Wajahat Mughal Profile picture
Part time Doctor | Full time Degen | I make content covering crypto on chain. Substack - https://t.co/zgQmVUNiBp Core @ivx_fi

Jun 4, 11 tweets

Wow, almost half way through the year already, time goes fast and so do the juicy yields.

Here is how to take advantage of them with Farms Of The Month - June 2024

The best ETH and Stablecoin farms for you to enjoy this month 👇

Have a look at last months farms for some of the best opportunities, many of which will still have great yields for you to earn from.

Lets jump into this months opportunities with some of them below!

USD3 - RTokens @reserveprotocol

USD3 is a new stable backed by USDC, PYUSD and DAI all of which are in yield generating strategies in AAVE, Compound and DSR.
Due to @reserveprotocol's gov power, $USD3 itself can be incentivised.

Some juicy yields on @CurveFinance & @AerodromeFi

Basis trade on Hyperliquid / HLP

With funding rates increasing on certain alts, manually doing the basis trade by holding spot and shorting on @HyperliquidX is one that can generate you some income + points.

HLP is also another option as it has been for quite some time.

Timeswap @TimeswapLabs

Consistently one of the best places for high yields in DeFi. Back again with another banging pool introducing @pendle_fi PT pools for USDe

Get leveraged USDe exposure or lend stable for high double digit yields.

Protocol FX @protocol_fx

As has been the case for some time, FX stable coins have consistently offered high double digits yields for you farmers.

Here’s my ref link if you wanted to mint some yourself! fx.aladdin.club/assets/?code=0…

Ethena @ethena_labs

Funding on both BTC & ETH has increased in recent weeks. Consequently sUSDe yield jumped above 30%

There’s also some good farms with @pendle_fi PT tokens

Synonym @synonymfinance

Following their recent announcement now being live on Scroll, farm a combination of:
Scroll marks
Yield upto 26%
$W and $ARB via BIPS

Pretty underrated farm imo. Will be sharing my thoughts on this tomorrow.

JLP @JupiterExchange

JLP is the liquidity pool token powering Jupiters perps. 30% APY, solid appreciation. Not a bad option for you guys.

Pendle @pendle_fi

Always one of the best. Plenty of opportunities for stables, ETH and alt coins. PT tokens or Liquidity pools - theres yield for you!

Let me know what and where you're farming, as always will be back again next month!

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