Jazz musician. Radio Free NAFO, an affiliate of Voice of Free America. Fanning the flames of discontent. When a system is unjust, dissent is a civic duty.
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Feb 24 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
1) Trump announced in a tweet that the US is going to enter into economic development transactions with Russia. Here’s an executive action that could even incentivize Russian economic development in the US—at the expense of the environment. Let’s continue⬇️ 2) Russia isn’t a foreign adversary to the Trump administration. So for investments over $1 billion dollars, Trump will basically waive the environmental regulations and laws. Which they’re in the process of abolishing now anyway. Let’s continue⬇️
Feb 24 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
1) The US has now crossed into even more dangerous territory: the politicization of the military. That circled account is pro-Trump, pro-MAGA propaganda account run by DOD. It’s an official account. It exists to fight Democrats, among other things. Let’s look into this⬇️ 2) This is the account. It was just created in the last few days. I’ve never seen anything like this before with DOD. This is exactly what the Founding Fathers feared in terms of the military and having a standing army. The DOD has been radicalized. Let’s continue⬇️
Feb 22 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1) Now I will prove that the US is planning to partner with Russia, using SecState Rubio’s own words. You see this tweet? That circled part is problematic enough. And “cooperation”? Actually, Rubio said PARTNER with Russia geopolitically and economically. Let me show you⬇️ 2) So you can check it out for yourself, you can find this tweet on the Department of State’s X account. Then you click on that circled link, which takes you to that page on the right. Let’s continue⬇️
Feb 21 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
1) Some people wonder why so many Americans support the idea of Trump as a dictator. It’s because they’ve desired one for quite some time now. Someone to persecute their perceived domestic enemies, who they hate because of absurd resentments stoked by GOP for years now. And⬇️
2) They also need a dictator to validate them and give them a sense of self-worth as being “special”. That is, to tell them they’re the “real” Americans. Since the Americans they hate cannot possibly be real Americans with whom they should have to get along with in society. And⬇️
Feb 20 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
1) Now we come to another aspect of building a fascist state: militarism. Oh I’ll catch hell for this one, but it needs to be pointed out. Now, the public hasn’t clamored for this. Really, many say the battle was unnecessary. And we’ll get to that. But let’s continue⬇️ 2) Well of course. It was an amphibious invasion. Where would they retreat to? Back to the sea and swim out to the ships? And it really wasn’t “one of the most consequential campaigns” of WW2. One of the most controversial, yes. Let’s continue⬇️
Feb 20 • 16 tweets • 7 min read
1) Here I discovered a DOGE AI propaganda bot. I thought they were doing this, and now I found one. It’s boosting DOGE propaganda in this tweet by SecDef Hegseth. Why is it so open and obvious? Ego of DOGE personnel. Display of power. Now let’s continue revealing what it is⬇️ 2) Look when it was created, where it is, and its mission statement. We’ll get to who created it later. But first let’s see that website it has next⬇️
Feb 20 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
1) Here’s another dictatorial Trump executive order. This one is straight out of Project 2025. Its purpose is massive deregulation on a scale never seen before, and DOGE will be the one doing it. Environmental protection regulations will end. And lots of others. Let’s begin⬇️ 2) All federal agency heads are powerless, really. Who’s really in charge are the DOGE Team Leads. Those are the Soviet-style commissars in every federal agency who are the actual authorities. Director of OMB is Russ Vought, Project 2025 author. Let’s continue⬇️
Feb 19 • 28 tweets • 11 min read
1) This is the executive order that establishes Trump as dictator. It’s also how Trump is going to get around the court orders and defy them. By forcing federal employees to do it or be fired. So now the president alone interprets law. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s begin⬇️ 2) “The President and the Attorney General, SUBJECT TO THE PRESIDENT’S SUPERVISION AND CONTROL, shall provide authoritative interpretations of law…” This means the AG is a puppet. The president alone interprets law. This is unconstitutional. Let’s continue⬇️
Feb 17 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
1) As I said, the Trump mineral deal for Ukraine is a scam which would condemn Ukraine to indentured servitude. And it would impoverish Ukraine. It’s US colonialism. I have some points from the article to go over, so let’s get started⬇️ 2) So it goes far beyond minerals. This is colonialism. Period. And it entails reparations to the United States which is absolutely disgusting. As if the US was somehow the “injured” party here. Not only that, but the reparations can’t be achieved. Let’s continue⬇️
Feb 16 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
1) Now this Russian disinformation account is interesting. It’s actually a rebranded one that called itself “US Civil Defense News” previously. And I will prove it in this thread. It camouflages itself to look like an official government account. So let’s begin⬇️ 2) So this is its profile. Notice that circled part. Ok, now let’s go to its previous incarnation next⬇️
Feb 15 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
1) This is another Trump scam that Zelenskyy was wise to reject. Some people will see that circled part as a good deal. It’s far from that. It’s a terrible deal for Ukraine and the American people both. It has to do with Rules Of Engagement (ROE). So let’s begin⬇️ 2) Read it this way. US troops would not be there to guard Ukrainians. They would be there to guard minerals. The mines and smelters. And the ROE would make that clear. Meaning they wouldn’t intervene in anything unless mining assets were threatened. Let’s continue⬇️
Feb 13 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1) Everyone, you have got to start reading Trump’s executive orders, taking screenshots, and talking about them publicly. The news isn’t going to do it for you. They’re not reading them. So I’m going to show you how it’s done. You go to this website. Click on it. And then⬇️ 2) It takes you to this. You scroll down this page a little bit. And then⬇️
Feb 13 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
1) I’m afraid I have more bad news. (And when is the news going to start monitoring the White House website and READING these executive orders?!) Trump alone will decide the entire foreign policy of the US. And everyone in State Dept has to agree with it. Let’s begin⬇️ 2) Again, the archaic and inherent flaws in the Constitution have screwed us. We could very well be led into avoidable wars with no one in the State Dept to caution against the progression towards one in US foreign policy. The president alone decides it. Let’s continue⬇️
Feb 13 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
1) You can take from this what you will. You can’t be attached to the United States’ ego construct. It can’t help being what it is. It’s the product of its history (which isn’t what you think it is) and its archaic and political system. It doesn’t know any better. You see⬇️
2) It will act selfishly because that’s what it knows. It was raised that way. Why do you think it stole land from Native Americans, Mexico, and others? As a nation, its political history has been a parade of incompetence, greed, and selfishness. It never grew out of it. And⬇️
Feb 12 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
1) Some people are still clinging to the illusion that Trump is going to do something great for Ukraine. Here’s SecDef Hegseth to shed some light on that. Now, people should be aware all Trump officials were chosen for loyalty to Trump and his agenda. Let’s continue⬇️ 2) Here, SecDef Hegseth is pointing out his message is coming straight from the president. Now, I know some people will dig in their heels and cling stubbornly to illusion nonetheless. “It’s just a Trump negotiation tactic!”, they’ll say. Well, let’s see more, shall we?⬇️
Feb 11 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
1) Now I will prove that Trump is not only an insane imbecile, but a threat to peace in the Middle East. Read that circled statement. Why would Jordan threaten war over this. There are two major reasons the US and Israel are well aware of that I will show you. Let’s begin⬇️ 2) The first reason Jordan won’t accept a million Palestinians has to do with their own history. Specifically, what a Palestinian terrorist organization called Black September tried to do. Jordan is not going to risk this happening again via infiltration by Hamas. And also⬇️
Feb 11 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
1) On the face of it, there’s nothing that appears wrong with this. However, there’s an underlying current we should be aware of. And that is pulling the military closer to the president and not just the quaint artifact of civilian control of military. Let’s continue⬇️ 2) The Founding Fathers made a serious mistake. They feared a military coup and forgot that a president can use the civilian control of the military to use them as the enforcers of his own coup. We’ll get to the oath later. Let’s continue⬇️
Feb 11 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
1) It’s not enough that the president is insane, but so is the unelected fraud now threatening to end social programs. He has now named himself a pun on “Hairy Balls” and thinks it witty. What it really shows is that he’s not a serious person. Let’s continue⬇️ 2) Is it really Muskal or a parody account? It’s really him. The MAGA will think this “owns the libs.” What it does is make a mockery and an absurd box office flop comedy of the US government. The world sees the US can’t be taken seriously. Iran will especially see that. And⬇️
Feb 7 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
1) Trump is creating a de facto state religion by executive orders. The reason he can do it is because of a flaw in the First Amendment. It says “CONGRESS shall make no law”. It doesn’t say the president can’t. And that’s why SCOTUS won’t intervene. Let’s continue⬇️ 2) I discovered this a few days ago regarding an executive order that includes instructions to target private businesses who have DEI. It’s now obvious they think they’ve found a loophole in the First Amendment. Let’s continue⬇️
Feb 6 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
1) At last they reveal where I knew they were going with this. They’re going to forge documents that “prove” a conspiracy by USAID and Democrats to “steal” the 2020 election. Then they will target Democrat opposition in Congress for mass arrest. And the role of DOGE is⬇️ 2) I would say DOGE is not just mining data from government databases but putting forged data into it. Not only that, but they’re identifying who they see as the enemies of their fascist state for arrest. Let’s continue⬇️
Feb 1 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
1) So people are talking about this attack on private corporation DEI policies by state AGs. This one specifically targets Costco. They refer to the Trump executive order. We’ll get to that. The problem here is a First Amendment issue. Let’s continue⬇️ 2) Here’s the state attorney generals who signed it to threaten Costco. Yes, this is an overt violation of government boundaries in regards to free enterprise. But we need to see the Trump executive order next⬇️