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Jazz musician. Radio Free NAFO, an affiliate of Voice of Free America. Fanning the flames of discontent. When a system is unjust, dissent is a civic duty.

Jun 6, 2024, 8 tweets

1) There’s obviously more than one person behind the Diana Panchenko account. The proof is the syntax. Read this tweet from today 6/6/24. Proper syntax and use of punctuation. Now let’s see a tweet from 5 days ago next⬇️

2) Read this tweet from 6/1/24. Poor English syntax. Jerky punctuation. NO ONE learns how to correct English syntax in five days. Let’s see another example.⬇️

3) Here’s a longer tweet from today, 6/6/24. Proper syntax and punctuation on a longer tweet. Now let’s compare it to a tweet from 5 days ago.⬇️

4) Here, a very short sentence by Panchenko has poor syntax. And let’s see another.⬇️

5) Again, poor syntax and errors on a much shorter text. Let’s see another.⬇️

6) Again, the poor syntax from only 5 days ago. And again, NO ONE learns to master English syntax that fast. Let’s keep going.⬇️

7) Compare them. On the left is a tweet from today 6/6/24. On the right is a tweet from 6/1/24. There is NO WAY one person learned to master English syntax so fast. There’s obviously more than one person behind the “Diana Panchenko” account. One is fluent in English. Or⬇️

8) Or it’s possible Diana Panchenko cuts and pastes from a “script” of replies on a spreadsheet. Or pastes replies given to her by someone else. I’ve caught Russian trolls doing that before. Even if that’s the case, there’s still more than one person behind the account.

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