Jack’s House 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Jazz flutist. I tramp a perpetual journey. Founder of The Walt Whitman Sojourner Society. NAFO forever!
otaria123 Profile picture Sue Strong @strong_sue@mastodon.sdf.org 🇺🇦 Profile picture Bo Burlingham Profile picture Deb_Prothero 🇨🇦☘🇺🇦#NAFOfella Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jul 6 20 tweets 9 min read
1) American Global Strategies came to my attention in May 2024 when I was discovering who Elbridge Colby is connected to. Three men that work for AGS contributed to Project 2025. Two of those 3 are connected to Heritage Foundation. We have a lot to cover, so let’s begin⬇️ Image 2) This is the list of contributors I got from Project 2025. On the right, you see Brian Cavanaugh of AGS. He’s also in Heritage. You also see Elbridge Colby of Marathon Initiative. Marathon is Colby’s own think tank. He’s also in AGS. There’s one more next.⬇️
Jul 4 10 tweets 3 min read
1) To fully understand why fascism is spreading in the United States, you need to see it as a virus. Let’s just call it Fascism Virus. Now, this virus spread throughout Italy and Germany from 1920s to the 1940s. The world thought it eradicated by 1945. But it wasn’t⬇️ Image 2) Because people still believed in Fascism after 1945, the virus was able to survive. But, as we see, the longer it stuck around, it was able to mutate in order to survive. This is where your far right nationalist movements come in with the new variant. And also⬇️ Image
Jul 4 8 tweets 4 min read
1) This OdinHorns is a less skilled Russian troll. But it afforded an opportunity to show how Russian trolls collect information and distribute information to other accounts. The syntax (as seen here) is one way to spot Russian trolls. Let’s keep going.⬇️ Image 2) It’s not only the syntax, but the phrases. These are insults in the Russian language that don’t translate into English well. So the troll is using a translator app that translates the Russian phrases into English gibberish. Let’s keep going.⬇️ Image
Jul 2 12 tweets 5 min read
1) A Short History Of The Current Russian Disinformation Campaign:
For those who aren’t aware, after the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, an information war began between NAFO (North Atlantic Fellas Organization) and the Vatniks (Russian trolls). Now, in the beginning of it…⬇️ Image 2) …the Vatniks (depicted here) were content to try and argue about alleged Russian superiority and brag about winning the war. NAFO retaliated against them and Vatniks in the Russian government itself. Like Mikhail Ulyanov. Ask us later. And so this continued for awhile. But⬇️ Image
Jul 1 15 tweets 6 min read
1) I did some further investigation into the “Democrat friends voting for Trump” narrative. I used a method I use to unmask Russian trolls. I reverse-engineered the method from a tactic Russian trolls use. NAFO knows about it. Here we see an example from 2019. There’s more⬇️ Image 2) Russian trolls use a tactic that involves keyword searches. That’s how they find accounts to post disinformation on. So I use my own keyword search—“Democrat friends voting for Trump”—to uncover where the origin of this information. Such as Marsha Blackburn 5/31/24. And⬇️ Image
Jun 27 8 tweets 3 min read
1) Elbridge Colby now has a new phrase he’s using: “First Island Chain”. Now I know that Colby isn’t especially creative and, I think, actually gets his ideas from elsewhere. So I did some research on this phrase and discovered it has a rather interesting history. Let’s begin⬇️ Image 2) It was actually conceived by John Foster Dulles. Yes, yes, I know. The United Fruit Company and CIA coup guy. We’ll get to that. But we also need to learn more about Dulles. Such as, how many times did this guy botch things or predict things wrong? Let’s find out⬇️ Image
Jun 26 12 tweets 5 min read
1) Now I will reveal something about the school Corey DeAngelis says is so wonderful. It’s circled down there in the CNN clip. Dream City Christian School. In fact, this school is partnered with the scandal-embroiled Grand Canyon University. Read on and I’ll show you.⬇️ Image 2) So I went to Dream City Christian School’s website and found this. They’re partnered with Grand Canyon University and are a “pathway” to GCU. Now let’s see who GCU is and what’s going on with them.⬇️
Jun 24 4 tweets 2 min read
1) This is Jay P. Greene of the Heritage Foundation. What he doesn’t tell you in his bio on the right is that he also works for the Manhattan Institute. In this thread, I will prove that and show the Wall Street corporations that fund Manhattan Institute. Let’s begin⬇️
2) Here you can see from the Manhattan Institute website that Jay P. Greene is a senior fellow there. Next, let’s see more about them.⬇️ Image
Jun 20 7 tweets 3 min read
1) I will now wreck his selfish statement. Circled there is Exhibit A: “MY”. This is the sole motivating force behind their whining. Selfishness. They don’t think they owe anything towards the overall maintenance of the country that gave them the opportunity to succeed. And⬇️ Image 2) John Rich can well afford to pay taxes. As for the “hard earned” statement he made, at his current wealth, he could retire and not have to work so hard. If he does, since artists and musicians do what they do from a consuming inner drive regardless of income. And⬇️ Image
Jun 19 14 tweets 5 min read
1) Some people want to blame Biden for setbacks in Ukraine. Now there’s things people need to understand about the US political apparatus. And you’re not going to like what you hear. Biden is not a military mastermind. NO American president has been since Eisenhower. And now⬇️ Image 2) That guy circled in the screenshot above? That’s Samuel Charap of RAND Corporation. Since the Cold War, RAND has advised the US—and presidents—on national security. Because NO presidential administration people are military masterminds. There’s a lot wrong with this. Like⬇️
Jun 9 13 tweets 6 min read
1) Now this is interesting. This would require an agreement between Russia, Iran, and India. I happen to have some evidence on how this would’ve come about from meetings of key people months ago. Let’s begin.⬇️ Image 2) Several months ago, this man met with Putin and the president of Iran regarding “further development of ties.” He met with Putin in December 2023. He met with the Iranian president in January 2024. And also⬇️
Jun 6 8 tweets 3 min read
1) There’s obviously more than one person behind the Diana Panchenko account. The proof is the syntax. Read this tweet from today 6/6/24. Proper syntax and use of punctuation. Now let’s see a tweet from 5 days ago next⬇️ Image 2) Read this tweet from 6/1/24. Poor English syntax. Jerky punctuation. NO ONE learns how to correct English syntax in five days. Let’s see another example.⬇️ Image
Jun 6 14 tweets 5 min read
1) Yesterday, I revealed that Diana Panchenko might have made a valuable connection through John Mappin. Now this is interesting. Irina Mappin is his wife. Irina is Russian, according to her own website, which I will prove next.⬇️ Image 2) See that circled section? She says she’s from Russia. Which is interesting because other sources say she’s from Kazakhstan. But let’s take a look at her X account and learn more.⬇️ Image
Jun 6 9 tweets 3 min read
1) DDay 80th Anniversary.
“But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate-we can not consecrate-we can not hallow-this ground…”⬇️ Image 2) “The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract…”⬇️ Image
Jun 4 7 tweets 4 min read
1) Here we have a unique opportunity: To witness the creation of a propaganda/disinformation account trying to appeal to MAGA. It’s trying to learn how to talk to MAGA to then broadcast messages directly to them, but as a Ukrainian. Let’s begin.⬇️ Image 2) So it follows a bunch of average MAGA accounts. It does this to learn the lingo and the way to communicate with MAGA. It needs to do this before replying to MAGA politicians in order to hopefully get followed by them. “Getting its feet wet”, so to speak. And then⬇️

Jun 3 8 tweets 4 min read
1) This account is the one the Russians are using now to spread propaganda to the American right wing. And to bring them to viewing Russia as more friendly to the American right than the US government. There’s a few missions it has, which I’ll bring to light. Let’s begin.⬇️ Image 2) One mission is boosting Trump. That alone makes it an attractive account to the American right. And most won’t know BRICS is actually Russian at its core. Which is why BRICS News doesn’t mention that in its bio. Let’s keep going.⬇️
Jun 1 12 tweets 3 min read
1) Let me point out a social dynamic to Elbridge Colby. Now support for Ukraine in terms of the American people is somewhat unprecedented, given the disillusionment after Afghanistan and Iraq. The American people chose to trust the US govt on this, too, which is huge. And⬇️ 2) Suppose the US abandons Ukraine. And suppose Taiwan is invaded. The US govt calls upon the American people to support Taiwan. More than likely, the response will be this: “Oh, no! We’re not falling for this again! You’ll just betray Taiwan in the end!” And why?⬇️
May 29 9 tweets 4 min read
1) YOU’VE GOT TO SEE THIS! I did more digging on this guy that Elbridge Colby retweeted and follows. Ok, those credentials he gives? “Task Force on National & Homeland Security”? It’s a PRIVATE organization. And wait’ll you see a paper he wrote for them! Let’s see it!⬇️
2) First, this is the organization and his bio there. Let’s keep going.⬇️
May 23 11 tweets 5 min read
1) Elbridge Colby has made a tremendous mistake. He retweeted what appears to be a Russian disinformation account. Not only that, but Colby follows this account, and it follows him. I will prove that, and also show you who else this account follows. Let’s get started⬇️ Image 2) First, here is the proof that Colby follows this account and it follows him. Evidently, Colby doesn’t bother to see WHO these accounts are or WHOSE messages he is promoting. Let’s keep going⬇️
May 17 5 tweets 3 min read
1) Heritage Foundation wants state governments to decide whether or not you get a divorce. And make it cost you more money. And waste federal TANF money doing it, too. They’re aiming towards the federal government making divorce harder. I prove all of this in the thread⬇️
2) They fail to understand what causes a lot of marital problems: money. No-fault divorce doesn’t cause divorce. Wages have been declining since the 1970s. The decline in unions, collective bargaining, absurdly low minimum wage, and outsourcing leads up to wage stagnation. And⬇️
May 14 5 tweets 3 min read
1) Say hello to Johnny McEntee, senior advisor for Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. He seems to think it’s funny to distribute counterfeit money to homeless people in hopes they’ll be arrested. In fact, it is McEntee who is committing a federal crime. I will show you next⬇️ 2) What he’s doing is distribution. In the video, he states that he wants people to think it’s real money and use it as such. Hence, intent is there, as well as the crime of distribution. Because he KNOWS it’s fake money. I strongly recommend the FBI be made aware of this. And⬇️ Image