Jack’s House 🇺🇦Radio Free NAFO Profile picture
Jazz musician. Radio Free NAFO, an affiliate of Voice of Free America. Fanning the flames of discontent. When a system is unjust, dissent is a civic duty.

Jun 4, 2024, 7 tweets

1) Here we have a unique opportunity: To witness the creation of a propaganda/disinformation account trying to appeal to MAGA. It’s trying to learn how to talk to MAGA to then broadcast messages directly to them, but as a Ukrainian. Let’s begin.⬇️

2) So it follows a bunch of average MAGA accounts. It does this to learn the lingo and the way to communicate with MAGA. It needs to do this before replying to MAGA politicians in order to hopefully get followed by them. “Getting its feet wet”, so to speak. And then⬇️

3) It does reply to Democrat accounts in order to gain MAGA followers to spread its message. Soon, it will most likely begin tweeting in support of Trump. Once it finds the right message to appeal to MAGA. It needs MAGA politicians to follow it most of all. And also⬇️

4) It’s trying to get the attention of Tucker Carlson to gain a platform. Now, the account was just created in May 2024, so its missions and goals are still unclear. But whatever the goals are, it obviously needs MAGA support for it. Now, is this a real person? Yes⬇️

5) What I suspect is this person is, perhaps, being directed by others. It wants to establish dialogue with MAGA as the audience for its messages. I don’t think this is aimed towards Ukrainians. I think this account is aimed towards MAGA Americans. Hence the predominant English.

6) Why else is it following so many MAGA accounts?

7) It also sets itself up in a combative role with NAFO, which will endear it to pro-Russia accounts. Therefore, it can gain more followers for larger broadcast spread to try and drown out NAFO tweets.

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