Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Jun 5, 12 tweets


I just released the first episode of my new show—Straight Down the Middle—where I take a look at the Trump Verdict and what it REALLY means from a constitutional perspective.



Straight Down the Middle — The Trump Verdict —Ep. 1

The Trump hush-money criminal trial verdict is in—and it's guilty. What does it mean? And what's next?

Professor of law at @YaleLawSch, one-time federal prosecutor, and constitutional law scholar.


@YaleLawSch For this who prefer to watch on 𝕏

Spend 23 minutes learning from Yale Law Professor @Jed_Rubenfeld to understand the basics of the Trump verdict, its flaws, the constitutional Issues, and the next steps.



@YaleLawSch @Jed_Rubenfeld The case is mentioned at approximately 11 minutes intro the video.

U.S. v. Pirro
United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. August Term, 1999
May 5, 2000
212 F.3d 86 (2d Cir. 2000)


@YaleLawSch @Jed_Rubenfeld Thank you for having me on, Michael!

Check-out my discussion with Michael Smerconish on his podcast where we discuss the Trump verdict and what it could mean going forward.



@YaleLawSch @Jed_Rubenfeld "It's A Dangerous Precedent." Michael was intrigued by a take on #Trump's #guilty #verdict that many may disagree with, so he took one last look at the #case with Yale #Law Professor @Jed_Rubenfeld.



@YaleLawSch @Jed_Rubenfeld "It's A Dangerous Precedent": One last look at the Trump verdict with Yale Law Professor Jed Rubenfeld…

@YaleLawSch @Jed_Rubenfeld Yale Law Prof @Jed_Rubenfeld breaks down Trump's guilty verdict, raising big issues: unclear charges, selective prosecution, and a non-unanimous verdict. Targeting your political opponents this way is a dangerous precedent to set.



@YaleLawSch @Jed_Rubenfeld I highly recommend watching Yale Law Professor analysis of @realDonaldTrump Guilty Verdict: 'There are some serious constitutional problems with this case'



@YaleLawSch @Jed_Rubenfeld @realDonaldTrump Trump Guilty Verdict: “There are some serious constitutional problems with this case”

Yale Law Professor Jed Rubenfeld lays out the basics and problems of the verdict: “What exactly was Trump just found guilty of?”


@YaleLawSch @Jed_Rubenfeld @realDonaldTrump Surprisingly crisp analysis from a Yale Law professor of constitutional law


He is the husband of based Tiger Mom and buddy of @VivekGRamaswamy so no surprise he writes sense.



@YaleLawSch @Jed_Rubenfeld @realDonaldTrump @VivekGRamaswamy The remarkable part about the first-ever conviction of a former U.S. President is that the jurors were told they didn’t even have to agree on what the crime was. Beautifully explained by my friend



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