Kriegsforscher Profile picture
Private entrepreneur before the full-scale invasion. Right now serve in the Ukrainian Marine Corps (air recon unit).

Jun 9, 10 tweets

My friend Danylo, who serves in Ukrainian SOF, shared with me some footages from the part of the front where he is «working» every day as a part of a fire support unit.

Since April Russians have become more active at Southern part of D oblast and attack them almost every day🧵

That the tank that was destroyed at the video🔥

Danylo shared with some of his thoughts about Russian tactics, artillery and the enemy forces 👇

Yeap, that pretty lady is a part of his group🫡 Unfortunately I cannot show you her face.

So. If we compare, for example, Vovchansk and the part where Danylo is it’s totally different. From one point of view.

One year ago UAF launched a counteroffensive at this area. Since then RUAF are trying to bring the territory back.

And, frankly speaking, it’s pointless and gives them nothing.

So they fire 2-3 guided bombs (near Vovchansk it’s 15-30) per day and fire from 152 mm artillery.

Firstly Russians were crossing the open field on their foot. Not a lot of them managed to do it.

But they have a lot of manpower so not a big deal.

Echoes of war.

They tried to cover their movements with a lot of FPV drones and tried not to allow our infantry to reach their positions during the rotation.

Unfortunately, it was quite successful.

Just today. Danylo in his group working with drones trying not to allow Russians to move forward.

Then Russians tried to use a lot of motorcycles and bare infantry.

Sometimes even 6 artillery pieces at once were firing at their positions.

Some more BMPs🔥

Destroyed T-80BV👌

Danylo right now urgently needs your financial support — 3 DJI drones. Unfortunately, RUAF there have more recon and FVP drones.

The price is 5000$. ASAP we gather I order them. Please support.



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