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May 29, 6 tweets

👾What Is An X Space Invader? 👾

Our example comes by way of @JaredPolitics3. We'll break down:

1) His goals
2) His methods
3) How to neuter him


You cannot treat Space Invaders like typical woke activists. @JaredPolitics3's goal isn't to push a specific ideology, instead, his mission is to drag X Space conversations into chaos so that the audience listening cannot distinguish between truth tellers & propagandists.


Space Invaders like @JaredPolitics3 will:

👾disguise their true intentions by appearing to be "centralists"

👾introduce unrelated topics whenever they are cornered, relying on other participants to engage & distract

👾provoke anger to divert from the core topic(s)


Good hosts are vulnerable to Space Invaders because they value opposing views, and Space Invaders happily exploit this goodwill.

Respect your audiences' time, by ensuring it's GAME OVER for Space Invaders like @JaredPolitics3 - never give him a mic again.

See thread above @AmericaMission_ @JenLawrence21 @DustinStockton @xmikemac @jacktronprime @nicksortor @DiligentDenizen @Nance726 @PSP_Podcast @dezzie_rezzie

@AmericaMission_ @JenLawrence21 @DustinStockton @xmikemac @jacktronprime @nicksortor @DiligentDenizen @Nance726 @PSP_Podcast @dezzie_rezzie There we go.

It’s no fun when you’re not the one on offense and wasting everyone’s time.

Too late. Everyone now has the pattern of a Space Invader 👾

Name them. Tag them. Neuter them.

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