🧵Here are 12 economic talking points for President Biden and Democrats, with charts in the thread on each.
Repeat them so much you memorize them and share them often with our media and political friends!
#1: We're 6 million jobs above the pre-pandemic peak.
#2: Biden tied with LBJ for the lowest average unemployment rate of any president.
#3: We averaged 3.6% unemployment in 2022 & 2023; the last 3.5% year was 1969.
#4: Families had more purchasing power in 2023 than 2019 pre-pandemic, as incomes have outgrown inflation across the income spectrum.
See the CBO report here:
#5: Biden has the record for highest hourly worker wages of any president on average.
#6: The middle-class became the richest ever (net worth) in 2022 and is far richer than 2019 now.
As of Q4 '23, bottom 50% group net worth (real) up 53% vs. pre-pandemic, while 50th-90th group up 17%.
#7: The economy is nearly 10% larger than 2019 before the pandemic (real GDP).
The economy has grown at a robust 2.8% (quarterly annualized rate) under Biden, similar to Trump pre-pandemic and faster than Trump overall (2.0%).
#8: Inflation is the Fed’s job, and they are on the case. My job is jobs, and we’ve had rapid job creation throughout my Administration, even since we regained the pre-pandemic peak.
Biden: +270,000 jobs/month July '22 - April '24
Trump: +180,000 jobs/month Feb '17 - Feb '20
#9: Biden has delivered $400 billion in student loan relief to millions of borrowers and would have doubled that if Republicans and SCOTUS hadn’t blocked it.
#10: Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Act will continue creating great jobs for a decade, with thousands of projects in rural communities in Blue and Red states.
Even Republicans that voted against it are talking it up at home when they break ground.
#11: Biden's expansion of ACA eligibility plus state ACA expansions have helped cut the number of uninsured to a record low and made healthcare more affordable for 10 million more people, many in Red states.
#12: Home ownership rates were higher in 2023 than 2019 for most groups, including young people.
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