or "inherent racial preferences" is driving the lack of interracial marriage.

The justification for which is that race-mixing "reduces inequality between racial groups."

It found that increasing exposure to opposite-sex members of different class groups generates a substantial increase in interclass marriage, but increased exposure to other racial groups has "no detectable effect on interracial marriage.

"Residential segregation accounts for nearly half of marital homophily by class, but less than 10% of marital homophily by race."

The disappointment is clear by the final paragraph: "Understanding how these preferences are formed is an important next step for future research."Image "Any opinions and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not represent the views of the U.S. Census Bureau."

Why would they distance themselves from the study that they funded? 🤔

Why is the primary concern is with increasing White-Black intermarriage. Image
Dec 19, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
It's fascinating when something you've been observing for ages ends up being a formal movement.

The worship of White women as a trophy of revenge against White men.

White men/Black women as the source of their humiliation and low status.

The desire to be fetishized by racists. Image
Eldridge Cleaver exemplifies this. He admitted to stalking White women, and raping them out of a sense of revenge.

They've been doing this since the earliest days, but when White men lynched them for it, history was rewritten by Marxist intellectuals. (Thread bellow.)

As Jewish author, Kristen Fink, put it in "The Black Penis and the Demoralization of the Western World,":

White men in the South were just "protecting their human chatel." Not from rape, but from the sexual liberation the Black man provides.

Eldridge Cleaver went from raping White women, to being embraced as a success story of Black Conservatism in the 1980s:

"Every time I'm embracing a Black woman, I'm embracing slavery, and when I put my arms around a White woman, well I'm hugging freedom"
-Civil Rights Activist, Eldridge Cleaver

White women aren't just the ultimate prize of revenge, they're also a symbol of "freedom" for these Black men. I wonder who put this idea in their heads.Image
Dec 18, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
White women are seen as a status and wealth symbol for Black men.

Aspiring rappers have a tendency to hire prostitutes to perform various skits on social media, to signal their status to other Black men. Image
In case you're wondering, this is the prostitute this Black guy hired to pretend to be in love with him.

This is the "evidence" Joey Mannarino is using to double down on his claim that Polish women prefer Black men. Image
Dec 16, 2024 9 tweets 6 min read
Fellow White man, Joey Mannarino says that Black men seeking a European wife should "just go to Poland."

Let's look at the actual data:

From the DYP (2016):
"Mixed marriages in Poland constituted approx 1.7% of all marriages."

Of that 1.7%, let's just look at the women... 🧵 Image
Of mixed marriages:

89% of the 1.2% of Polish women in mixed marriages, married other Euros.

"Polish women preferred partners from United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and France while Polish men tended to be married to women from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus." Image
Dec 7, 2024 23 tweets 12 min read
Why do so many non-White men associate blonde women with whores:

How sexual narratives about European women were historically used to exploit them, and how the porn industry, and open border policies, are facilitating the revival of the Islamic slave trade. 🧵 Image It's no secret that many Muslim men associate blonde White women with whores.

You see this disdain for Blonde White women facilitated by the western porn industry. The most avid consumers of Blacked pornography are men from the third world. Image
Dec 5, 2024 40 tweets 23 min read
The latest studies and statistics on interracial relationships, focusing on:

○ Online dating and hookups
○ Marriage
○ Cohabitation
○ Birth data and trends
○ Relationship outcomes

From 2014 to 2024

🧵🧵🧵 Image
The earliest data from OkCupid:

White women are the most racially exclusive.

Despite liberals outnumbering cons over 2 to 1, and their preference taboo.

Exclusivity increased in 2014, despite an altered matching algorithm.

Asian women desired Black men more than White women. Image
Dec 1, 2024 6 tweets 5 min read
Dark_Chicago (@dark_chicago) is another fetish account under the guise of a right wing White woman.

They post nationalist talking points, while at the same time subtly grooming their followers with subliminal messaging.

16 mutuals following this one 🧵 Image
Some of the messaging can be subtle, and would be missed by most people following them.

Their innuendo gradually becomes more on-the-nose, but subtle enough to avoid suspicion. Image
Nov 9, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Why are there so many Blacks in advertising? 🧵

From a 2024 meta analysis:

"White Americans' preference for Black people in advertising has increased in the past 66 years." Image First, the paper warns,

"Being exposed to information about the racial demographic shift can foster political conservatism, weaken diversity endorsement, activate White identity in politics, and trigger anxiety and concerns about anti-White discrimination among Whites." Image
Oct 12, 2024 27 tweets 14 min read
I'd like to explore what the latest research says about Autogynephilia.

Specifically how the porn industry and social media introduce it to young men. 🧵 Image From a 2024 study on Autogynephilia:

"Participants were recruited from Reddit, and active consumers of Sissy Hypno. The sample is multi-racial, 11 men, 5 transwomen.

"The content focuses on feminization, with racial submission, cross-dressing and gender transition subtexts..." Image
Oct 9, 2024 11 tweets 8 min read
Anti-White propaganda can often disguise itself using weaponized psychology.

There's a difference between calling out bad behavior to enforce standards, and a demoralization campaign pitting White men against their women.

WhiteFemaleFilth on Telegram is a great example.🧵 Image
A common theme in this channel:

Any White man who doesn't blame "the White woman", is "the enemy." Image
Oct 7, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
According to a 2023 study, "Pop culture resentment":

If you don't like Black music, you're racist.

"Consistent preference for genres historically linked to white culture over those linked to Black culture may partly reflect white Americans’ attitudes toward Black Americans." Image The study also suggests that prolonged exposure to Black music can condition Whites to be less racist.

"Prolonged positive exposure to media predominantly made by Black artists may result in more positive racial attitudes among white listeners (Browne Graves 1999; T...2015)." Image
Sep 3, 2024 41 tweets 30 min read
Studies on racial preferences in online dating are interesting, not just for their results, but because they often reveal why the woke are so obsessed with representation.

The most recent study, "Racial Preferences in dating apps" from 2024 is a perfect example. 🧵 Image From 'Racial preferences in dating apps: an experimental approach' by Aldana et al:

"Thousands of people saw these profiles and preferring White profiles over Black ones became an extended pattern.

White profiles had more likes in every situation." Image
Sep 3, 2024 23 tweets 17 min read
Is Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," a Jewish story?

How Harper Lee's "philosemitism" shaped her work, and became the symbolic template for BLM, according to Jewish journalists. 🧵

According Alexandra Levine, in her article "Harper Lee's Jewish Lessons," she was stunned by how Jewish "To Kill a Mockingbird" was.

"There was something Jewish about the novel that clicked, a poignant scene that I didn’t remember reading the first time around.

'There are no better people in the world than the Jews, and why Hitler doesn't think so is a mystery. They contribute to every society they live in. You'll learn that the Jews have been persecuted since the beginning of history. Time for arithmetic, children.'

"The parallel that Lee so obviously draws between Jews and blacks in the scene, and between one supremacist and another, went right over my head."

In Lee's worldview, black men, like Jews, exemplify the wrongfully accused and misunderstood victim.

"People like Hitler are persecuting the Jews for no good reason...White people are persecuting their black neighbors for no good reason."Image
Aug 16, 2024 26 tweets 20 min read
The Olympics are over, but here's one last thread on the winners and their spouses.

White boy and White girl summer edition.

Thread 🧵 Image Femke Bol (24), a Dutch track and field athlete, won the the gold, silver, and bronze metals in one night, and broke the world record for the 400m short track.

She's currently in a relationship with Belgian pole vaulter Ben Broeders.

Jun 20, 2024 10 tweets 6 min read
From a 2022 Russian study, "How Tinder changes dating among Russian Generation Z,"

"Dateability is heavily influenced by racial preferences...

Almost everyone stated that they would never swipe right on someone of a different race."
Some were hesitant to confess that they tend not to swipe right on other races.

The study cites another study, "The "preference" paradox: Disclosing racial preferences in attraction is considered racist even by people who overtly claim it is not (2019)

Jun 19, 2024 10 tweets 7 min read
Mainstream “anti-woke” influencers are beginning to struggle for relevancy as racial consciousness continues to grow.

Because of this, you may have noticed a sudden shift toward “safe-edgy” racism, neutralized through irony.

Here are some examples… 🧵 It’s “based” for white women to have babies with black men because the babies will be less black.

A "racist" *wink wink* promotion of race mixing. Image
Jun 7, 2024 8 tweets 6 min read
The study that shows "mixed race faces are more attractive than pure faces" was debunked 9 years ago.

The most comprehensive study on facial attractiveness by race used Asian, African, and European faces, and a mixed-race category for each combination.

Here's what it found🧵
Image Unlike Rhodes et al. (2005), we did not find that participants rated mixed-race faces as more attractive than single-race compound faces.

In fact for most of the mixes, the mixed race face was rated at about the mean level of attractiveness for the two single race composites it was a mixture of.

Past studies all used compound faces when making their claims that mixed-race faces were more "attractive."Image
May 29, 2024 19 tweets 13 min read
This account purports to expose "right wing white women" as race traitors.

The accounts he's "exposing" are all a part of a network of fake white women accounts I exposed months prior.

This is a type of subversive, anti-white account I call "the concern troll." 🧵

"What Nazi hoes post in public vs what they do in private."

This is a "leaked" dm from the "Nazi girl" Ylva.

Here "she" is talking to a black man, who then "leaked" this embarrassing conversation, where she admits to being a "Norwegian wh0re" for black men.
May 25, 2024 7 tweets 6 min read
This is reasonable criticism.

I've seen a number of accounts complain about the prevalence of low IQ antisemitism on the right, while not providing their "high IQ" alternative.

It's inevitable that people assume you're gate-keeping the topic because you don't want it breached. The JQ basically boils down to this:

"Groups with higher ethnocentrism out-compete groups with lower ethnocentrism. This is fundamental to group selection."

One aspect of the JQ that seems unsolvable lies in this dynamic. It applies in almost every circumstance. Image
May 22, 2024 29 tweets 22 min read
Why does the porn industry look the way it does?

From words of Greg Lansky and Cable Rosenberg.

How their "weapon against racism" is fueling the revenge fantasies of ethnic men, and the hatred of white women. 🧵
Image In an interview with Tel Aviv’s Haaretz, Greg Lansky, the creator of "Blacked," describes his early life.

"As a child, he was an outcast, and routinely suffered from Antisemitism by skinheads,"

It goes on to say it is because of this, "Lansky intended to start shooting IR in the Appalachian region in an attempt to address and eradicate longstanding tensions between communities."

For Lansky, porn is a weapon against the "racism and stigma" he experienced as a young Jewish boy.Image
May 6, 2024 15 tweets 11 min read
I’ve seen a number of “fellow demoralized incel” accounts deliberately spreading anti White female hatred to their followers.

They then promote the very thing they say they're against.

Are they truly demoralized or subversive, and how can you spot the difference? 🧵

The demoralized incel accounts I'm talking about often post fake statistics, infographics, and the worst examples of white female behavior.

You've probably seen them in your replies one or twice...