Beth Bourne Profile picture
Mom questioning gender ideology in CA schools. This is the biggest medical scandal of our times. Views: mine, not my employer, UC Davis where 1/22 kids is trans

May 25, 10 tweets

Here is my exposé on how we got to over 1,800 students at UC Davis 'identifying as transgender.'

The entire institution is set up so vulnerable kids fall into the tran$ pipeline from social transition to medical transition. 🧵

✅free 'gender affirming' breast binders (for women) and bras (for men) courtesy of the UC Davis LGBTQ Resource Center

✅free legal 'gender marker' and name changes courtesy of UC Davis School of Law

✅free wrong-sex hormones administered by first and second-year students UC Davis School of Medicine

✅free sex-change surgeries for at the UC Davis Medical Center

✅UC Davis awarded perfect score for transitioning students by the Human Rights Campaign

✅if you voice concerns, you are labeled transphobic, hateful, bigoted by the @UCD_Diversity office



@ucdavis provides free BREAST BINDERS and BRAS so students can affirm their transgender identity without their parents knowing.

Listen to this UC Davis (they/them) engineering student give a tour of the UC Davis LGBTQIA Resource Center 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ This young woman is beautiful, articulate, and clearly kindhearted - but how does she not see that she is promoting the erasure of women, and the loss of women's rights?


@UCDavisLaw provides students with free 'gender marker' changes to their birth certificate

@UCDavisMed first- and second-year med students provide free wrong-sex hormones at the Gender Health Center 'Hormone Clinic'


@Chancellor_May why are so many @UCDavisLaw students now identifying as 'trans' or 'nonbinary?'

In 2013, @UCDavisHealth was the FIRST university in the country to start asking students for their 'gender identity' so docs can provide 'better LGBTQ+ care'

"If you CHOSE to pursue Gender Confirmation Surgery" the university will happily cover most of the costs.

Tran$ gender industry🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ 🚩🚩


@UCdavis hires transgender-identifying professors as role models for students 🚩🚩


How do you brainwash an entire nursing school and staff on gender woo-woo?

Listen to @UCDavisMed clinical professor Miles Harris, a trans-nonbinary-queer-identified nurse practitioner explain how 'doctors make mistake when assigning sex at birth.'

No surprise, Prof. Harris is funded through Big Pharma's Gilead Sciences TRAN$cend initiative🏳️‍⚧️



The @UCDavisMedCntr was awarded a perfect score for transitioning 'transgender' students 🏳️‍⚧️ by the Human Rights Campaign @HRC

“It is an honor to once again be named a national leader in LGBTQ+ care,” said David Lubarsky, CEO of UC Davis Health and vice chancellor for human health sciences. “Our focus on health equity means that every patient, staff member and visitor who walks through our doors is seen, heard and respected. This inclusivity is a foundational priority for us, as we embrace the uniqueness of individuals and their health needs throughout our UC Davis Health community.”


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