Beth Bourne Profile picture
Mom questioning gender ideology in CA schools. This is the biggest medical scandal of our times. Views: mine, not my employer, UC Davis where 1/22 kids is trans
2 subscribers
Jan 11 12 tweets 7 min read
Two years ago today, my friends Erin Friday and Allie Snyder and I held a demonstration in front of my daughter's high school here in Davis, California. We were protesting the school district, @DJUSD, hosting a lecture that evening with a crazy trans activist, Rachel Pepper, to hawk her book “The Transgender Child."

It was an incredible day. I didn't want my daughter to recognize me, so I wore a disguise. Some students burst into tears, others looked confused as they read our signs questioning the trans narrative, while a few brave souls came over and thanked us for being there. Here is what we learned that day. 🧵

@Moms4Liberty We learned there are many courageous, articulate women in CA who are willing and eager to show their faces in public and speak to why this ideology is so dangerous.

And our right to free speech is something we should never take for granted. The First Amendment allowed us to assemble on the sidewalk in front of the high school, and speak freely. Signs with simple language and well-designed banners are very effective in conveying a message. Even an umbrella can get your message across, as @ThePosieParker says "Be the billboard."

Jan 10 5 tweets 4 min read
Incredible news from Seattle, WA🚨🚨the dam is breaking!

TransFamilies, one of the largest “trans rights” lobbying orgs in the US, has just announced they are laying off all paid staff.

@BillboardChris Image
“As a kid, I was extremely lucky to have friends and family who supported me in finding my authentic self. My parents found Trans Families – an organization that began here in Seattle but is now national. Trans Families creates a support system for parents with transgender/nonbinary kids.

In my high school, I was the president of our LGBTQ student group. With that, came the unique opportunity to hear the stories of other trans/nonbinary youth. And as I listened to these stories, I learned how incredibly privileged I am. Even as I was experiencing implicit and explicit transphobia, I was still being seen as a white man in a world built upon racism and sexism.”
Dec 30, 2024 14 tweets 7 min read
WOW. It took 2 months for the law firm representing the Winters Joint Unified School District to respond to my Public Records request for the slides used to teach sexuality and gender identities but the documents they've provided are shocking.

Here are the Health Connected "Puberty Talk" slides used in 5th grade classrooms across California public schools. This is how 10 and 11-year-old children are indoctrinated into transgenderism 🏳️‍⚧️and led to believe the "trusted adult" in their life may not be their mom and dad. 🧵

Here is the intro letter sent to parents. It mentions the the Health Connected "Puberty Talk" lessons meet the California Ed Code and will be taught by school nurses. Most parents are clueless that Health Connected is a radical trans activist group out of the Bay Area.

The only way parents can get access to the slides is by making an appointment with a principal or teacher at the school. The excuse I was given by the @djusd school district is the Health Connected sex ed/gender identity curriculum “purchase agreement doesn’t allow copies to be made” or for any of the materials to be shared electronically (by email or school websites) with parents.Image
Dec 20, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Huge news from northern California🚨🚨An Oakland Unified school teacher is suing the district for violating her First Amendment free speech rights and religious beliefs when she was terminated for not using the "preferred pronouns" of a trans-identified 5 year-old girl in her classroom.

Badass attorneys at @dhillonlaw @pnjaban and @WTPatriotsUSA filed the federal lawsuit yesterday at the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California 🧵

1/ Mirella "Ramirez is a devout Catholic who believes, as a matter of faith, that a person is born to their divinely-intended gender, that God reveals a person’s gender through their physical body, and that it is immoral to rebel against God’s intent by artificially transitioning genders."

"The District’s order placed Ramirez in an untenable position. Spanish is not a gender-neutral language, and it requires grammatical gender for nouns, adjectives, determiners, and pronouns."Image
Dec 12, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
I’m compiling a list of California doctors who are “trans women” or men-pretending-to-be-women who work with gender clinics “transitioning” children and vulnerable people. 🧵

Here’s my first batch:

1. Dr. Ellie Ley, plastic surgeon, “The Gender Institute” at Dignity Health St. Francis Memorial Hospital, @UCSFHospitals

2. Dr. Allie Taur, nuclear medicine, founder pediatric gender clinic, Kaiser Permanente San Bernardino

3. Dr. Grace Firtch, physician in chief, Kaiser Permanente Redwood City Medical Center

4. Dr. Marci Bowers, Mills-Peninsula Medical Center in Burlingame, California

5. Dr. Erica E. Anderson, clinical psychologist, @UCSFHospitals pediatric gender clinic

6. Dr. Benji Laniakea (they/them), family physician, chief of the @Stanford LGBTQ+ Adult Clinical Program

Appreciate any tips specific to CA as well as hearing from other states.

@wesyang Dr. Allie Taur, Nuclear Medicine Physician and the first physician to “transition” while employed by Kaiser Permanente. He founded the first Kaiser SoCal pediatric gender clinic soon after castrating himself. @aboutKP
Dec 5, 2024 7 tweets 5 min read
As a parent of a child caught in the trans cult, I was determined to find physicians in Davis, CA who could help me expose this medical scandal.

I’ve shared a lot about my daughter’s harrowing experience with Kaiser Permanente’s “gender affirming” docs and therapists, but I want parents to know that Dignity Health, a Catholic-based healthcare provider in California, is just as captured.

In 2022, I reached out to two friends, Kelly McDonald, a Sacramento State biology professor and her husband, Stephen Nowicki, MD, a pediatrician at Dignity Health. As 20+ years friends, they had watched my daughter grow up and Dr. Nowicki had even been her pediatrician when she was a child.

Surely, I thought they would understand it’s impossible for a child to be “trans.”

Instead, I discovered just how brainwashed and dangerous my highly educated, liberal progressive friends had become. And that @DignityHealth was no safer than Kaiser Permanente. 🧵

My first email to Kelly (Dr. Nowicki’s wife) was an offer to meet with them and a few parents of ROGD kids over coffee to discuss the scientific and medical rationale for “gender affirming” procedures.

I offered them $5000 to meet as I had already been donating to gender critical voices like @SwipeWright , @WomensLibFront, @Riley_Gaines_, and several detransitioners who were making a difference. In my email, I provided links to recent articles in the NY Times and Reuters that highlight the sudden surge in top surgery for teen girls. 2/Image
Nov 26, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
Have people lost their minds? I don’t care if he has an (R) after his name, Bruce “@Caitlyn_Jenner” is personally responsible for influencing 100,000s of kids in this state to believe they might be “born in the wrong body.”

Here are some of the Health Connected slides shown to my daughter at her @djusd junior high school before she declared her “trans” identity in 2018. 🏳️‍⚧️

My daughter learned that Bruce Jenner and Laverne Cox were now “SHE!” 🧵

@wesyangImage I had no clue about the radical gender ideology being taught in CA until I observed my son’s Health teacher actually present the “Identity Spectrums” slides and video.

My son was taught that the "majority of cross-dressers are heterosexual men” and cross-dressing can “simply be a fashion statement or matter of comfort.”

Nov 24, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Unbelievable. I just got notice from @lyft that my account has been deactivated for a report "that alleges you made comments that could be deemed derogatory towards a member of our 🏳️‍⚧️ community."

Meet @Lyft's chief marking director, Brian Irving, the a$$hole out of San Francisco who doesn't believe women are real or deserve safety. 1/2

😂😂"As a reminder, Lyft is an inclusive community. Discriminatory comments that are deemed derogatory toward a member of the community are a violation of Lyft’s Terms of Service...

In order to proceed, please respond directly to this email that you've read and understood our Terms of Service and discrimination policies."Image
Nov 16, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
🚨🚨🚨This is incredible news for girls' sports in California.

Stone Ridge Christian High School girls volleyball team will forfeit tomorrow's game against San Francisco Waldorf with male player Henry Hanlon rather than risk their team's safety.

These brave girls are making a huge sacrifice, while the cowards who lead the @CIFState governing board threaten to sanction Stone Ridge Christian HS for multiple years if they don't play tomorrow.

News is coming in so fast I can't track it all so look below for updates ⬇️ ⬇️

Nov 13, 2024 10 tweets 9 min read
What are the odds?!!🏳️‍⚧️ It took me less than 5 seconds to clock this @united flight attendant as a man.

I want a refund. I didn't sign up to participate in this man's fetish or cosplay. This isn't about preferred pronouns.

Meet "Riya" Young Suising, a former Silicon Valley tech executive who has been invading women's spaces and sports since 2011. 🧵

@SnydeNotSnarky 1. As "Riya" gives the safety-instructions over the PA system in his best lady-voice, I want to yell "He's a man!" @ThePosieParker, but I've promised my boyfriend no scenes this trip.

You can see his badge reads "Riya Young, she/her" which of course infuriates me, and I recall the viral video of a mom (with toddler in tow) who was kicked off another recent @united SFO flight for "misgendering."Image
Nov 7, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
This is wild. Here is a 2012 clip of Tim "Sarah" McBride announcing he is no longer a straight white guy "with political dreams" at American University but a "transgender woman."

Watch how the news station shows evidence of Tim's transformation from man to woman: the long dark hair (wig), the purse, the dainty necklace, the rhinestone-studded black shoes.

Dreams achieved. This current Delaware (D) senator will now be the first man-pretending-to-be-a-woman 🏳️‍⚧️ in the U.S. Congress come January. @SarahEMcBride @AmericanU @ChildrensNatl

@BillboardChris A childhood friend of Tim's explains how Tim went to an artsy school in Wilmington where boys were taught to strive for diversity and nobody stood out for being quirky and nerdy.

"I have known Tim McBride since I was in sixth grade. We went to a small public school in Wilmington, Del., called Cab Calloway School of the Arts. It was an unconventional school, to say the least. There were no sports teams. No traditional social cliques. None of the usual student-teacher antagonisms (for the most part). At Cab, school musicals trumped football games any day of the week. If you stood out like a sore thumb at any other school’s dances, you’d probably fit right in at Cab," Richards wrote. "After being one of Tim’s best friends for six years, I know that Cab had the same effect on him. As a result of our schooling, our friends, and our families, we both have developed a strong sense of what we value—and yes, diversity is a large part of that."…Image
Nov 6, 2024 8 tweets 7 min read
Last night “Sarah” McBride, Delaware (D) became the first man-pretending-to-be-a-woman 🏳️‍⚧️to win a U.S. House congressional seat.
As a mom of a child who got caught in the gender web when she was only 13, I was curious when and why “Sarah” thought he was trans. In this @NIH article his
mother describes in detail how the tran$ gender industry stole her son. 🧵…

@BillboardChrisImage 1/ “Sarah” delivers the news of his trans-identity to his parents on Christmas Day 2011. His terrified parents search online for answers and learn via @TransEquality that suicide risk goes from 40% to 20% if parents are supportive.

“And then on Christmas Day 2011, our youngest child, then a junior at American University, president of the student body, and who we believed to be our son at the time, came out to us as transgender. We were totally blindsided. I was devastated, crying uncontrollably. I saw my child’s future crumble, feared violence and envisioned discrimination at every turn. Dave went online immediately to the National Center for Transgender Equality, one of the leading transgender advocacy groups in the country. When he read that more than 40% of transgender people attempt suicide, his heart dropped. But he also read that that with a loving and supportive family, that percentage drops in half. And with a supportive community, it drops even further.”
Oct 25, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
People often ask me "where is gender identity ideology in the public schools?"

For almost 2 years now, @libsoftiktok has been sharing receipts from my daughter's captured schools @DJUSD in Davis, California. To record them all in one place, I've made this thread 🧵

@donoharmImage 1/
Oct 21, 2024 9 tweets 7 min read
Sac State DEI administrators are upset that detransitioner Chloe Cole will be speaking on campus tonight about the 🏳️‍⚧️ tran$ gender industry.

Here is my exposé on how this public institution @sacstate is preying on vulnerable students (quirky, autistic, LGB, lonely, depressed, etc.) to believe they might be "born in the wrong body."

✅ Sac State Pride Center, a welcoming place for students questioning their “gender identity”

✅ If you voice concerns re. gender ideology, you are labeled transphobic, hateful, bigoted by the Chief Diversity Office

✅ Shocking number of trans-identified Sac State students with depression and eating disorders (May 2024 data from American College Health Association)

✅ “Gender affirming care” offered at the Sac State student health services center

✅ All Gender bathrooms and men-pretending-to-be-women should always be welcomed in women’s restrooms

✅ “Intersectionality” identity politics and student activism on Sac State campus

✅ Pronoun rituals and "preferred name" encouraged by the Sac State Queer Trans Faculty and Staff Association (QTFAS)

@pnjaban 1/ The @sacstate Pride Center is a place "to support students through their gender identity exploration" with Peer-Queer 1:1 mentorship, safe space training, free gender affirming clothing closet, Lavender Library books on trans/queer topics, etc. 🏳️‍⚧️…
Oct 20, 2024 13 tweets 7 min read
I wanted proof to show the world there was almost no stopping a trans-identified child from being medically "transitioned" at Kaiser Permanente once your child announced their trans 🏳️‍⚧️ identity. I wanted written records from the pediatricians in my town (Davis, CA) exactly what would be their protocol for medicalizing a child, and if there were any guardrails in place for parents like me who were not affirming.

In order to do this, I pretended my younger child, my 15-year-old son, was interested in starting up on estrogen so he could present as female. Unlike his sister, my son had never experienced any distress over "gender" and wasn't likely to ever see this correspondence between his new pediatrician and me.

Within 2 days, I received all the proof I needed to show how every pediatrician was completely captured by radical gender ideology and no child was safe under Kaiser's care. The responses get more shocking as I ask harder questions 🧵

@donoharmImage 2/ Within 30 minutes, I hear back from my son's pediatrician. She says kids in Davis are often directly referred to the pediatric gender clinic, about an hour away in Oakland. I had already learned about the "Proud Clinic" with my daughter. This is a one-stop shop for transitioning kids with gender specialist counselors, fertility bank for storing sperm/eggs, and surgeons performing mastectomies "top surgery" on girls as young as 13.Image
Oct 18, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Few people understand the pressure we were under, back in 2019, if you had a trans-identified child in California and had Kaiser Permanente health insurance. We were expected to start our kid on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones almost immediately after their 🏳️‍⚧️ declaration. I saved my records from Dr. Hoe, a Kaiser pediatric endocrinologist, who suggested I contact Gender Spectrum (an Oakland-based trans activist group) to get help in overcoming my fears. My daughter was 13 at the time. 🧵

@donoharmImage I asked Dr. Hoe what would be the next steps for a 14-year old, such as Ian, if they met with him. He said he would recommend that they speak with one of Kaiser’s Gender Specialists before proceeding. I told him that Ian already meets with a psychiatrist that is familiar with his mental/physical health. He said that Kaiser has found it is “easier for the (Kaiser) doctors to work directly with Kaisers own Gender Specialists” rather than with the teen’s psychiatrist outside of Kaiser system.
Jul 5, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Why was there such a huge uptick in trans-identified teen boys and girls in Northern California during the covid lockdown?

In 2022, my daughter, along with every other trans-identified 12-17 years-old Kaiser NorCal patient, was invited to an online 'Gender Expression Workshop' led by trans-makeup artist Monica Prata.

After some digging, I discovered this is the same makeup artist that 'transformed' Dr. 'Grace' Firtch, a Kaiser Permanente NorCal physician-in-chief to be a "transgender woman" and along with Dr. Firtch determined to help vulnerable teens do the same. 🏳️‍⚧️

Here is Monica Prata, @aboutKP, Gender Expression Specialist.

@UCDavisHealth In 2019, Dr Grace Firtch (a man pretending to be a woman) hired Monica Prata as Kaiser Permanente's first 'Gender Expression Specialist.' Image
May 25, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
Here is my exposé on how we got to over 1,800 students at UC Davis 'identifying as transgender.'

The entire institution is set up so vulnerable kids fall into the tran$ pipeline from social transition to medical transition. 🧵

✅free 'gender affirming' breast binders (for women) and bras (for men) courtesy of the UC Davis LGBTQ Resource Center

✅free legal 'gender marker' and name changes courtesy of UC Davis School of Law

✅free wrong-sex hormones administered by first and second-year students UC Davis School of Medicine

✅free sex-change surgeries for at the UC Davis Medical Center

✅UC Davis awarded perfect score for transitioning students by the Human Rights Campaign

✅if you voice concerns, you are labeled transphobic, hateful, bigoted by the @UCD_Diversity office


@WomenAreReals @ucdavis provides free BREAST BINDERS and BRAS so students can affirm their transgender identity without their parents knowing.

Listen to this UC Davis (they/them) engineering student give a tour of the UC Davis LGBTQIA Resource Center 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️ This young woman is beautiful, articulate, and clearly kindhearted - but how does she not see that she is promoting the erasure of women, and the loss of women's rights?
